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Posts posted by mrshaderz

  1. On 6/17/2012 at 12:41 PM, F0xxy said:

    First of all put the .spr and .act in data/sprite/npc/

    Then go to lua files/datainfo/jobname.lua

    Let's consider you have for example f_npcname.spr and .act

    Then at the end add:


       [jobtbl.JT_f_npcname] = "f_npcname",


    Then open lua files/datainfo/npcidentity.lua and add at the end:


       ["JT_f_npcname"] = 658,


    Why 658? Well there's a gap between 658 and 699 so that way you wont need to replace another npc with your custom one. But still, the ID is up to you, wether you want to replace another one or not, it's fine as long as the ID doesn't go over 999.

    And that's all, if you've done all that then #658 will be your new npc.

    where can i find data/sprite/npc and  lua files/datainfo/jobname.lua


  2. On 3/2/2017 at 7:12 AM, Anacondaqq said:
    • /doc/atcommand.txt - read first, it will help you with basic stuff at your GM account.
    • /conf/battle/ - here is many configurable options for different mechanic settings. Use @reloadbattleconf in game to reload on live server without restart the settings from this folder. 
    • /db/ - item_db.txt and mob_db.txt - will be useful for you too
    • /npc/[pre-re or re]/scripts_main.conf, then scripts_athena.conf
    • then do not forget to read files in /doc/ folder

    Where can i find this?




    On 3/2/2017 at 7:12 AM, Anacondaqq said:





    1. Download Package Folder and extract all archives inside each folder (mirrors for google drive, or dropbox at the end of page)
    2. Copy-paste pre-made clients files from /03_client_side_files/ folder to your kRO Ragnarok Online Client
    3. Go to /02_openserver/ and Run OpenServer (it will start mysql-server where already you have rathena_db, and rathena_logs databases)
    4. Go to 01_emulator/rathena/ and run "runserver.bat" if you wish RENEWAL mechanic and content, or "runserver_PRERE.bat" if you wish PRE-RE
    5. Run's RO game client (2015-11-04aRagexe.exe) from your kRO Ragnarok Online Client Enter to the game via login: admin, pass: 123456, and have fun (if you need to make your own account, scroll down to FAQ on this topic)
    6. For everything above you will need around 5 minutes or less. Very useful package for newbies, or people who wish Ragnarok Online online server to play offline or which wants to make their own server & client but don't know how to start or how to do it.

    Before you start

    My english is sucks, i know it, but please hold back your tears of blood until you finish reading. You will find this information very useful.

    What is it? This is package of everything that you need for a running server on your local Windows PC (emulator, mysql-server, game client, extra utilities).
    This pack oriented mostly for people without knowledge and time for education how everything works,
    but which wish to run Ragnarok Online server at their own PC, or which wish to try and learn something new,
    but never tried it, or confused with configuration part. Anyway, it can be used not only by such people.


    It will be very good boost for any newbie which stuck a lot with basic first step (server configuration)
    I remember when I was a newbie, and something like full pack which i have used as example was saved for me a lot of my time. 
    Because everything is here, and here is fully working an example of everything that need to know,
    and you can skip boring configuration part and do funny things, or education with the emulator 
    which in final result will again -> save a lot of time for you. When i say read, i mean: exe diffed, grf's packed, emulator compiled, mysql-server configured, .sql files imported, packet_db setted, configuration part done. Just run open-server, then run emulator exe (runserver.bat) and open game client = and boom, you are in game :P

    What usually need to do to make rAthena works? 

    • you need a compiler for compiling emulator from source code to a ready application which you will run.
    • you need mysql-server where will be stored database which will be used by rAthena emulator (need import sql files, and create mysql users, then set everything at rAthena)
    • you need translated and up to date game client, which will support latest available RO features
    • you need diffed .exe file to run game client which will load everything above.

    What will you get from this pack?

    • pre-compiled and configured Emulator to .exe files (map, char, login servers) for both version of RENEWAL and PRE-RENEWAL version of rAthena (you don't need any compiler at all)
    • pre-configured web-server stack (mysql-server + different important and useful tools for you), with already imported rAthena sql database inside
    • packed for you LATEST and clean translated files for your game client, with actual and correct English translation (will work 2012+ game exe (but we using 2015-11-04))
    • already diffed 2015-11-04aRagexe game client which will work with everything above. 

    Main Pack Idea
    Just download full pack folder, extract archives inside, copy from /03_clientside_files/ files to your kRO Game Client, then run OpenServer, then go to rAthena folder and  run emulator. Then open game client and play.
    No actions from you required, no guides to read needed, everything will work out the box, even if you monkey 

    How to Use

    Before you start, please download latest CLEAN kRO (Korean Ragnarok Online) game client.
    Here just example link (updated by me and actual): https://mega.nz/#F!RplhTAKB!dzCgiK7555XVUGxH5-sEzQ


    0. Download it and install it somewhere, I suggest install it to C:\Games\ROCLIENT


    1. Go to /01_emulator/ and extract rathena.zip
        Don't forget to read readme.txt inside the folder.
        This readme file explains everything that you need to know about rAthena.
        As you understand, this is pre-compiled and configured Ragnarok Online Emulator


    2. Go to /02_openserver/ and extract OpenServer.zip
        This is pre-configured and cleaned web-server stack (mysql-server / etc)
        which you should start every time when you running the server (green flag)
        Don't forget to read "readme.txt" inside that folder, it will explain everything for you.


    3. Go to /03_client_side_files/ and copy all files inside to your clean kRO folder (step #0)
        By default, you copy files which packed for RENEWAL mechanic with renewal descriptions / etc.
        If you wish, after copying files, you can overwrite different to RENEWAL translation from PRERE_VERSION folder
        Just open PRERE_VERSION folder and copy-paste everything from this folder to your kRO client.
        Don't forget to read "readme.txt" inside the folder, it will explain everything for you


    4. 90% of work done, now need just understand main things: rAthena Emulator can't work without database server.
        So before running emulator, and then game client, you should run the server, then emulator, and only then the client.

        Your steps now (from server start to entering the game):

            a.) go to /02_openserver/OpenServer/ and run Open Server x64.exe (depends on your Windows Version)


            b.) you will see "Red Flag" KnSIcSF.png  at your tray bar (near clocks), click on it, then select "Run Server".
                if your antivirus not crazy, or firewall is ok -> server will be run normally and you will see that Red Flag changed to Green Color. N24hnLg.png
                    if you experience any issues, go to official OpenServer website and ask for help: https://ospanel.io/forum/


            c.) go to /01_emulator/rathena/ and depends on mechanic what you wish to have run:
                - or runserver.bat = RENEWAL mechanic (default (since 2010 up to now))
                - or runserver_PRERE.bat = PRE_RE (classic mechanic (up to 2010 year))
                It will open 3 console windows, where you should not see any "Error" messages if everything is ok.
                Here is screen from normal working server, which you can use for check if everything looks ok: https://i.imgur.com/YBS4rgk.png

            d.) now you can run the game client and connect to running rAthena Ragnarok Online server.
                Open C:\Games\ROCLIENT and find 2015-11-04aRagexe.exe and run it.

                By default, i made 3 accounts for you with _M _F (see readme.txt in emulator folder)
                * login: admin, admin2, user
                * pass for all above: 123456

            e.) Easy, is not it? Have fun ^_~

    Whats next?

    By default you will run 1x rate server without any features, so you will wish to customize it a little bit.
    Here is your next steps (you need read a lot of info and check a lot of settings / files)

    Start from this place in next order:

    • /doc/atcommand.txt - read first, it will help you with basic stuff at your GM account.
    • /conf/battle/ - here is many configurable options for different mechanic settings. Use @reloadbattleconf in game to reload on live server without restart the settings from this folder. 
    • /db/ - item_db.txt and mob_db.txt - will be useful for you too
    • /npc/[pre-re or re]/scripts_main.conf, then scripts_athena.conf
    • then do not forget to read files in /doc/ folder
    • and ofcourse join to http://rathena.org and google answers for your questions at board.


    On 3/2/2017 at 7:12 AM, Anacondaqq said:





    1. Download Package Folder and extract all archives inside each folder (mirrors for google drive, or dropbox at the end of page)
    2. Copy-paste pre-made clients files from /03_client_side_files/ folder to your kRO Ragnarok Online Client
    3. Go to /02_openserver/ and Run OpenServer (it will start mysql-server where already you have rathena_db, and rathena_logs databases)
    4. Go to 01_emulator/rathena/ and run "runserver.bat" if you wish RENEWAL mechanic and content, or "runserver_PRERE.bat" if you wish PRE-RE
    5. Run's RO game client (2015-11-04aRagexe.exe) from your kRO Ragnarok Online Client Enter to the game via login: admin, pass: 123456, and have fun (if you need to make your own account, scroll down to FAQ on this topic)
    6. For everything above you will need around 5 minutes or less. Very useful package for newbies, or people who wish Ragnarok Online online server to play offline or which wants to make their own server & client but don't know how to start or how to do it.

    Before you start

    My english is sucks, i know it, but please hold back your tears of blood until you finish reading. You will find this information very useful.

    What is it? This is package of everything that you need for a running server on your local Windows PC (emulator, mysql-server, game client, extra utilities).
    This pack oriented mostly for people without knowledge and time for education how everything works,
    but which wish to run Ragnarok Online server at their own PC, or which wish to try and learn something new,
    but never tried it, or confused with configuration part. Anyway, it can be used not only by such people.


    It will be very good boost for any newbie which stuck a lot with basic first step (server configuration)
    I remember when I was a newbie, and something like full pack which i have used as example was saved for me a lot of my time. 
    Because everything is here, and here is fully working an example of everything that need to know,
    and you can skip boring configuration part and do funny things, or education with the emulator 
    which in final result will again -> save a lot of time for you. When i say read, i mean: exe diffed, grf's packed, emulator compiled, mysql-server configured, .sql files imported, packet_db setted, configuration part done. Just run open-server, then run emulator exe (runserver.bat) and open game client = and boom, you are in game :P

    What usually need to do to make rAthena works? 

    • you need a compiler for compiling emulator from source code to a ready application which you will run.
    • you need mysql-server where will be stored database which will be used by rAthena emulator (need import sql files, and create mysql users, then set everything at rAthena)
    • you need translated and up to date game client, which will support latest available RO features
    • you need diffed .exe file to run game client which will load everything above.

    What will you get from this pack?

    • pre-compiled and configured Emulator to .exe files (map, char, login servers) for both version of RENEWAL and PRE-RENEWAL version of rAthena (you don't need any compiler at all)
    • pre-configured web-server stack (mysql-server + different important and useful tools for you), with already imported rAthena sql database inside
    • packed for you LATEST and clean translated files for your game client, with actual and correct English translation (will work 2012+ game exe (but we using 2015-11-04))
    • already diffed 2015-11-04aRagexe game client which will work with everything above. 

    Main Pack Idea
    Just download full pack folder, extract archives inside, copy from /03_clientside_files/ files to your kRO Game Client, then run OpenServer, then go to rAthena folder and  run emulator. Then open game client and play.
    No actions from you required, no guides to read needed, everything will work out the box, even if you monkey 

    How to Use

    Before you start, please download latest CLEAN kRO (Korean Ragnarok Online) game client.
    Here just example link (updated by me and actual): https://mega.nz/#F!RplhTAKB!dzCgiK7555XVUGxH5-sEzQ


    0. Download it and install it somewhere, I suggest install it to C:\Games\ROCLIENT


    1. Go to /01_emulator/ and extract rathena.zip
        Don't forget to read readme.txt inside the folder.
        This readme file explains everything that you need to know about rAthena.
        As you understand, this is pre-compiled and configured Ragnarok Online Emulator


    2. Go to /02_openserver/ and extract OpenServer.zip
        This is pre-configured and cleaned web-server stack (mysql-server / etc)
        which you should start every time when you running the server (green flag)
        Don't forget to read "readme.txt" inside that folder, it will explain everything for you.


    3. Go to /03_client_side_files/ and copy all files inside to your clean kRO folder (step #0)
        By default, you copy files which packed for RENEWAL mechanic with renewal descriptions / etc.
        If you wish, after copying files, you can overwrite different to RENEWAL translation from PRERE_VERSION folder
        Just open PRERE_VERSION folder and copy-paste everything from this folder to your kRO client.
        Don't forget to read "readme.txt" inside the folder, it will explain everything for you


    4. 90% of work done, now need just understand main things: rAthena Emulator can't work without database server.
        So before running emulator, and then game client, you should run the server, then emulator, and only then the client.

        Your steps now (from server start to entering the game):

            a.) go to /02_openserver/OpenServer/ and run Open Server x64.exe (depends on your Windows Version)


            b.) you will see "Red Flag" KnSIcSF.png  at your tray bar (near clocks), click on it, then select "Run Server".
                if your antivirus not crazy, or firewall is ok -> server will be run normally and you will see that Red Flag changed to Green Color. N24hnLg.png
                    if you experience any issues, go to official OpenServer website and ask for help: https://ospanel.io/forum/


            c.) go to /01_emulator/rathena/ and depends on mechanic what you wish to have run:
                - or runserver.bat = RENEWAL mechanic (default (since 2010 up to now))
                - or runserver_PRERE.bat = PRE_RE (classic mechanic (up to 2010 year))
                It will open 3 console windows, where you should not see any "Error" messages if everything is ok.
                Here is screen from normal working server, which you can use for check if everything looks ok: https://i.imgur.com/YBS4rgk.png

            d.) now you can run the game client and connect to running rAthena Ragnarok Online server.
                Open C:\Games\ROCLIENT and find 2015-11-04aRagexe.exe and run it.

                By default, i made 3 accounts for you with _M _F (see readme.txt in emulator folder)
                * login: admin, admin2, user
                * pass for all above: 123456

            e.) Easy, is not it? Have fun ^_~

    Whats next?

    By default you will run 1x rate server without any features, so you will wish to customize it a little bit.
    Here is your next steps (you need read a lot of info and check a lot of settings / files)

    Start from this place in next order:

    • /doc/atcommand.txt - read first, it will help you with basic stuff at your GM account.
    • /conf/battle/ - here is many configurable options for different mechanic settings. Use @reloadbattleconf in game to reload on live server without restart the settings from this folder. 
    • /db/ - item_db.txt and mob_db.txt - will be useful for you too
    • /npc/[pre-re or re]/scripts_main.conf, then scripts_athena.conf
    • then do not forget to read files in /doc/ folder
    • and ofcourse join to http://rathena.org and google answers for your questions at board.


    About Useful Tools

    I have added two must-have tools which will help you a lot to manage /db/ and client files easy as 1,2,3.

    Official board topics about genius tools below:

    - SDE (Server Database Editor): https://rathena.org/board/topic/98173-server-database-editor/
    - GRF Editor: https://rathena.org/board/topic/77080-grf-grf-editor/



    Q: I'm confused, and can't understand what need to download, what need to run, etc. What do i need to download for playing RO offline?
    A: Download full folder from download links below (right click on folder -> download all). Except this package you need official kRO client.

    Q: Is it possible to use some files from this package at different projects, or independent?
    A: Yes, you can use GRF, or EXE, or Emulator + OpenServer indepeneded of each other with your own grfs / exe or emulator

    Q: Is it RENEWAL or PRE-RE offline pack?
    A: Both. But by default everything compiled for RENEWAL. If you wish classic PRE-RE mechanic / item and skill translation -> just run in "/rathena/runserver_PRERE.bat", and copy files from 03_client_side_files\PRERE_VERSION\ to your RO client folder

    Q: Builded on/for what game client version?
    A: This package builded around 2015-11-04aRagexe, because it's latest stable supported game client with large amount of features if compare to older one. But GRF can work with clients from 2012 up to 2015 year without any problem. 2015-11-04aRagexe NEMO Applied Patch List

    Q: What phpmyadmin or mysql login / password, how to enter to database?
    A: Just login "root", password is empty (not set) You can use these credentials at phpmyadmin / adminer / heidiSQL / console

    Q: How can i edit MYSQL database, or user privilegies (for example i wish to make administrator)
    A: Run your OpenServer -> Then click on Green Flag -> Advanced -> phpmyadmin. Then enter to login: "root", and leave password field empty -> then click enter. Then select database "rathena_db", find table called "login" open it, find your user, and change value in "group_id" field to your own (0 =normal user, 99 = super user with all privileges). For more information please see groups.conf too.


    If you have any problems, please try to fix your system first. Everything in this pack was tested.
    Bugs can happen, but mostly 99% of functions works fine. Google is your best friend. 
    Please read readme.txt files inside each folder, it will save a lot of your and mine time, inside these files explained different details.

    [File Structure]



    Download Links

    MEGA Folder | or Google Drive Folder | or DropBox Folder

    • You need download full folder, not only 1 element from it, to make it work you need download all folder together. All filehostings below support folder downloading. Use it.
    • The files not in archive, because imagine situation, when you need just .exe to download. Exe size around 15MB, if i put everything  to archive, that means you need download around 400MB of data just to get diffed and correct working 15MB exe, i think it's not okay. 
    • Ragnarok Online offline pack 2017 works together with kRO Client. If you don't have kRO client, download it.
    • Total Pack Size is 413MB

    About Useful Tools

    I have added two must-have tools which will help you a lot to manage /db/ and client files easy as 1,2,3.

    Official board topics about genius tools below:

    - SDE (Server Database Editor): https://rathena.org/board/topic/98173-server-database-editor/
    - GRF Editor: https://rathena.org/board/topic/77080-grf-grf-editor/



    Q: I'm confused, and can't understand what need to download, what need to run, etc. What do i need to download for playing RO offline?
    A: Download full folder from download links below (right click on folder -> download all). Except this package you need official kRO client.

    Q: Is it possible to use some files from this package at different projects, or independent?
    A: Yes, you can use GRF, or EXE, or Emulator + OpenServer indepeneded of each other with your own grfs / exe or emulator

    Q: Is it RENEWAL or PRE-RE offline pack?
    A: Both. But by default everything compiled for RENEWAL. If you wish classic PRE-RE mechanic / item and skill translation -> just run in "/rathena/runserver_PRERE.bat", and copy files from 03_client_side_files\PRERE_VERSION\ to your RO client folder

    Q: Builded on/for what game client version?
    A: This package builded around 2015-11-04aRagexe, because it's latest stable supported game client with large amount of features if compare to older one. But GRF can work with clients from 2012 up to 2015 year without any problem. 2015-11-04aRagexe NEMO Applied Patch List

    Q: What phpmyadmin or mysql login / password, how to enter to database?
    A: Just login "root", password is empty (not set) You can use these credentials at phpmyadmin / adminer / heidiSQL / console

    Q: How can i edit MYSQL database, or user privilegies (for example i wish to make administrator)
    A: Run your OpenServer -> Then click on Green Flag -> Advanced -> phpmyadmin. Then enter to login: "root", and leave password field empty -> then click enter. Then select database "rathena_db", find table called "login" open it, find your user, and change value in "group_id" field to your own (0 =normal user, 99 = super user with all privileges). For more information please see groups.conf too.


    If you have any problems, please try to fix your system first. Everything in this pack was tested.
    Bugs can happen, but mostly 99% of functions works fine. Google is your best friend. 
    Please read readme.txt files inside each folder, it will save a lot of your and mine time, inside these files explained different details.

    [File Structure]



    Download Links

    MEGA Folder | or Google Drive Folder | or DropBox Folder

    • You need download full folder, not only 1 element from it, to make it work you need download all folder together. All filehostings below support folder downloading. Use it.
    • The files not in archive, because imagine situation, when you need just .exe to download. Exe size around 15MB, if i put everything  to archive, that means you need download around 400MB of data just to get diffed and correct working 15MB exe, i think it's not okay. 
    • Ragnarok Online offline pack 2017 works together with kRO Client. If you don't have kRO client, download it.
    • Total Pack Size is 413MB

    where can i find this?


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