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Posts posted by MasterSub

  1. hello friends i achieved by a fluxcp by vps but does not load the helo me I don't know what to do here, the fluxcp ask for version 5.2.1 or higher, mine is 7.2.14

    my fluxcp

    1934254016_Sem32132232131.thumb.png.8627ec8174baf9651a89d770629fbeb2.png index norma

    when I enter index.php 

    ra the na sim.png

  2. Unable to add items to fluxCP already item_db.sql, and when you add is displayed error, failed to add item, i did upload item_db and item_db2 for database and enable use of itemdb: yes



    			if($server->isRenewal) {
                    $fromTables = array("{$server->charMapDatabase}.item_db_re", "{$server->charMapDatabase}.item_db2_re");
                    $customTable = 'item_db_re';
    			} else {
                    $fromTables = array("{$server->charMapDatabase}.item_db", "{$server->charMapDatabase}.item_db2");
                    $customTable = 'item_db2';
    			$tableName = "{$server->charMapDatabase}.items";
    			$tempTable = new Flux_TemporaryTable($server->connection, $tableName, $fromTables);
    			$shopTable = Flux::config('FluxTables.ItemShopTable');


  3. hello friends i want so i click on the npc, just me, and he select someone from the have map, like there are 10 on the map he pulls one and teleport on, it just that when i click on the npc and i'm not chosen he doesn't teleport the other.


    the script

    set $randoom, getusers(8);
    mes "tem "+$randoom+" pessoas aki";
    .@rand = rand(1,$randoom);
    setarray .id[1],$randoom;
    if (.id[.@rand] >= 1){
    .id[.@rand]	 = 0;
    $randoom = 0;
    mes "Você foi escolhido";
    warp "prontera",155,150;
    mes "[false]";


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