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Posts posted by lexaeus

  1. Hi Guys,

    Just a noob question, How Am I going to set a certain map pk. I already set pk_mode to 2 and 1. Only happens it deactivates the PVP counter on the bottom right part of my screen.

    // PK Server Mode.  Turns entire server pvp(excluding towns). Experience loss is doubled if killed by another player.
    // When players hunt monsters over 20 levels higher, they will receive 15% additional exp., and 25% chance of receiving more items. 
    // There is a nopvp.txt for setting up maps not to have pk on in this mode.  Novices cannot be attacked and cannot attack.
    // Normal pvp counter and rank display are disabled as well.
    // Note: If pk_mode is set to 2 instead of 1 (yes), players will receive a 
    //   manner penalty of 5 each time they kill another player (see manner_system 
    //   config to adjust how this will affect players)
    pk_mode: 1

    // Manner/karma system configuration. Specifies how does negative manner
    // (red no chat bubble) affects players (add as needed):
    //  0: No penalties.
    //  1: Disables chatting (includes whispers, party/guild msgs, etc)
    //  2: Disables skill usage
    //  4: Disables commands usage
    //  8: Disables item usage/picking/dropping
    // 16: Disables room creation (chatrooms and vending shops)
    manner_system: 0

    // For PK Server Mode. Change this to define the minimum level players can start PK-ing
    pk_min_level: 55

    // For PK Server Mode. It specifies the maximum level difference between
    // players to let them attack each other. 0 disables said limit.
    pk_level_range: 0



  2. Hi Rathenian,

    Good Day!

    Seeking for the level of your assistance. I'am still having issue with the damage of ExtremityFist on my server. I tried modifying the following but to no avail.

    Here's my sample config :


            case MO_EXTREMITYFIST:
                skillratio += 100 * (7 + min(sstatus->sp,6000)/ 10);
                skillratio = min(500000,skillratio); //We stop at roughly 50k SP for overflow protection


    /// Uncomment to enable skills damage adjustments
    /// By enabling this, db/skill_damage.txt and the skill_damage mapflag will adjust the
    /// damage rate of specified skills.
    //#define ADJUST_SKILL_DAMAGE           <<<<<< i supposed it is switched off

    lastly no changes made on skill_damage_db.txt



  3. Hi Rathenian,

    I just noticed that my status points is different than other 255/120 servers. In my case my status points is only 7237 while other servers has 7316. What do i need to modify so I can have 7316 stats points.


    Thanks in advance

  4. Hi guys just a noob question. I tried to modify my drop rate to this 10% normal card 5% mvp and 2% rate.

    Here's my config.

    // rAthena Battle Configuration File
    // Originally Translated by Peter Kieser <[email protected]>
    // Made in to plainer English by Ancyker
    // Note 1: Value is a config switch (on/off, yes/no or 1/0)
    // Note 2: Value is in percents (100 means 100%)

    // If an item is dropped, does it go straight into the user's inventory? (Note 1)
    item_auto_get: no

    // How long does it take for an item to disappear from the floor after it is dropped? (in milliseconds)
    flooritem_lifetime: 60000

    // Grace time during which only the person who did the most damage to a monster can get the item? (in milliseconds)
    item_first_get_time: 3000

    // Grace time during which only the first and second person who did the most damage to a monster can get the item? (in milliseconds)
    // (Takes effect after item_first_get_time elapses)
    item_second_get_time: 1000

    // Grace time during which only the first, second and third person who did the most damage to a monster can get the item? (in milliseconds)
    // (Takes effect after the item_second_get_time elapses)
    item_third_get_time: 1000

    // Grace time to apply to MvP reward items when the Most Valuable Player can't get the prize item and it drops on the ground? (in milliseconds)
    mvp_item_first_get_time: 10000

    // Grace time for the first and second MvP so they can get the item? (in milliseconds)
    // (Takes effect after mvp_item_first_get_time elapses)
    mvp_item_second_get_time: 10000

    // Grace time for the first, second and third MvP so they can get the item? (in milliseconds)
    // (Takes effect after mvp_item_second_get_time elapses)
    mvp_item_third_get_time: 2000

    // Item drop rates (Note 2)

    // The rate the common items are dropped (Items that are in the ETC tab, besides card)
    item_rate_common: 100000
    item_rate_common_boss: 100000
    item_rate_common_mvp: 100000
    item_drop_common_min: 1
    item_drop_common_max: 10000

    // The rate healing items are dropped (items that restore HP or SP)
    item_rate_heal: 100000
    item_rate_heal_boss: 100000
    item_rate_heal_mvp: 100000
    item_drop_heal_min: 1
    item_drop_heal_max: 10000

    // The rate at which usable items (in the item tab) other then healing items are dropped.
    item_rate_use: 100000
    item_rate_use_boss: 100000
    item_rate_use_mvp: 100000
    item_drop_use_min: 1
    item_drop_use_max: 10000

    // The rate at which equipment is dropped.
    item_rate_equip: 500000
    item_rate_equip_boss: 500000
    item_rate_equip_mvp: 500000
    item_drop_equip_min: 1
    item_drop_equip_max: 10000

    // The rate at which cards are dropped
    item_rate_card: 100000
    item_rate_card_boss: 20000
    item_rate_card_mvp: 50000
    item_drop_card_min: 1
    item_drop_card_max: 10000

    // The rate adjustment for the MVP items that the MVP gets directly in their inventory
    // Mode: 0 - official order, 1 - random order, 2 - all items
    item_rate_mvp: 20000
    item_drop_mvp_min: 1
    item_drop_mvp_max: 10000
    item_drop_mvp_mode: 0

    // The rate adjustment for card-granted item drops.
    item_rate_adddrop: 20000
    item_drop_add_min: 1
    item_drop_add_max: 10000

    // Rate adjustment for Treasure Box drops (these override all other modifiers)
    item_rate_treasure: 20000
    item_drop_treasure_min: 1
    item_drop_treasure_max: 10000

    // Use logarithmic drops? (Note 1)
    // Logarithmic drops scale drop rates in a non-linear fashion using the equation 
    // Droprate(x,y) = x * (5 - log(x)) ^ (ln(y) / ln(5))
    // Where x is the original drop rate and y is the drop_rate modifier (the previously mentioned item_rate* variables)
    // Use the following table for an idea of how the rate will affect drop rates when logarithmic drops are used:
    // Y: Original Drop Rate
    // X: Rate drop modifier (eg: item_rate_equip)
    //  X\Y | 0.01 0.02  0.05  0.10  0.20  0.50  1.00  2.00  5.00 10.00 20.00
    // -----+---------------------------------------------------------------
    //   50 | 0.01 0.01  0.03  0.06  0.11  0.30  0.62  1.30  3.49  7.42 15.92
    //  100 | 0.01 0.02  0.05  0.10  0.20  0.50  1.00  2.00  5.00 10.00 20.00
    //  200 | 0.02 0.04  0.09  0.18  0.35  0.84  1.61  3.07  7.16 13.48 25.13
    //  500 | 0.05 0.09  0.22  0.40  0.74  1.65  3.00  5.40 11.51 20.00 33.98
    // 1000 | 0.10 0.18  0.40  0.73  1.30  2.76  4.82  8.28 16.47 26.96 42.69
    // 2000 | 0.20 0.36  0.76  1.32  2.28  4.62  7.73 12.70 23.58 36.33 53.64
    // 5000 | 0.50 0.86  1.73  2.91  4.81  9.11 14.45 22.34 37.90 53.91 72.53
    //10000 | 1.00 1.67  3.25  5.28  8.44 15.24 23.19 34.26 54.57 72.67 91.13
    //20000 | 2.00 3.26  6.09  9.59 14.83 25.49 37.21 52.55 77.70 97.95  100%
    //50000 | 5.00 7.87 13.98 21.12 31.23 50.31 69.56 92.48  100%  100%  100%
    item_logarithmic_drops: no

    // Can the monster's drop rate become 0? (Note 1)
    // Default: no (as in official servers).
    drop_rate0item: no

    // Increase item drop rate +0.01%? (Note 1)
    // On official servers it is possible to get 0.00% drop chance so all items are increased by 0.01%.
    // NOTE: This is viewed as a bug to rAthena.
    // Default: no
    drop_rateincrease: no

    // Makes your LUK value affect drop rates on an absolute basis.
    // Setting to 100 means each luk adds 0.01% chance to find items
    // (regardless of item's base drop rate).
    drops_by_luk: 0

    // Makes your LUK value affect drop rates on a relative basis.
    // Setting to 100 means each luk adds 1% chance to find items
    // (So at 100 luk, everything will have double chance of dropping).
    drops_by_luk2: 0

    // The rate of monsters dropping ores by the skill Ore Discovery (Default is 100)
    finding_ore_rate: 100

    // Whether or not Marine Spheres and Floras summoned by Alchemist drop items?
    // This setting has three available values:
    // 0: Nothing drops.
    // 1: Only marine spheres drop items.
    // 2: All alchemist summons drop items.
    alchemist_summon_reward: 1

    // Make broadcast ** Player1 won Pupa's Pupa Card (chance 0.01%) ***
    // This can be set to any value between 0~10000.
    // Note: It also announces STEAL skill usage with rare items
    // 0 = don't show announces at all
    // 1 = show announces for 0.01% drop chance items
    // 333 = show announces for 3.33% or lower drop chance items
    // 10000 = show announces for all items
    rare_drop_announce: 1


    Thanks in advance


  5. Hi Guys!

    Sorry for another noob question. I though I already fixed the issue however it is still the same after I recompile :(

    // The rate at which cards are dropped
    item_rate_card: 100000  // originally it was set to 10000 only after I recompile drop rate became 0.50%
    item_rate_card_boss: 20000
    item_rate_card_mvp: 50000
    item_drop_card_min: 1
    item_drop_card_max: 10000


    can some explain/show to me how to make it? 10% normal card 5% MVP card 2% for the Rare Card.


    Thanks in advance

  6. 13 minutes ago, Radian said:


    // The rate at which cards are dropped
    item_rate_card: 100000	// This one is for normal monsters
    item_rate_card_boss: 20000	// this one is for the mini-boss monsters
    item_rate_card_mvp: 50000	// this one is for the Boss monsters
    item_drop_card_min: 1
    item_drop_card_max: 10000

    thank you Radian cheers!

  7. 1 hour ago, Akkarin said:

    The header of that file answers your question.

    If 100 = 1%, it's safe to assume that 200 would be 2%. Read the file and look at the original values.

    Thank you for your reply, Akkarin. I tried playing different % however I'm still getting 2% drop rate on all monster. mvp normal etc.

    Do i need to modify mob.txt also for this?

  8. Hi Guys,

    Can you please enlighten me on this. I want to change the drop rate of the cards. to 10% normal card 5% MVP while 2% for rare cards.

    Here's my script :

    // The rate at which cards are dropped
    item_rate_card: 10%
    item_rate_card_boss: 2%
    item_rate_card_mvp: 5%
    item_drop_card_min: 1
    item_drop_card_max: 10000

    Thank you in advance.

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