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Posts posted by louistx

  1. I cant find where to set the ip in the file


    // Athena Login Server configuration file.
    // Translated by Peter Kieser <pfak@telus.net>
    // Note: "Comments" are all text on the right side of a double slash "//"
    // Whatever text is commented will not be parsed by the servers, and serves
    // only as information/reference.
    // The login server listens on the interface with this IP address.
    // NOTE: This allows you to run multiple servers on multiple interfaces
    // while using the same ports for each server.
    // Login Server Port
    login_port: 6900
    //Time-stamp format which will be printed before all messages.
    //Can at most be 20 characters long.
    //Common formats:
    // %I:%M:%S %p (hour:minute:second 12 hour, AM/PM format)
    // %H:%M:%S (hour:minute:second, 24 hour format)
    // %d/%b/%Y (day/Month/year)
    //For full format information, consult the strftime() manual.
    //timestamp_format: [%d/%b %H:%M]
    //If redirected output contains escape sequences (color codes)
    stdout_with_ansisequence: no
    //Makes server log selected message types to a file in the /log/ folder
    //1: Log Warning Messages
    //2: Log Error and SQL Error messages.
    //4: Log Debug Messages
    //Example: "console_msg_log: 7" logs all 3 kinds
    //Messages logged by this overrides console_silent setting
    console_msg_log: 0
    // File path to store the console messages above
    console_log_filepath: ./log/login-msg_log.log
    //Makes server output more silent by omitting certain types of messages:
    //1: Hide Information messages
    //2: Hide Status messages
    //4: Hide Notice Messages
    //8: Hide Warning Messages
    //16: Hide Error and SQL Error messages.
    //32: Hide Debug Messages
    //Example: "console_silent: 7" Hides information, status and notice messages (1+2+4)
    console_silent: 0
    // Console Commands
    // Allow for console commands to be used on/off
    // This prevents usage of >& log.file
    console: off
    // Can you use _M/_F to make new accounts on the server?
    new_account: yes
    //If new_account is enabled, minimum length to userid and passwords should be 4?
    //Must be 'Yes' unless your client uses both 'Disable 4 LetterUserID/Password' Diffs
    new_acc_length_limit: yes
    // Account registration flood protection system
    // allowed_regs is the number of registrations allowed in time_allowed (in seconds)
    allowed_regs: 1
    time_allowed: 10
    // Log Filename. All operations received by the server are logged in this file. 
    login_log_filename: log/login.log
    // To log the login server?
    // NOTE: The login server needs the login logs to enable dynamic pass failure bans.
    log_login: yes
    // Indicate how to display date in logs, to players, etc.
    date_format: %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S
    // Required account group id to connect to server.
    // -1: disabled
    // 0 or more: group id
    group_id_to_connect: -1
    // Minimum account group id required to connect to server.
    // Will not function if group_id_to_connect config is enabled.
    // -1: disabled
    // 0 or more: group id
    min_group_id_to_connect: -1
    // Which group (ID) will be denoted as the VIP group?
    // Default: 5
    vip_group: 5
    // How many characters are allowed per account?
    // You cannot exceed the limit of MAX_CHARS slots, defined in mmo.h, or chars_per_account
    // will default to MAX_CHARS.
    // 0 will default to the value of MIN_CHARS. (default)
    chars_per_account: 0
    // Max character limit increase for VIP accounts (0 to disable)
    // Increase the value of MAX_CHARS if you want to increase vip_char_increase.
    // Note: The amount of VIP characters = MAX_CHARS - chars_per_account.
    // Note 2: This setting must be set after chars_per_account.
    // -1 will default to MAX_CHAR_VIP (src/config/core.h)
    vip_char_increase: -1
    // Create accounts with limited time?
    // -1: new accounts are created with unlimited time (default)
    // 0 or more: new accounts automatically expire after the given value, in seconds
    start_limited_time: -1
    // Store passwords as MD5 hashes instead of plain text?
    // NOTE: Will not work with clients that use <passwordencrypt>
    use_MD5_passwords: no
    // Ipban features
    ipban_enable: yes
    // Dynamic password failure ipban system
    // Ban user after a number of failed attempts?
    ipban_dynamic_pass_failure_ban: yes
    // Interval (in minutes) to calculate how many failed attempts.
    ipban_dynamic_pass_failure_ban_interval: 5
    // Maximum amount of failed attempts before banning.
    ipban_dynamic_pass_failure_ban_limit: 7
    // Time (in minutes) for ban duration.
    ipban_dynamic_pass_failure_ban_duration: 5
    // Interval (in seconds) to clean up expired IP bans. 0 = disabled. default = 60.
    // NOTE: Even if this is disabled, expired IP bans will be cleaned up on login server start/stop.
    // Players will still be able to login if an ipban entry exists but the expiration time has already passed.
    ipban_cleanup_interval: 60
    // Interval (in minutes) to execute a DNS/IP update. Disabled by default.
    // Enable it if your server uses a dynamic IP which changes with time.
    //ip_sync_interval: 10
    // DNS Blacklist Blocking
    // If enabled, each incoming connection will be tested against the blacklists 
    // on the specified dnsbl_servers (comma-separated list)
    use_dnsbl: no
    dnsbl_servers: bl.blocklist.de, socks.dnsbl.sorbs.net
    // Here are some free DNS Blacklist Services: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_DNS_blacklists
    //   dnsbl_servers                 Description
    // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    // bl.blocklist.de                 IP-Addresses who attack other servers/honeypots over SSH, FTP, IMAP, etc.
    // ircbl.ahbl.org                  AHBL (open proxies, compromised machines, comment spammers)
    // safe.dnsbl.sorbs.net            All zones in dnsbl.sorbs.net except "recent" and "escalations"
    // sbl-xbl.spamhaus.org            Spamhaus blacklist (spammers, open proxies)
    // socks.dnsbl.sorbs.net           Open SOCKS proxy servers
    // tor.ahbl.org                    Current tor relay and exit nodes
    // Client MD5 hash check
    // If turned on, the login server will check if the client's hash matches
    // the value below, and will not connect tampered clients.
    // Note: see 'doc/md5_hashcheck.txt' for more details.
    client_hash_check: off
    // Client MD5 hashes
    // The client with the specified hash can be used to log in by players with
    // a group_id equal to or greater than the given value.
    // If you specify 'disabled' as hash, players with a group_id greater than or
    // equal to the given value will be able to log in regardless of hash (and even
    // if their client does not send a hash at all.)
    // Format: group_id, hash
    // Note: see 'doc/md5_hashcheck.txt' for more details.
    //client_hash: 0, 113e195e6c051bb1cfb12a644bb084c5
    //client_hash: 10, cb1ea78023d337c38e8ba5124e2338ae
    //client_hash: 99, disabled
    import: conf/inter_athena.conf
    import: conf/import/login_conf.txt


  2. 23 minutes ago, Haziel said:

    At first, login, char and map IP are the one of the machine they're running on, following your explanation, the VM IP.
    Database IP, if you managed to configure it right, must be only set on inter_athena.

    The IP that goes on clientinfo is the one where the login_server is running.
    The Hexed connects to login_server, that connects to char_server and, finally, prompt to the game on map_server.
    Only the _servers must be connected directly to the database machine.

    map/char connect just fine to the database.

    The question now is: Where do I set the login_ip? 

  3. Hey

    First I would like to say that I have no experience AT ALL on servers/database ...

    After 3 days struggling on how to connect the server on a Cloud based SQL database I finaly did it and so I went to my next step. I want to run the server from a VM but I can't figure it out where to put each ip.

    The files I edited were:





    I have the IP of the Database and I have the IP of the VM that's running the server. THEY ARE RUNNING IN DIFFERENT MACHINES 

    I would LOVE to know where should I put each IP and which one I have to use on  clientinfo.xml to play in the server from my machine and so I can play with my friends.

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