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Posts posted by Psychonaut

  1. 4 hours ago, sikiro said:

    @Psychonaut for the forum post can u maybe listen to the rss feed from ipb or any other forum software?


    If it's on database or there's api for that yes, same for another forum software, in nodejs we have zongji


    That can let me detect changes on the database with a binlog, for the RSS feed i can try to parse it maybe.

    But i can't do that if i don't own one, if someone wanna try to do that and got an IPB, msg me Psychonaut#4421

    (don't need to tell me any password, just send info and download the bot as i change it to test)

  2. In source we have:

    if (battle_config.produce_item_name_input&0x4) {
    			tmp_item.card[0] = CARD0_CREATE;
    			tmp_item.card[1] = 0;
    			tmp_item.card[2] = GetWord(sd->status.char_id,0); // CharId
    			tmp_item.card[3] = GetWord(sd->status.char_id,1);


    I guess that it's this file: conf/import-tmpl/battle_conf.txt

    Try to add this line in that file:

    // items.conf
    produce_item_name_input: 0x4


    Or if it doesn't work create a import folder, a battle_conf.txt in it to add above lines, i'm not sure if it uses from import-tmpl, as there's this line in battle_athena.conf:

    //Your custom config goes here.
    import: conf/import/battle_conf.txt



  3. 7 minutes ago, Quesooo said:

    for example you post on Patch notes on forum the bot on discord will automatically said on channel that new forum update or something like "Forum post update" then the link of the new posted topic ^_^

    It's too specific as people can use different forum softwares, for Invision i don't own one to do tests and these stuffs, i don't think that they got an API yet so i could only "listen" to database changes to get new posts and things from the forum.

  4. 22 minutes ago, TheDerpySupport said:

    I'd like to recommend the bot DM the user as to not clog up discord servers with bot spam and when a message is sent successfully to add a reaction to the user who sent the command


    Good suggestion, i'll put in commands that show a lot of info, btw some private commands will be in DM only.

  5. WakyBot is a Discord bot made in nodejs that it's meant to be able to interact with rAthena database to get player info, send mails and all these stuffs via Discord commands.

    There's no release yet and the code on github is only to test and find issues(as it's really far from a release), a lot of things are not done yet, suggestions are welcome.


    Each Discord user can "sync" with his account, and more specifically his main character, so we can get the info from the character and the account too, it can be done in the server website or something like that, i'll put a column for a random code that in this example you get in the website and the player can confirm his code with a command in Discord. Changes doesn't save yet, i'm creating commands for now and some codes need changes.



    If someone wanna do an art for Waky default profile picture, just pull it c:


    • Upvote 3
  6. UPDATE `rAthena.YourTable t1` inner join `brAthena.YourTable t2` on `t1`.`id` = `t2`.`id` set `t1`.`name`= `t2`.`name_japanese`;


    Try this SQL command, with backups first.

    Change YourTable in both to the table name, and that `name` is the name column in rAthena table, so change it if your column have another name.

    For the mobs change the table again and change name_japanese(both) to the column name.

  7. Can try something like this

    if (Sql_Query(mmysql_handle, "INSERT INTO `acc_reg_num`(`account_id`, `key`, `index`, `value`) VALUES ('%d','%s','%u','%d');",	
                  acc_reg_num_table, sd->status.account_id, "#bonuspoint", '0') != SQL_SUCCESS)


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