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About frozenfox

  • Birthday 12/10/1990

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  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Location
    My Desk
  • Server
    I dunno.
  • Interests
    I won't tell you :p

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Poring (1/15)



  1. Hi.. I got this message when i was trying to start my server and running login-server_sql... [SQL]: Access denied for user 'ragnarok'@'localhost' (using password: YES) [Debug]: at loginlog_sql.c:110 this message only appear in login-server_sql. map-server_sql and char-server_sql are normally run. i've already to set inter_athena.conf, check user prev in phpmyadmin, and restart mysql, but not working .. anyone can help please ?
  2. i've already do that, still eror ssl..
  3. my firewall didn't block tortoisesvn. i tried to checkout eathena svn, it works normally. but if i tried to checkout rathena svn..... it appears like the screenshot.
  4. Hi. just asked&need solution why i can't checkout rathena svn via tortoisesvn? it says error SSL.. this is the screenshot : thank you
  5. Are you trying to limit the number of players per IP address? http://rathena.org/b...on/#entry159335 wow! thanks Brian
  6. Hi, i just interested with old sakray client. i try to use it with rAthena, but, i can't create character (must be logout and login again to see the char), and i can't use my character (there's pop-up message said that my char blocked). i take sakray client from here : http://svn6.assembla.com/svn/ClientSide/Diff_Project/kRO/Sakexe/2009-06-17/ . thanks.
  7. btw, yesterday, it worked, min_group_id_to_connect: 2 my player can't logged in more 2 IDs. now, i tried to re-sett my server, and i set like this // Required account group id to connect to server. // -1: disabled // 0 or more: group id group_id_to_connect: -1 // Minimum account group id required to connect to server. // Will not function if group_id_to_connect config is enabled. // -1: disabled // 0 or more: group id min_group_id_to_connect: 2 and it not working, my player can login 3 ID. is that because i changed my client? X_X.
  8. Why don't you just limit them by their group_id through your .../conf/login_athena.conf? // Required account group id to connect to server. // -1: disabled // 0 or more: group id group_id_to_connect: -1 // Minimum account group id required to connect to server. // Will not function if group_id_to_connect config is enabled. // -1: disabled // 0 or more: group id min_group_id_to_connect: -1 I don't believe the way you want it actually works. That's why rAthena has the limitations set through group_id instead. wow! thx a bunch myst
  9. Hi, is it possible if server limited login ID ? for example, just first and second ID who loggin in. third ID cannot log in.
  10. i made a notice there that the time will be shown in hours. Should I change it to minutes ? I don't know whats better, because if someone does 24 hours as delay and I let it show as minutes it shows "you have to wait 7281minutes" or something like that. Maybe I write a if condition, it checks if the time is under 1 hour and then he shows it in minutes instead of hours. Would that be ok ? EDIT: Reuploaded a optimized version of 1.4.4 (if time left is under 1 hour it will be shown in minutes) oh, haha sorry i don't read if the delay must be hour >.> -------- i tested new version of 1.4.4.. i tried to set 60s (1min). and the NPC still said 0 minutes but if i set to 300s (5mins) NPC said 4 minutes. overall... perfect :3
  11. i tested new version (1.4.4) i found a bug (i don't know it's a bug or not. @_@). when i set quest delay to 5mins (300s) the script NPC said : "You have to wait 0 hours to do this quest again"
  12. nice script tr0n but, just IMO and my suggest.. thats better if you add delay system, just like..delay after quest.
  13. ah.. i found a bug. i'm using rAthena, and it doesn't have @adjgmlvl, but @adjgroup. so, if i using your script, in chat log always show "@adjgmlvl is unknown command"
  14. ah sorry @_@. i already search but i always found coin to zeny xD. thanks btw. you rock bro!!
  15. hi rA does anyone have that script? @_@. so poring coin changed to TCG card (not zeny). and support input number, for example, i want to exchange 1234 poring coins, i just input 1234 and i've changed 1234 poring coins to 1234TCG cards. (i hope you know what i mean). Thanks before.
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