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Posts posted by brayan305

  1. Hi guys again.. im requesting help on something , Example im using the neoncube's patcher and this is my set-up

    server_name   		 = MyServerName
    notice_url   		 = MyServerName.no-ip.org/#mod-news
    patch_site   		 = [url="http://MyServerName.no-ip.org/#mod-downloads"]http://MyServerName..../#mod-downloads[/url]
    patch_port   		 = 80
    patch_list   		 = Patcher/patchlist.txt
    patch_folder   		 = Patcher/patches/01112011.gpf
    executable   		 = MyServerName.exe
    registration_link	= MyServerName.no-ip.org/index.php#register
    skin   				 = skin_red
    grf_file   		 = data.grf
    Backup_GRF   		 = 1
    startup_option   		 = 3
    debug_mode			  = 0  
    archive_passphrase	  = American Idiot

    The Thing is im using Wamp Server to host my own server and no-ip so people don't actually type my IP to go to the website.

    Anyhow..Is it posible to host your own website and yet make the patcher ( neoncube ) to work? because im always getting the error "Failed to get patchlist.txt"

    Also i gotthe Patcher ( Folder )/Patchlist.txt on my Wamp/www folder ( for those who knows how wamp works )...Same with Patcher/patches


    If you know how to fix it please PLEASE. let me know lol ty for your time.

  2. If you see an apple it means that your item doesn't exist in your item_db (or SQL). But you have been able to create it because it was present before.

    For indicate the server, you must edit clientinfo.xml (included in your grf, you can also use it from the data folder). If you got a no-ip adress use it in <address></address>

    Anyways i just wanna put some custom items on a 2nd GRF with out erroring and for my client.exe to pick it up.

    I know what your trying to say. and i do know this but maybe i expressed in a bad way that you didn't understand what i said , What im trying to say is that

    im using wamp server with a website. but no matter how many times i followed up to 7 guides so far , i can't work with the neoncube / patcher , as it won't work 4 me.

    im just asking , is it possible for neoncube to work with wamp/no-ip websites ( the ones your hosting on your own )

  3. Let me try give me a second -- Anyways since your helping me on this ( Thanks a lot , i appreciate it. ) Do you know anything of how to make a patcher work using no-ip and wamp?hosting it through your own pc.

    ---------------Update it kind of works now? i think it works , i just see every item from 2nd.grf as an apple and if i equip them i can't see them-----------

    What am i missing?

  4. 45001,Black_Avian_Wings,Black_Avian_Wings,5,,0,10,,10,,1,0xFFFFFFFF,7,2,512,,1,1,1141,{},{},{}








    And i shouldn't get gravity error cuz i did added the customs right , but i just made a new grf , cuz my 1st grf is already too full..

  5. Well that's were i'm really not sure of , i added 8 custom items into my "testing.grf = 2nd.grf" and when i go ingame to create it , it won't come up it only says "Item cannot be created - Item created"

    That means that there are no .spr .act lua files etc. all that or am i wrong?

  6. Hi guys i'm having trouble with enabling multiple grf's on any client.exe i try , i have tried so far every diff patcher , shin's patcher , the original ones ( i think )

    and so far im not successful i can't make my client read my other Grf for some reason... Anyways

    I am asking to anyone to please lend me a hand in here , how do i do it exactly or can you make me a client.exe ( fully english ) that reads multiple-grf's

    and the basic things on it.. Anyways im using Renewal SVN 650 Version.

    Again this is my last resort i tried everything so far on my own and i just can't figure it out on my own..Hoping to get some help.

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