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Posts posted by Gelo

  1. I already created a table there but still, when I click the vote site, the point is not counted.

    uhmm.. in my ceres cp DB, my database name is "username_cp" and the vote_points table is inside it.

    in my ragnarok DB, my vote_points table is inside "cp" databse.

    is there a conflict why the points are not couting?


    It's working fine now, btw!

    There is still a big problem I encountered, after putting this to ragnarok DB, and then the vote is counted, but I cannot access all the accounts, when trying to enter the game it says unregistered ID. help!! T_T

  2. Need help with my ceres plus, I am trying to make the v4p work but it seems that it didn't. The voting links are working well, the vote 4 points NPC is working well but the problem is every time I click the links, the points is not counting.

    I check my database and there is vote_points table but still no data.

    I already tried to click the voting sites several times, but still no effect.

    I read some post that the database should be on the RO database and not on the CP database. but how can I do that??.

    my vote_points table is inside my ceres cp databse.

    and 1 more thing I want to know is how to change the voting hours and points??

    Thanks in advance ^_^

  3. my server is like this. from the start, there will be a instant job helper. you can only choose there Trans,Expanded, and Baby normal jobs. And Changing to 3rd job is manually I already added job restriction in some GVG maps where 3rd job classes cannot enter and they will be warped back to prontera.

    Anyway, thanks! Maybe your script is better than the one i am using.

  4. Hello rAthena, I am planning to have a separate WoE for my server. trans and 3rd jobs woe. I need help:

    When The Guild master is 3rd Job, They cannot invite trans and other classes. Only other 3rd jobs are permitted to join there guild and vice versa.

    Simple explanations:

    if Invited Player 1 =< Guild Master Class then Player 1 cannot join the guild.

    also the same for trans classes!

    Anyone have done this?? Thanks alot :(

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