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Posts posted by Temtaime

  1. On 8/15/2017 at 6:33 PM, jpg said:

    Could you clarify if you're going to open source the client and provide a deadline? I'm ready to start writing plugins and help if you do release the code. A lot of feedback here were also ignored.

    I understand that it's your code, your property, we have no right to say anything. But you're not building any good faith when you ignore people and come here to ask for help. I hear people saying the same thing on Discord, many people want to help but won't if it's closed source.

    What's stopping you from charging people $500 for the client and tooling once it's ready? Or to pivot and sell it as your own engine and ignore Ragnarok Online? Why would we not expect your project to fail and get abandoned just like so many others did in the past decade? It's a two way street.

    This worries me because it shows that you are trying to move further away from the base game and/or are not following a vision. And that you're not leveraging the power of the community that could write these things for you.

    I wish you success and I think you could really change this game for the better. I'll watch your progress from the sidelines to see if you ever open source it and if not this is my last post here. Good luck!

    Hi !

    Please, can you tell what feedback was ignored ?

    As you have noticed, it's my property and i don't want to simple share it with somebody who didn't passed a minute developing it, but can fork and state that it's now his. For now client won't get opensource, but for future i can change my mind, so currently i cannot respond how it will be in the future.

    Please, note that i don't force someone to help me, if someone doesn't want to do this, he can simple pass by. 

    I am a very familiar with RO, so i chose EAthena as MMORPG server. I have wrote MMORPG client for EA, not for RO. Yes, it emulates RO currently, but soon it will able to load any custom content using any 3d format.

    I have a clear vision for RO, i don't want to remake it or to remake EA with it. Speaking for help that i requested to remake UI - i am not going to change it much, but i want to freshen it up a little, make more user-friendly. I am not going to change game basis.

    And yes, i think i cannot guarantee that this project wouldn't fail, but i will do my best to not to fail it, and as you can see, it is currently released and have updates. I didn't investigated into all other projects, but it seems that my client already went far.

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  2. On 7/21/2017 at 9:49 AM, SusanoSprites said:






    Pd: is dead again

    Your brain is dead, while Æsir is not.


    Hello guys !

    I'm sorry for such a delay, but i have some troubles IRL, and while i'm the only one who develops this client, there was no news.

    Æsir made a big step, many basic features are now accessible. It's not so much comparing with korean client, but it's a good start. With time, features will multiply.

    You can download and try it right here.


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  3. Okee, i have some questions here for a start.

    • During disassembling original client from end of 2016 i found that all the info about rsm format that i had found is wrong. It seems that koreans removed position animation from 1.5. Okay, i written their behavior, but i still has extra 8 bytes at the end of file and i cannot figure out are they unused in original client or not. There's no extra bytes in 1.4 for example.
    • I also cannot find any info about the formula used in lighting calculation. A point light has only position, range and a color. I made something that looks almost as the lightmaps, but on some maps my formula gives unacceptable results(too bright for example). Maybe someone can figure out how koreans calculate lightmaps exactly(calculated ightmaps are stored in the gnd file; i need only the formula because i don't use the lightmaps itselves, i do per-pixel lights calculations based on point lights information).
    • Upvote 1
  4. Thanks for yours support !

    Project is written in D(dlang.org) using OpenGL as on all the platforms.

    Currently it is a closed-source project, but i will post some more info soon.

    Speaking about help there's some work with original client, for example effects table extraction and some work on file formats.

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  5. Hello for all. :3

    I'm release my fastest grf library, written in C++. It supports grf files with version 0x1** or 0x200. For more info see docs/html/index.html.

    It goes with my custom common library, which i will release sooner at sf.net. So i'm sorry for documentation misses in some places.

    Grf lib also have example. Example - useful program to pack/unpack grf files.

    For more info about example just run help.bat.

    If you like it, u can support me to future releases:

    WMZ: Z866169295097.

    Yandex: 41001310943642.

    And sorry for my Eng, i'm Ru. :)

    P.S. also looking for remote job as C/C++ programmer. Write to pm. :)

    AVE Patch coming soon!


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