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Community Answers

  1. How am I gonna re-enable the old training grounds?
  2. Hello guys I dunno if this was the right place to post this. Sorry if not. Anyways, as the title says. Is it possible to setup a server that has a specific contents based on episodes. In Example: I want to create a progressive server that will start in episode 3: Comodo which are the contents only are up to episode 3 only. What files should I work on and other things that I need to do. I'm not asking an actual files for it but on how to do it. Thanks
  3. Hi guys. I tried to use 2013-08-07aRagexe I patched it also. I edited packet_db.txt/mmo.h/clientinfo.xml I followed instructions carefully. But when I try to launch the client nothing happens. Here's the patches that I applied to the client Please help (Y) lastPatches.xml
  4. Can you share the link where you downloaded it? http://www.mediafire.com/download/gb8zs64853uxxo9/Full_kRO_Renewal_20150101.exe Here
  5. Yeah its from nickyzai. I just downloaded a fresh kRO from other sources and now I don't experience it anymore.
  6. Is this a problem on my kRO? I tried the data execution prevention/run the vcredist/run as administrator/re-downloaded the client/compatibility(Windows 7/XP/8) I'm running on a Windows 10 OS.
  7. Is Renewal Casting time reduce-able by cast-time modifiers (berzebub, etc, etc) ? Should I enable renewal casting? UP
  8. Editing all of skills is a lot of work/time to do. While editing it on src would be more easier. I only need the idea on where to include that condition that will check if it is a 3rd Class, if its yes Then Renewal Cast will affect only all 3rd Jobs Skills. ~ uppppppppp
  9. Dastgir said that one of this files should be edited https://github.com/rathena/rathena/search?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=RENEWAL_CAST "include condition if it'd third job and removing the #else with else statement" - Dastgir But yeah I really can't do it >.< I hope someone help me out here.
  10. ^ Guys I wanted to achieve that setup on my server. How can I do it? I tried to look arround but I didn't manage to get a solution. NOTE : I want only 3rd job to have renewal cast
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