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Posts posted by cloud167

  1. the portals going in and out of the map is invisible, it is working, and all the npcs in the whole server (the official npcs) are nowhere to be found, and also players are invisible from each other but they can see what they say on general chat....

    how to fix this?? any help please? :D

  2. amy request is quite simple, 3v3 pvp event (kinda like the BG works but taking out the extra things to do inside besides pvp only)

    - the way the people can enter is like how on battlegrounds wait for the 10 players before starting (a chat room with 3 people then if the 2 chat room with 3 people is is full, they will be teleported to the pvp map)

    - when a player is killed, he will be automatically resurrected the first time within 5 seconds, but on the 2nd death, the player will be out of the game

    - all buffs will be dispelled upon entering the field

    - the remaining players on the party will each receive a prize/prizes

    - there will be a cooldown of 5 minutes before the npc can be used again

    quite simple? yes? can someone make this for me? thank you in advance :)

  3. How can I disable devotion on a certain map?? (ex. a pvp map) or how can players cant enter a pvp map if they have a party and they cant create a party inside also??? :|

  4. How to change this script into making it speak only with high priests????

    Hyrule,159,99,4 script Forbidden Island Quest#Register 794,{


    mes "[^FF0000Father Cid^000000]";

    mes "^0000FFForbidden Island^000000 : "+( getmapusers(.Map$) > 0 ?"^FF0000OFF":"^00FF00ON")+"^000000";

    mes "(^FF0000Only Leader can Register^000000)";

    mes "Forbidden Island needs adventurers like you to cleanse it from undeads and demons...."

    mes "";

    mes "It is In ^FF0000BETA Test^000000.";


    switch(select("^00FF00Stage Game Information^000000",

    ( getmapusers(.Map$) > 0 || getcharid(0) != getpartyleader( getcharid(1),2 ) )?"":"^0000FFRegister for Forbidden Island Quest^000000",

    ( getmapusers(.Map$) < 1 || getgmlevel() < 60 )?"":"^FF0000Reset Stage Game^000000")) {

    Case 1:

    mes "^FF0000Forbidden Island Quest^000000 lets you cleanse the island itself from zombies and demons.. ";

    mes "With every increase or round you manage to reach, the monster could be stronger than before... and more darker..";


    mes "You could win up some ^0000FFItems^000000 that is unique in the island when you finished the whole ^FF0000Forbidden Island Quest^000000";


    mes "In order to ^0000FFRegister^000000 for the ^FF0000Quest^000000, all your party member must meet the ^0000FFRequirements^000000";


    mes "[ ^00FF00Requirements^000000 ]";

    mes "^0000FFBase Level^000000 : "+.Level+" Level";

    mes "^0000FFZeny^000000 : "+.Zeny+" Zeny ";

    mes "^0000FFParty Members^000000 : "+.PartyMember+" Members";

    mes "(^FF0000Level / Zeny only Applied on Leader ^000000 )";



    Case 2:

    // if( getgmlevel() < 80 ){

    // mes "Stage Game is under Debugging Development. Simple Game but Hard ";

    // close;

    // }

    getpartymember getcharid(1),1;

    getpartymember getcharid(1),2;

    set @Count,0;

    for ( set .@i, 0; .@i < $@partymembercount; set .@i, .@i +1 ){

    if ( isloggedin($@partymemberaid[.@i]) ){

    set @Count,@Count+1;



    if( @Count < .PartyMember || BaseLevel < .Level || Zeny < .Zeny ){

    mes "[ ^00FF00Requirements^000000 ]";

    mes "^0000FFBase Level^000000 : "+.Level+" Level";

    mes "^0000FFZeny^000000 : "+.Zeny+" Zeny ";

    mes "^0000FFParty Members^000000 : "+.PartyMember+" Members";

    mes "(^FF0000Level / Zeny only Applied on Leader ^000000 )";



    set Zeny, Zeny - .Zeny;

    mes "Your party will now be warped into the Destination to start the Game.";

    dispbottom "Click on the NPC inside to start the game.";

    delwaitingroom "Stage Game 3";


    announce "Team ["+getpartyname( getcharid(1) )+"] has started the quest at Forbidden Island...",0;

    warpparty .Map$,0,0,getcharid(1);

    killmonster .Map$,"All";

    set getvariableofnpc(.Level,"Stage Game 3"),0;



    Case 3:

    mes "The Game has been Reset.";

    killmonster .Map$,"All";

    mapwarp .Map$,"Hyrule",134,63;

    announce "A GM has RESET the Stage Game, Sorry for the Incovenience.",0;

    set getvariableofnpc(.Level,"Stage Game 3"),0;

    delwaitingroom "Stage Game 3";








    set .Level,255;

    set .Zeny,50000000;

    set .PartyMember,1;

    set .Map$,"lava_pvp";

    while( 1 ){


    waitingroom ( getmapusers(.Map$) > 0 ? " NOT":" " )+" Available",0;

    sleep 1000;




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