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  1. Please move if this is not the correct place to ask this.

    When trying to convert a .txt file, I'm getting these errors:


    This is the file:


    This is what the new .yml becomes:


    It is saying it has an Unknown weapon type, but the number it is refering to is the "View" number that's used on /accessoryid.lub.
    Am I missing something here? Just switched from old rAthena to latest.


  2. 15 hours ago, Thanna20 said:
    // Activate guild skills delay by relog?
    // Official setting is 5 minutes (300000 ms), otherwise allow guild leaders to relog to cancel the 5 minute delay.
    guild_skill_relog_delay: 300000

    Have you modified this filed bro?

    Hi, it is default (300000) at the moment.

    Tried reducing it to 0, but whenever use relogs he can instantly use the skill again.

    It seems this config is not taking in consideration the already existing cooldown of the skill. It just puts a 5 min delay on the skill, doesn't matter if the user only has 30 secs remaining cooldown to use it again...

  3. Hi all, I'm having an issue with Guild Recall skill.

    What happens is this: The WoE starts and a member enters the castle normally and can use the skill. When the skill is used, a delay of 5 minutes is put.

    The problem is, whenever he logs out, this delay is re-put, meaning that the guild leader can only cast the skill if he/she is logged in non-stop for 5 minutes, which in my case is a problem.

    Is there a way of solving this?



  4. Okay, I have been looking into this but unfortunately could not find the issue. Wondering if this has anything to do with the hexed...

    I don't see anything that could be affecting this in the code below.

    static int skill_magic_reflect(struct block_list* src, struct block_list* bl, int type)
    	struct status_change *sc = status_get_sc(bl);
    	struct map_session_data* sd = BL_CAST(BL_PC, bl);
    	if (!sc || !sc->data[SC_KYOMU]) { // Kyomu doesn't reflect
    		// Item-based reflection - Bypasses Boss check
    		if (sd && sd->bonus.magic_damage_return && type && rnd()%100 < sd->bonus.magic_damage_return)
    			return 1;
    	// Magic Mirror reflection - Bypasses Boss check
    	if (sc && sc->data[SC_MAGICMIRROR] && rnd()%100 < sc->data[SC_MAGICMIRROR]->val2)
    		return 1;
    	if( status_get_class_(src) == CLASS_BOSS )
    		return 0;
    	// status-based reflection
    	if( !sc || sc->count == 0 )
    		return 0;
    	// Kaite reflection - Does not bypass Boss check
    	if( sc->data[SC_KAITE] && (src->type == BL_PC || status_get_lv(src) <= 80) ) {
    		// Kaite only works against non-players if they are low-level.
    		// Kyomu doesn't disable Kaite, but the "skill fail chance" part of Kyomu applies to it.
    		clif_specialeffect(bl, 438, AREA);
    		if( --sc->data[SC_KAITE]->val2 <= 0 )
    			status_change_end(bl, SC_KAITE, INVALID_TIMER);
    		return 2;
    	return 0;

    Maybe it is related to the devotion formula in battle.c?

    Still trying to find out the issue here...


    I have further looked into this and manually removed all source related modifications I have made into the server. I ran a clean version of the emulator and the bug is still there.

    Could this be a bug in the emulator?

  5. Hi all, WoE has just started in my server and I have noticed a big problem with magic reflect damage when the damage dealer is protected with Devotion.

    The damage dealer (with devotion) does damage to enemy and for some reason, an attack animation happens to the damage dealer (he aims at the current location of Devotion caster and attacks).

    This is a problem, because it "pauses" the constant cast of skills by the damage dealer. This also happens if the enemy is buffed with "Kaite" and gets damaged by "Meteor shower".

    Below is a video showing what happens:



    Could someone help me solve this issue?

    I believe this has been caused due to a src modification made to my server, there has been many and I can't recall which has caused it.

  6. Hi, I would like to alter the @die command so that players cannot use it when they are in a battleground map.

    Could anyone help me?

    	nullpo_retr(-1, sd);
    	clif_displaymessage(sd->fd, msg_txt(sd,13)); // A pity! You've died.
    	if (fd != sd->fd)
    		clif_displaymessage(fd, msg_txt(sd,14)); // Character killed.
    	return 0;


  7. Hi all, I would like to request a script which any player can input an item ID and it will tell him how many of that item exists in the entire server. (sum of inventory, cart, storage, gstorage and equipped itens).

    For example, user inputs id 607 (Yggdrasil Berry).

    NPC will show the player how many Yggdrasil Berry exists in the entire server from all players.

    Thank you!

  8. As the title mentions, I am having an issue with the skill "Meteor Shower".

    When casted it will normally hit enemy players on the casted area. However, when multiple Meteors are casted in a short period of time, none of the Meteors hit the players on the casted areas.

    Damage will only start counting when the caster stops casting the skill. (During WoE this is a big issue, as casters usually cast many meteors in a short time)

    This will only be noticible when under the effects of "Bragi" or "Kiel card", as the user is able to cast many meteors quickly.

    I'm using an rAthena version which I got from the GIT no more than 3 months ago.

    Is anyone experiencing this issue? Is it already known?



  9. That I understand. But it isn't possible in any way to modify the script so that it is possible to have 2 hours woe starting at 22:00 and ending at 00:00?

    This is what I want and have already told my players I would do so. However, I didn't know that the controller didn't suport such feature.

    If I change this original code:

    for(set .@i,0; .@i<23; set .@i,.@i+1)
    				set .@menu$, .@menu$+" ~ "+Add_Zero(.@i,1)+":";
    			set .@Start, select(.@menu$)-1;
    			mes "[New Session]";
    			mes "Select an end time for ^0055FF"+.Days$[.@Day]+"^000000.";
    			set .@menu$,"";
    			for(set .@i,.@Start+1; .@i<24; set.@i,.@i+1)
    				set .@menu$, .@menu$+" ~ "+Add_Zero(.@i,1)+":";
    			set .@End, select(.@menu$)+.@Start;
    			for(set .@i,0; .@i<.Size; set .@i,.@i+4)


    To this:

    for(set .@i,0; .@i<23; set .@i,.@i+1)
    				set .@menu$, .@menu$+" ~ "+Add_Zero(.@i,1)+":";
    			set .@Start, select(.@menu$)-1;
    			mes "[New Session]";
    			mes "Select an end time for ^0055FF"+.Days$[.@Day]+"^000000.";
    			set .@menu$,"";
    			for(set .@i,.@Start+1; .@i<25; set.@i,.@i+1)
    				set .@menu$, .@menu$+" ~ "+Add_Zero(.@i,1)+":";
    			set .@End, select(.@menu$)+.@Start;
    			for(set .@i,0; .@i<.Size; set .@i,.@i+4)


    Should it work fine? On the NPC it displays end time for 24:00... However, I think this might bug out somewhere.

    Nobody? sorry to bump

  10. I have solved the issue after playing with the code for a while.

    Here is my solution:

    -	script	VIP_TIME	-1,{
    		if (vip_status(1)) {
    			dispbottom "Your VIP expires on : "+vip_status(2);
    			dispbottom "Time left : "+vip_status(3);

    Is it possible to change the time/date format?

    This is how it is currently:


  11. 36 minutes ago, SpiritD said:
      Reveal hidden contents
      *vip_status(<type>,{"<character name>"})
      Returns various information about a player's VIP status.
      Valid types:
      VIP_STATUS_ACTIVE - VIP status: true if the player is a VIP or false if not
      VIP_STATUS_EXPIRE - VIP expire timestamp if the player is VIP or 0 if not
      VIP_STATUS_REMAINING - VIP time remaining in seconds
      NOTE: This command is only available if the VIP System is enabled.
      *vip_time <time>,{"<character name>"};
      Changes a player's VIP time (in minutes). A positive value will increase time, and a
      negative value will decrease time.
      NOTE: This command is only available if the VIP System is enabled.

    source: https://github.com/rathena/rathena/blob/master/doc/script_commands.txt

    I did check it out, still didn't help much...

  12. Hi, I have been trying to figure out how to display to users their remaining VIP account time.

    However, I wasn't able to figure out how to do it.

    From what I see, VIP time is stored in the login database as "vip_time", however, the numbers which are displayed there are confusing.

    I have managed to create a script to "Add VIP time" using:

    atcommand "@vip +24h "+strcharinfo(0)+"";

    But how can I display how much VIP time is left for the account each time the user logs in?

    I noticed that whenever I use the script above, it bottomdisplays my VIP time remaining, where can I find this code? Is it possible to modify the text it currently displays?



  13. Hi, I know there are some voting pull scripts around, however, I wasn't able to find any that still works with the current rAthena.

    Basically, it is an script where players can vote on different options set by an administrator. The values are saved within the NPC.

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