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Everything posted by JeffShadow90

  1. Hi. I need to patch the clientinfo using thor patcher.. but everytime that I patch it when I login it says to me failed to connect to server.. Why? I mean.. I'm sure I'm patching it right. (I think it could be for the unicode or ascii code) Can anybody help me?
  2. In my server the taekwon ranker is doing the right kick and it should be ok.. but once the kicks combo starts the stances still trigger and stops the kicks combo. I think this is the code: case TK_MISSION: if( (sd->class_&MAPID_UPPERMASK) != MAPID_TAEKWON ) {// Cannot be used by Non-Taekwon classes clif_skill_fail(sd,skill,0,0); return 0; } break; case TK_READYCOUNTER: case TK_READYDOWN: case TK_READYSTORM: case TK_READYTURN: case TK_JUMPKICK: if( (sd->class_&MAPID_UPPERMASK) == MAPID_SOUL_LINKER ) {// Soul Linkers cannot use this skill clif_skill_fail(sd,skill,0,0); return 0; } break; case TK_TURNKICK: case TK_STORMKICK: case TK_DOWNKICK: case TK_COUNTER: if ((sd->class_&MAPID_UPPERMASK) == MAPID_SOUL_LINKER) return 0; //Anti-Soul Linker check in case you job-changed with Stances active. if(!(sc && sc->data[sC_COMBO])) return 0; //Combo needs to be ready if (pc_famerank(sd->status.char_id,MAPID_TAEKWON)) { //Unlimited Combo if (skill == sd->skillid_old) { status_change_end(&sd->bl, SC_COMBO, INVALID_TIMER); sd->skillid_old = sd->skilllv_old = 0; return 0; //Can't repeat previous combo skill. } break; } if(sc->data[sC_COMBO]->val1 != skill) { //Cancel combo wait. unit_cancel_combo(&sd->bl); return 0; } Is there something wrong? O.o
  3. Ok I have a few questions: 1)The media/item/ folder must be inside th cp folder right? 2)To view the changes do I have to re-install the fluxCP? 3)the code should be like this? <th><img src="/media/item/<?php echo htmlspecialchars($item->item_id) ?>.gif" onerror="ImgError(this);"></th> <td><?php echo htmlspecialchars($item->item_id) ?></td> <?php if ($image=$this->itemImage($item->item_id)): ?> Thanks
  4. We found a nice novice sprite, the movement is going well but the attack is bugged (character freezes and attack standing still). This is because the attack sprite is missing. We would like to add an attack sprite. We managed to change a sprite for the GM attack. But we don't know how to make the novice job having a unique sprite or adapt a new one for novice. Thanks
  5. Hi. Can someone tell me how to add the item icons inside the control panel?
  6. ok but I actually need to have every single number (10 numbers) to be setted as a variable... I mean: I need @number1 @number2 @number3 and so on.... how can I do it with your script that is too advanced for my little brain XD if you could make an example of a random between 0,20 I would be very glad Thanks
  7. hi. I'm making a random number that must not match with others random numbers set before. //1 ---- first number ------ set @n1 rand(0,20); //2 ----- second number ------- set @n2 rand(0,20); if (@n2 == @n1) { // if the number given by set random is equal to @n1 set, @n2 rand(0,20); // set it again } else { // if it is different it will save the value to @n2a set @n2a, @n2 } //3 ----- third number ------- set @n3 rand(0,20); if (@n3 == @n1 && @n3 == @n2) { //same as up set @n3 rand(0,20); else { set @n3a, @n3 } In this code if the value match others value it will be resetted to a new random number. The problem is that it will be resetted only once.. how can I make it returning until the "else" condition is satisfied? Thanks
  8. hI. I have a doubt: if I do && in a script like: if (@nx =! @n1 && @n2 && @n3 && @n4 && ect....) { is it going to consider true when @nx =! [@n1 and @n2 and @n3, and so on...] like it have to be always the same value for each different variable... right? I need it to see if @nx is different from every single variable! like saying that there MUST not be a variable with the same value of @nx in the list. I thought that "||" could work but I'm afraid that it will consider only @n1 "OR" @n2 "OR" @n3 I mean: for example: @nx =! @n4 but it is = to @n3 will be the function activated anyway? Tiny problem but so hard to describe Thanks Jeffo
  9. Hi. I wanted to know how do I make an item (es.: Giant fly wing) unlimited to the use... I mean that you can use it but it do not dissapear.. you can use it infinite time Thanks
  10. yes we would like to know how to fix this.. anyway we are using navicat.. in a host server.
  11. Hi. I need to change the fact that when I compleate the quest the dungeon allow all the account and not only the player character dabbey3: if(checkquest(abbey2)==-1){ mes "[Warper]"; mes "To gain access to the MVP level you have to bring me ^FF3300250 Torn Magic Book^000000, then you'll be able to enter as many time as you like."; announce "New Quest: Abbey Lv 3 MvP",bc_blue|bc_self; setquest abbey2; close2; cutin "fly_trock",255; end; } else if(checkquest(abbey2)==1){ if(countitem(7117)<250){ mes "[Warper]"; mes "Bring me ^FF3300250 Torn Magic Book^000000, then you'll be able to enter as many time as you like."; close2; cutin "fly_trock",255; end; }else{ mes "[Warper]"; mes "excellent, you have all the objects, now you can warp as many time as you like."; delitem 7117,250; announce "Quest Completed: Abbey Lv 3 MvP",bc_blue|bc_self; completequest abbey2; close2; set lastmap$,"abbey03"; set lastx,120; set lasty,10; warp "abbey03.gat",120,10; end; }}else if(checkquest(abbey2)==2){ set lastmap$,"abbey03"; set lastx,120; set lasty,10; warp "abbey03.gat",120,10; end; }else if(checkquest(abbey2)==0){ mes "[Warper]"; mes "The quest has not been activated."; cutin "fly_trock",255; close; end; } cutin "fly_trock",255; }
  12. Hi. I'd like to know why the debug is pointing to the computer? °_° Why is searching DB in my computer? O.o Uploaded with ImageShack.us
  13. Hi. We encountered a big big problem with SQL We had a trunk version in the Hosting.. with SQL.. everything was fine but we decided to change the emulator to a Stable version. We thought that the emulator was compatible but after we uploaded it, the MySQL changed everything like money, levels ecc.. We gave back every object after a rollback back to the players.. and than the chars dissapeared °_° Does anybody knows why? or a solution? Thanks Uploaded with ImageShack.us
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