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RavenThorne's Achievements


Poring (1/15)



  1. Our server wanted to implement an NPC that grants players the ability to gain base level milestone gifts after obtaining certain levels. If someone could help us craft it, that would be fantastic. Here's the features we'd like it to have. Players will receive milestone rewards at PRE-TRANS base level 50/70/90. Players can only receive these prizes 3 times per milestone per account and should be account locked. (So when their 4th character hits lvl 50, the npc will tell them "sorry you've reached your prize limit) Lvl 50 Items: ID# 607 x5 & #610 x5 Lvl 70 Items: ID# 607 x10 & #610 x10 Lvl 90 Items: #607 x15 #610 x15 #616 x1 Let me know if you have any questions. We appreciate the help!
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