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Everything posted by buda

  1. Hello master scripters, is it possible to DISABLE this script for the players that are "overweight" ? Merry xmas master scripters! - script YggPsdsssdssddrize -1,{ OnMinute00: OnMinute10: OnMinute20: OnMinute30: OnMinute40: OnMinute50: set .@num, query_sql("SELECT `account_id` FROM `char` WHERE `online` = '1'",.@j); for(set .@i,0; .@i<.@num; set .@i,.@i+1) { attachrid(.@j[.@i]); if (!checkvending() && !checkchatting()) getitem 607,1; dispbottom "You received a f*king ygg"; detachrid; } end; }
  2. Master Annie, thanks for the scripts!!! on the other hand, can we reedit the script, because it is not working, huhuhuhuhu
  3. wow! thanks master euphy and master pojeee!!! have a blessed day to you both!
  4. Thanks master catac for the quick response! i mean, they should all have a ygg on OnMinute15: OnMinute30: OnMinute45: OnMinute00: but not individual timer per payer
  5. Masters, i need your help, can we make this happen? The script for now is not working.... i need your powerful scripting energy!!!! thanks master scripters!!! Advance MErry Xmas! - script 15mins -1,{ OnMinute15: OnMinute30: OnMinute45: OnMinute00: if ( checkvending() != 2 ) { // Skip autotrade getitem 607, 1; dispbottom "You received 1 Yggdrasil Berry by staying for 15 minutes."; } } Credit to: Master Keyworld
  6. Guys, can we convert the hourly points into ygg every 10 minutes? This is for Active Players and Idle Players But NOT for Vending players Merry Christmas Master Scripters! //===== Hourly Points Script ========================================= //===== By: ========================================================== //= nostafu //===== Current Version: ============================================= //= 1.3 //===== Compatible With: ============================================= //= Any eAthena Version //===== Description: ================================================= //= Get Points every successful hours of gameplay, you cannot get //= the points even if you miss a second or a minute. A player will //= get a very big bonus if they played 12 hours consecutively //= or without logging out of the game. If the player is vending //= the script will then stop. //==================================================================== - script Hourly Points -1,{ //--Start of the Script OnPCLoginEvent: attachnpctimer ""+strcharinfo(0)+""; initnpctimer; end; OnTimer30000: //Check if Vending (normal or @at) if(checkvending() >= 1 || checkchatting() == 1) { dispbottom "Your Hourly Points have stopped because you were vending / chatting. Please relog if you wish to start again."; stopnpctimer; end; } //Check if Idle getmapxy( .@map$, .@x, .@y, 0 ); if(@map$ == .@map$ && @x == .@x && @y == .@y) { set @afk, @afk + 1; } //If move timer resets else { set @afk, 0; } set @map$, .@map$; set @x, .@x; set @y, .@y; //Idle Check for 30 Minutes if(@afk == 30) { dispbottom "Your Hourly Points have stopped because you were idle for 30 minutes. Please relog if you wish to start again."; stopnpctimer; end; } end; OnTimer60000: set #minute, #minute + 1; //Check for 1 Minute if(#minute == 60){ set #minute,0; set .@point_amt, 10; //Points to get every hour (default: 10) set #KAFRAPOINTS, #KAFRAPOINTS + .@point_amt; dispbottom "You received "+.@point_amt+" Hourly Points by staying in Rychi Infinity Ragnarok Online Server for 1 hour."; dispbottom "Current Balance = "+#KAFRAPOINTS+" Hourly Points"; set @consecutive_hour, @consecutive_hour + 1; } //Check for 12 hours consecutive if(@consecutive_hour == 12) { set @consecutive_hour,0; set .@cpoint_amt, 50; //Points to get for 12 Consecutive hours (default: 50) set #KAFRAPOINTS, #KAFRAPOINTS + .@cpoint_amt; dispbottom "You received "+.@cpoint_amt+" Hourly Points in playing for 12 consecutive hours."; dispbottom "Current Balance = "+#KAFRAPOINTS+" Hourly Points"; } stopnpctimer; initnpctimer; end; } //--End of the Script
  7. Thanks Master Anie and Master Ocean... Please come at my house on December 25! i will treat you both! hahaahahah thanks for your efforts, i hope we can fix the final script, cuz it is not working I have a thought, can we convert the hourly points to ygg berry every 15 minutes? Includes: online players and AFK player Excludes: Vending players //===== Hourly Points Script ========================================= //===== By: ========================================================== //= nostafu //===== Current Version: ============================================= //= 1.3 //===== Compatible With: ============================================= //= Any eAthena Version //===== Description: ================================================= //= Get Points every successful hours of gameplay, you cannot get //= the points even if you miss a second or a minute. A player will //= get a very big bonus if they played 12 hours consecutively //= or without logging out of the game. If the player is vending //= the script will then stop. //==================================================================== - script Hourly Points -1,{ //--Start of the Script OnPCLoginEvent: attachnpctimer ""+strcharinfo(0)+""; initnpctimer; end; OnTimer30000: //Check if Vending (normal or @at) if(checkvending() >= 1 || checkchatting() == 1) { dispbottom "Your Hourly Points have stopped because you were vending / chatting. Please relog if you wish to start again."; stopnpctimer; end; } //Check if Idle getmapxy( .@map$, .@x, .@y, 0 ); if(@map$ == .@map$ && @x == .@x && @y == .@y) { set @afk, @afk + 1; } //If move timer resets else { set @afk, 0; } set @map$, .@map$; set @x, .@x; set @y, .@y; //Idle Check for 30 Minutes if(@afk == 30) { dispbottom "Your Hourly Points have stopped because you were idle for 30 minutes. Please relog if you wish to start again."; stopnpctimer; end; } end; OnTimer60000: set #minute, #minute + 1; //Check for 1 Minute if(#minute == 60){ set #minute,0; set .@point_amt, 10; //Points to get every hour (default: 10) set #KAFRAPOINTS, #KAFRAPOINTS + .@point_amt; dispbottom "You received "+.@point_amt+" Hourly Points by staying in Rychi Infinity Ragnarok Online Server for 1 hour."; dispbottom "Current Balance = "+#KAFRAPOINTS+" Hourly Points"; set @consecutive_hour, @consecutive_hour + 1; } //Check for 12 hours consecutive if(@consecutive_hour == 12) { set @consecutive_hour,0; set .@cpoint_amt, 50; //Points to get for 12 Consecutive hours (default: 50) set #KAFRAPOINTS, #KAFRAPOINTS + .@cpoint_amt; dispbottom "You received "+.@cpoint_amt+" Hourly Points in playing for 12 consecutive hours."; dispbottom "Current Balance = "+#KAFRAPOINTS+" Hourly Points"; } stopnpctimer; initnpctimer; end; } //--End of the Script
  8. hmmmmm,, so this will be our final script master scripters? - script itemall -1,{ OnMinute00: OnMinute15: OnMinute30: OnMinute45: freeloop 1; while ( getusers(1) > .@count ) { .@nb = query_sql("select account_id, name from `char` where online = 1 limit 128 offset "+ .@count, .@aid,.@name$ ); .@i = 0; while ( .@i < .@nb ) { if ( !checkvending( .@name$[.@i] ) && !checkchatting( .@name$[.@i] ) getitem "Yggdrasilberry_Box", 1,.@aid[.@i]; .@i++; } .@count += 128; } freeloop 0; end; }
  9. does it delitem master scripters? because it is a bet
  10. thanks for the quick response master scrpters, how can i edit this into vending only, ? if ( !checkvending( .@name$[.@i] ) && !checkchatting( .@name$[.@i] ) how can i delete the checkchatting?
  11. guys, the script below is a lucky pick for every 15 mins for only one person, but how can i edit it into all the online players? thanks master scripters!!! - script AutoFunEvent -1,{ OnMinute15: OnMinute30: OnMinute45: OnMinute00: while(1) { query_sql "select account_id from `char` where online = 1 order by rand() limit 1", .@aid; attachrid .@aid; if(CheckVending()) { DetachRID(); continue; } announce strcharinfo(0) +" has won the Rychi Lucky Pick Event!!!", 0; getitem 607,1 break; } end; } dear master scripters, how can i have an auto reward to all the players online every 5 minutes except for the vendors?
  12. Is it possible to have a big numbers count down timer for WOE? lets sat everyday from 8:58 to 9:00 countdown.. thanks master scripters!!!!
  13. Thanks Master scripters for granting 100% of my requests!!!! now i would like to request this: 1/3 chance to multiply a selected item from their inventory to 3. ________________________________________________ Details: 1. the player should know the ID for the item that he/she wants to bet that is located in their inventory, therefore, auto @itemlist when clicking the npc. 2. They will input the ID... (the bet)..and its triple or nothing time!!! 3. Advance merry xmas to all of you master scripters!!! thanks and goodluck!
  14. i mean, gagawa po mismo , ibang ID po.. anu anu lng po kaya ang mga gagalawing files,,, thanks sa reply master Black
  15. I never thought that this simple request will be this complicated. hahahahaah... morover, 100% of my script requests are solved by all of you guys!!! thanks to all of you master scripters!!!
  16. Master Euphy's Script is Super Duper Correct and it meets 101% of my expectation.... The only problem i encounter is the 10M limit. huhuhuhu,, i hope we can bypass it you mean the input amount ? trunk/conf/script_athena.conf // Default value of the 'max' argument of the script command 'input'. // When the 'max' argument isn't provided, this value is used instead. // Defaults to INT_MAX. //input_max_value: 2147483647 input_max_value: 10000000 EDIT : btw... it should be something similar to euphy post above...or zeny = zeny + (( !rand(5) )? ( .@i * 5 ):.@i ); input_max_value: 10000000 so, the 10m came from this one... of i change it to input_max_value: 100000000 (100m) this will be ok? input_max_value: 100000000 (100m) done! case closed! thanks master scripters!!!!!
  17. So master scripters, how can we exceed it into 10M ? I hope we can do it! The future is within us! https://rathena.svn....c/blackjack.txt L_Play: mes "[Dealer]"; mes "Please place your bets..."; next; menu "2z",M_1a, "10z",M_1b, "20z",M_1c, "100z",M_1d, "Too rich for my blood....",M_End; M_1a: if(Zeny < 2) goto sL_NotEnuf; set @bet, 2; goto L_Cont0; M_1b: if(Zeny < 10) goto sL_NotEnuf; set @bet, 10; goto L_Cont0; M_1c: if(Zeny < 20) goto sL_NotEnuf; set @bet, 20; goto L_Cont0; M_1d: if(Zeny < 100) goto sL_NotEnuf; set @bet, 100; goto L_Cont0; ..... sL_Win: mes "[Dealer]"; mes "Congratulations, you've won!"; next; set Zeny, Zeny + @bet; goto L_Play; sL_Lose: mes "[Dealer]"; mes "I'm sorry but you've lost."; set Zeny, Zeny - @bet; next; goto L_Play; up your post <3 prontera,158,177,5 script kdjfhkshf2 100,{ if ( !zeny ) { mes "you don't have any zeny left to bet <3"; close; } input .@i, 1, zeny; mes "are you sure you want to bet "+ .@i +" zeny ?"; next; if ( select ( "yes", "no" ) == 2 ) close; if ( .@i *5 + zeny > 1000000000 ) { // prevent zeny lost mes "you can't bet more than the amount of zeny you can carry"; close; } if ( zeny < .@i ) mes "don't cheat me by using @mail"; else if ( !rand(1) ) { mes "you win"; zeny = zeny + ( .@i *5 ); } else { mes "you lose"; zeny -= .@i; } close; } EDIT: suddenly feel like making Roulette script ... can be fun XD but nah ... no time atm, better make battleground script EDIT2: totally forgotten about @mail again ... damn http://www.goodbonus...heory-myth.html http://wizardofodds....etting-systems/ ... fun article can learn something new even with simple script My nose is bleeding while reading this
  18. thanks master scripter! What a Very Undestandable Script.... but i dont understand why the NPC limits the zeny for 10M ? Even i Bet for 100M, and still, 10M is the max bet? <---------------------------
  19. The Players will input a certain amount of zeny Condition: 20% chance to multiply the player's bet by 5 times. thanks to all of you Master scripters!!!! thanks for helping me all the time...... Take care guys!
  20. whahahahahah,, 4 spaces will be considered as tab. i learned something for this day.. thanks master!
  21. If you type four consecutive spaces in a tag, it'll magically turn into a tab [/font][/color][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]really? [/font][/color]
  22. Hello master scripters.. i have a gold room with a time limit.. help me how to @doommap quiz_02 every 8pm
  23. is there any chance that we can put percentheal 100,100; ?
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