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Posts posted by GraveUypo

  1. On 08/04/2017 at 1:20 AM, GraveUypo said:

    First of all, thanks for this awesome package. it made the whole process a lot easier to start for me.

    i'd like to point out something though. those shortcut batch files you made are pointing to the wrong executables. it says map-server.exe when it's mapserver.exe. same for login and char server. this could explain the errors some people are getting.
    There are two ways to fix this. either

    1- rename mapserver.exe to map-server.exe, loginserver.exe to login-server.exe and charserver.exe to char-server.exe, which is what i've done since it's a LOT easier.
    2- edit the hooks in all the batch files to adapt to the names.


    is that it? so i've been going around the conf folder and changing stuff around in every *_athena.conf file, and then changing the sql server to my ip for nothing?

    it's still not working for me. i intend to put a server on my permanently-offline 10-computer lanroom. like i said, i've been going around changing ips here and there, and i got all the server applications to see each other. But now i can't get any client, even on the same machine as the server, to connect. i've done what you suggested here already it for some reason it just doesn't work. there isn't even a log of an attempted connection on the login server screen. what gives?


    ah, another question. what should i put in the data.ini file for it to read the data folder before reading the GRF?

    it currently contains this:

    //1=rAthena2017PRE.grf // see readme.txt in PRERE/ folder


    would this work?

    //1=rAthena2017PRE.grf // see readme.txt in PRERE/ folder

    just passing by to say i've had another try this week and i figured everything out, and my server is now fully working on my lan room. it's awesome.

    the issue i had with not being able to connect from another pc to my server was just that i was changing the clientinfo.xml in the data.grf file, when it's the one on rathena.xml that was being used by the client. once i discovered that it was pretty much an insta fix. apparently, in case of repeated files in different packages, the client uses the one from the file set to load first in the data.ini file. that's pretty handy because if i want to make small mods i can just make a new small grf and add all the configurations to that instead of having to go around passing that huge data.grf file around.


    that's all good, but RO with only up to 6 people gets old quickly, so i'm actually maybe looking into making new quest lines and changing some stuff in the game.

    i already made a new EXP table that makes level progressing a LOT more linear. no longer will people take 5 minutes to get to lvl 70 and then a week for the rest of the way. it now takes more or less the same time to get to lvl 30 to 40 as from 70 to 80, and from 80 to 90. i like it a lot better this way (takes the same exp to reach 99 though). i haven't touched the job level progression, so as a side effect we get to experience what a 32/1 lord knight is like.

    --the formula for the xp table for anyone interested is 500 * (1/(level^0.685))
    if you're going lower than rate 30 i suggest building for the leveling efficiency, not just building up into a late game build. it's worth getting magnum break level 10 on swordies, for instance, then reset later.

    also made a new npc with the beginning of the quest line but it basically only talks for now.

  2. 3 hours ago, Anacondaqq said:

    Hi, thank you very much for your bugreport. But i already know about the bug and already posted in the topic fix for it (but the fix not yet included to package, and i will add it with next update). Check this post: 


    Main idea how it must works (like on live real production server). At rathena2017.grf in clientinfo.xml you set IP of the server where is hosted your game-server (emulator part). You must be sure, that you can see that ports of game-server host (6121, 5121, 6900) opened for all your internal network. Then just run emulator, copy-paste client to each host in your internal network, and play. If you stack, i can help you via PM, but it will be hard for me to find a time when i will be on (this is require chatting, forum platform is bad for it)


    I have not tested, but i think it will not work, because data.ini loads .grf files, not data folder, but try it, and maybe it will work for you. What about "read data folder first", i want to say that this exe in package diffed without "load data folder first" patch. You can manually diff your own exe and have "read data folder first" diff.

    For that you need to do next:

    1. Go to and click on "Click and Download" button o7TeCsT.png

    2. Extract archive somewhere at your PC and run NEMO.exe, this is tool for patching kRO game exes via created by community diffs (diffs it's small modification (assembler changes)) in exe to enable / disable some functionality with kRO exe

    3. Then you need to download CLEAN not patched 2015-11-04aRagexe.exe and extract it and place somewhere. For example you can download it from here: https://mega.nz/#!w84jRRjZ!iWjU1Qfsez_3nbTtqQuFWHsbda2IglPi7TBnzZWmJtI 

    4. Then load this clean game exe to your NEMO tool, for example from here https://github.com/zackdreaver/UnpackedkROclients or here is direct link: download clean 2015-11-04aRagexe

    5. Then you can select different patches which you wish to apply to your exe, you can do it manually by clicking on different checkboxes (some of them will not work, some will), and read description what this patch is doing (i know, documentation very weird, so you need everytime to check manually in the game what the patch is doing for you). Or you can select "recommended" patches, or load profile. I strongly suggest you at first time just for creating 2015-11-04aRagexe with "load  data folder first" patch to load pre-made by me profile for the exe which already in the pack.


    Recommend patchlist you can download from here (.log file with names of patches) Recommend Saved Profile

    6. Just click "load profile" and select this .log file, then just click "OK, OK, OK" to confirm pop-up dialogues.

    7. Then find "read data folder first" patch, and select it.

    8. Then click "Apply Selected" and you will get exe in output folder with all patches selected.

    If you are lazy ass, i have prepared everything for you (.exe with Load Data Folder First).

    Here is download link: download 2015-11-04aRagexe with read data folder first patch

    (and not need to touch data.ini)

    Btw, i made wall of text not really for helping you, but to show how to patch exes and how it's easy when everything already made for you by community (ai4rei, Neo, etc guys which did really most biggest and most hardest part of work)


    that's awesome. i'll look into that, seems really useful. i thought the process to "diff" a executable was harder.

    as for my lan conectivity issues, it's probably ports. i'll try changing them all to ports i know are open and free in my computer.

  3. First of all, thanks for this awesome package. it made the whole process a lot easier to start for me.

    i'd like to point out something though. those shortcut batch files you made are pointing to the wrong executables. it says map-server.exe when it's mapserver.exe. same for login and char server. this could explain the errors some people are getting.
    There are two ways to fix this. either

    1- rename mapserver.exe to map-server.exe, loginserver.exe to login-server.exe and charserver.exe to char-server.exe, which is what i've done since it's a LOT easier.
    2- edit the hooks in all the batch files to adapt to the names.


    On 17/03/2017 at 9:55 PM, Anacondaqq said:




    Everything what you need (GRF Editor) you are already have in 04_useful tools folder. Install and open rAthena2017.grf inside it, find clientinfo.xml, and change address to your LAN ip where will be hosted your game-server (example:

    is that it? so i've been going around the conf folder and changing stuff around in every *_athena.conf file, and then changing the sql server to my ip for nothing?

    it's still not working for me. i intend to put a server on my permanently-offline 10-computer lanroom. like i said, i've been going around changing ips here and there, and i got all the server applications to see each other. But now i can't get any client, even on the same machine as the server, to connect. i've done what you suggested here already it for some reason it just doesn't work. there isn't even a log of an attempted connection on the login server screen. what gives?


    ah, another question. what should i put in the data.ini file for it to read the data folder before reading the GRF?

    it currently contains this:

    //1=rAthena2017PRE.grf // see readme.txt in PRERE/ folder


    would this work?

    //1=rAthena2017PRE.grf // see readme.txt in PRERE/ folder
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