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  1. Euphy's post in How to make "splendide" town as my maintown? setting it to @go 0? was marked as the answer   
    Read: @go
  2. Euphy's post in Understanding quest viarables? was marked as the answer   
    The '38' is just a standard variable value; different quests have different values when they are complete. There's no other way of doing this - the way you're going about this is correct.
  3. Euphy's post in Add more mobs to the quest_db was marked as the answer   
    It's easiest (and more efficient) if you just add multiple quests instead, and check if all are completed. That's how official servers always handle multiple-objective quests.
  4. Euphy's post in Warp to the GM was marked as the answer   
    prontera,150,150,1 script GM Tracker 101,{ .@gm_name$ = "GM Untrustworthy";
    mes "Tracking: " + .@gm_name$;
    .@i = select("Get coordinates.:Warp to GM.");
    if (!getcharid(0,.@gm_name$)) {
    mes .@gm_name$ + " is not online.";
    if (.@i == 1)
    mes sprintf("%s is at %s (%d,%d).",.@gm_name$,.@map$,.@x,.@y);
    warp .@map$,.@x,.@y;
  5. Euphy's post in how to know if the monster kill you or a human was marked as the answer   
    In src/common/mmo.h:

    #define START_ACCOUNT_NUM 2000000 #define END_ACCOUNT_NUM 100000000The 'killerrid' variable will be between the two game ID bounds (START_ACCOUNT_NUM and END_ACCOUNT_NUM) for players, and greater than END_ACCOUNT_NUM for mobs.
  6. Euphy's post in Need help in this shop XD was marked as the answer   
    You can't use 'donpcevent', because that invokes an event without an RID attached. You're thinking of 'Doevent'. (Also, grab a newer version of that script: npc/custom/quests/quest_shop.txt)
  7. Euphy's post in Latest Pull Job script error. was marked as the answer   
    You didn't recompile.
  8. Euphy's post in R> Quest Preview Script was marked as the answer   
    It's in the repository.
  9. Euphy's post in God Quests was marked as the answer   
    Read: http://irowiki.org/wiki/God_Items_Quest
  10. Euphy's post in Rare Drop was marked as the answer   
    That comment is actually outdated, which is why you couldn't find it. It's 541 in map_msg:

    // Rare Items Drop/Steal announce 541: '%s' got %s's %s (chance: %0.02f%%)
  11. Euphy's post in 1 click refiner was marked as the answer   
    for (.@part = 1; .@part <= 14; .@part++) { if (getequipisenableref(.@part)) {
    for (.@ref = 10 - getequiprefinerycnt(.@part); .@ref > 0; .@ref--)
    successrefitem .@part;
  12. Euphy's post in 1 time per character? was marked as the answer   
    Read: Basic_Scripting
    Set a permanent character variable at the end of the quest, check for the variable at the beginning of it.
  13. Euphy's post in Hide NPC was marked as the answer   
    Wasn't this fixed in r15288?
  14. Euphy's post in Delete whisper Annoucement was marked as the answer   
    That only happens when you whisper from an admin account.
  15. Euphy's post in has_instance("mapname") was marked as the answer   
    Read: r17386: Instance System Rewrite!
  16. Euphy's post in Euphy's Quest Shop debug was marked as the answer   
    It means exactly what it says. 30545 isn't a valid item ID, so it was skipped.
  17. Euphy's post in Disabling party/level/item requirement to access instances dungeon was marked as the answer   
    Might've been an issue with parentheses, sorry about that.
    set .@i, party_create("i"+rand(100000000));
  18. Euphy's post in No mapflag in my conf\ folder, why? was marked as the answer   
  19. Euphy's post in problem groups.conf was marked as the answer   
    Make sure your "VIP" player group has the 'can_trade' and 'can_party' permissions.
    Read: doc/permissions.txt
  20. Euphy's post in Recent revision section was marked as the answer   
    We've made the "Recent Revisions" sidebar link to our GitHub repository. We want to start slowly transitioning users to GIT, and announcements will begin popping up soon with instructions on how to do so.
    You can still access Trac to view SVN revision numbers, and we have no plans at the moment to drop them.
  21. Euphy's post in Skip menu when casting Teleport level 2 was marked as the answer   
    Teleport's skill level isn't adjustable, so you won't be able to randomly warp if you skip the menu on level 2. That's why there's no config for it.
    @Emistry: That setting is only for level 1.
  22. Euphy's post in How to add some item in selling list with npc command was marked as the answer   
    item_trade.txt and source modifications are the only options. The npcshop* commands trigger the labels after the shop window closes, so they can't modify the window itself.
    EDIT: Or you can try Capuche's script. XD
  23. Euphy's post in Ifrit card on source was marked as the answer   
  24. Euphy's post in Mora EQ Quest Location? was marked as the answer   
  25. Euphy's post in Auto join channel was marked as the answer   
    Both would involve setting and checking a variable upon executing your commands.
    You can set a bit variable via source upon executing "@channel leave <>", or bind the atcommand to a script and set the variable that way.
    Much easier. Bind an atcommand that sets the variable.
    - script #chan_control -1,{ OnInit: bindatcmd("channeljoin",strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnChannelJoin"); end; OnChannelJoin: set channel_join_off, !channel_join_off; message strcharinfo(0),"Channel auto-join is now "+((channel_join_off)?"disabled":"enabled")+"."; end; OnPCLoginEvent: if (!channel_join_off) { atcommand "@join #main"; atcommand "@join #support"; atcommand "@join #trade"; } end; }
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