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Posts posted by Xephyras

  1. There are two problems by doing so:


    1. You got to make sure that your ragexe file is hooked with such application. Furthermore, you got to make sure only this particular ragexe can be connected to your server, otherwise people can just replace it with a clean ragexe file to avoid above mentioned authenticators.


    2. Hooking an .exe file requires programming knowledge or a third-party software that could do that. Both of these options are less likely to be answered on this forum due to the fact that developers here do not officially support such mechanism.

  2. Thanks for the reply.
    I tried that including some other changes in the source file, but I am stuck at 13 slots maximum no matter what I do.


    How do I change the following in such a way that it can exceed 13 slots?



    /// Opens the shop creation menu (ZC_OPENSTORE).
    /// 012d <num>.W
    /// num:
    ///     number of allowed item slots
    void clif_openvendingreq(struct map_session_data* sd, int num)
    	int fd;
    	fd = sd->fd;
    	WFIFOW(fd,0) = 0x12d;
    	WFIFOW(fd,2) = num;



  3. Hey guys,

    This might not be just a scripting problem. But I just want to know how to change the currency in Shop Lists.

    For example, when you click a shop, you get a list of items. Next to the items, you see an amount and then Z (standing for Zeny). See attachment 1.

    I want to change that Z to another letter, for example C. See attachment 2.

    How do you do this and is it even possible in rAthena?

    Thanks a lot in advance!



  4. Add "newmount: false" under commands in group_id.conf.

    If you want to do it the easy way, then put the "newmount: false" statement under ID: 0 (Players). Then make sure that every group ID that follows after ID: 0 will inherit the commands from ID: 0.

    The hard way is just to add the "newmount: false" statement to every group ID you have in that file.

  5. clif.c:3778: error: âYYYYMMDDâ undeclared (first use in this function)

    You need to declare a date corresponding to your client date. If your client dates from 2012-04-10, then you need to change YYYYMMDD to 20120410.

    Here is an example step-by-step guide.

    Run "chmod a+x ./configure"

    Run "./configure --enable-packetver=20120410"

    Run "make sql plugins"

    NOTE: if you client does not date from 2012-04-10, make sure you change it in mmo.h too, before running the commands.


    Instead of editing mmo.h directly, PACKETVER can be set to desired date with configure switch --enable-packetver=YYYYMMDD.

    is not always true in every case. Rather, in most cases, --enable-packetver=YYYYMMDD does NOT override mmo.h file, which causes the system compile in a different packet version than it supposed to.

    NOTE2: make sure you are running Debian if you use that guide.

  6. Try downloading the corresponding lub version from: http://subversion.assembla.com/svn/ClientSide/Lua_Project/lubs/

    Extract all files and put them in your client folder.

    For the towninfo.lub, just try right-click towninfo.lua, copy the file and paste it in the same folder and rename it to towninfo.lub.

    Go to your server folder > conf > look for login_athena.conf > open with WordPad or Notepad and look for:

    // Can you use _M/_F to make new accounts on the server?

    new_account: yes

    Confirm that it's set on 'Yes'.

    - Run your server

    - Open your rag.exe and type in your login details, but do not click OK yet.

    - Add _M (for male) or _F (for female) right after your login ID.


    LoginID: login_F

    Password: test

    - Every next time you login with the same login ID, do not add the _M/_F part, because this simply allows you to make a NEW account, thus can be omitted after the account has already been made.

  7. If your server is running smoothly without errors on your MySQL server administrated by MySQL Workbench, all on green, ready to go, then there is only one thing left for you to do to be able to connect to your (test) server.

    In your client folder (usually in 'data' or within your .grf folder), there is a file called 'clientinfo.xml'. In some cases, 'sclientinfo.xml' (which should not be the case in most cases though). Edit the clientinfo.xml with WordPad or any other text editing software and change the IP to the IP that is set on your server. Try both the local IP and the public IP to see which is working for you.

  8. Hey guys,

    I just wanted to know where and what to put if you want to make a skill auto-lock on a target.

    For example, Lord of Vermillion doesn't auto-lock on due to area attack. But for Sonic Blow, when you move your cursor over your target, it auto-locks on the target so you can execute the attack with just one-click.

    I want to modify Throw Huuma Shuriken from targeting area to targeting on 1 enemy. Because the targeting area function on that skill is simply broken.

    Thanks in advance!

  9. i compile my map_server_sql < in linux server

    and i want to compile it again with Visual Studio

    but always map_server_sql.exe?

    and i want change, just map_server_sql for linux?

    Of course it produces .exe file when you compile it in Visual Studio. It wouldn't make sense otherwise, because it's Windows.

    As far as I know, there is no way you can compile it on Windows and then use it for Linux. Unless you try using dos2unix command, though I am not sure if that would work like that.

    no i have 1 server and i want to compile map_server_sql

    i control from putty

    can you tell me how to clean and make a sql again?

    make clean

    make sql

    There is a wiki page for this by the way: http://rathena.org/wiki/Compiling

  10. Hello,

    I have searched rAthena and eAthena for this problem and tried all options given in topics I found in both forum boards.

    However, I still cannot get Donation Credits, even though the transaction went flawlessly.

    My settings are as follows:


    ServerAddress = 'example.com'

    BaseURI = '' (the website will directly refer to FluxCP; in other words, I do not get http://www.example.c...ux/?module=main for example, but I get http://www.example.com/?module=main.

    PayPalIpnUrl = 'www.sandbox.paypal.com'

    PayPalBusinessEmail = '[email protected]'

    In PayPal Sandbox the IPN is set as:


    Could someone help me with this? Thanks a lot!

    Does the Donation system even work on Sandbox Paypal or does it only work on live Paypal?

  11. Hello,

    Does anybody know how to install the Free RO Templates (Red & Blue) by JiGs GFX?

    When you download it and unzip it, it only contains a "css" folder. But if you copy that folder to the "css" folder of FluxCP, then it doesn't work properly.

    So I was wondering what else I should do to make it work?

    Thanks a lot in advance!

  12. I'm gonna use another patcher, until this one has been completely fixed.

    Until then, good luck on fixing!

    Adding another point to Everade's post:

    11. the custom buttons doesn't work, and even if it does, add some guide on how to add custom buttons because that has been disappeared ever since v3.0

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