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Posts posted by KoKe

  1. Oh yeah i see this last night and wondering what are for

    @ind: thank you for the reply

    memset (sd->param_bonus, 0, sizeof(sd->param_bonus)
    	+ sizeof(sd->param_equip)
    	+ sizeof(sd->subele)
    	+ sizeof(sd->subrace)
    	+ sizeof(sd->subrace2)
    	+ sizeof(sd->subsize)
    	+ sizeof(sd->reseff)
    	+ sizeof(sd->weapon_coma_ele)
    	+ sizeof(sd->weapon_coma_race)
    	+ sizeof(sd->weapon_atk)
    	+ sizeof(sd->weapon_atk_rate)
    	+ sizeof(sd->arrow_addele)
    	+ sizeof(sd->arrow_addrace)
    	+ sizeof(sd->arrow_addsize)
    	+ sizeof(sd->magic_addele)
    	+ sizeof(sd->magic_addrace)
    	+ sizeof(sd->magic_addsize)
    	+ sizeof(sd->critaddrace)
    	+ sizeof(sd->expaddrace)
    	+ sizeof(sd->ignore_mdef)
    	+ sizeof(sd->ignore_def)
    	+ sizeof(sd->itemgrouphealrate)
    	+ sizeof(sd->sp_gain_race)

    @FatalError: So like i see reseff is for status

    EDIT: Also did i need to add this too to make it work? and what exactly do that?

    StatusChangeFlagTable[sC_MYCUSTOMSC] |= SCB_ALL;


    Also is posible to end SC_Status when they not in x mapflag?

  2. For example i cand add resistance of race and element

    sd->subele[ELE_WATER] += sc->data[sC_NEW_STATUS]->val1;
    sd->subrace[RC_DEMON] += sc->data[sC_NEW_STATUS]->val1;

    but what if i need resistance for long range ( Like noxius ) and stun?

  3. Did I read right? renewal branch only? I wonder if we will have 2 branches, or only ... one?.

    I'm not a server owner anymore, but, I know that a lot of servers still use pre-renewal mechanism

    I was wondering that too

    To be honest, it's about time.

    However, I do have to agree, there should probably be two SVNs. One pre-Renewal, and the other Renewal. While servers who continue down the path of non-Renewal may get left in the dust a bit, there are way too many people out there who would prefer to be able to start their own server on the basis of the old mechanics. Leaving it as the only option would probably discourage those people (such as RetRO, they've been around for over a year now?). Though, I do have to admit, forcing people to get used to the Renewal side of things may do a world of good, seeing as everyone's scared of it like a housewife to a mouse.

    At least one option to keep the pre-renewal option off/on

    i agree, that this project go Renewal. Chopping up code just to make renewal option work in a non renewal server is just ridicules. This new fork should pick up the principles that EA originally had about keeping up with kro. If member really dont want renewal, i dont see the reason they cant stay in there current svn and just commit the npc and database items only. Not to mention the fact that people need to stop living in the past and move on to renewal. i swear people make it seem like renewal is end of the world. In fact without renewal, 3-1 and mobs and new mob skill are way to overpowered and unbalanced.

    everything you said is true, but for example you like to play in renewal and others like to play pre-renewal

    Also keep working RAthena Team!! ;)

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