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Everything posted by NicholasHow

  1. diffing 20120410 which means .... ? which and where shall I download from ?
  2. below is the picture of the screenshot, what should I look for Cyro ? is GRF Builder consider a patcher ? I'm sorry I am completely noob at this. hope you don't mind teaching me
  3. Okay I resized the image to 1024x768 already and then use the second link to convert. How do I merge it with server grf ? using grf editor ?
  4. Trust me I have no idea what client am I looking for.. basically I don't even know what client am I using, can I screenshot the folder and you can tell what client am I using or something ?
  5. May I know how come I used grf editor and extracted the picture out and change it to something else but when I drag and drop the new file back in .. after I saved , it stills appears the same wallpapers and nothing changed. is there anything else I need to do or I saved the wrong format ?
  6. I am not experience in this sorry but where can I download a fresh client, if so .. is there anything else that I need to set for the client before using nemo patcher ? I paid some ro company to host this for me but they aren't helping me out on such customization matter so I hope to reach out for help here
  7. Please forgive my noob-ness where can I access this and by using what Thank you.
  8. It kept giving me errors of step 1 and step 2 etc.. may I know what's wrong ?
  9. Hi All, I am new here and I couldn't find any title post regarding this at the moment, please move this to the right section if I have posted wrong. thanks. I would like to ask how can I rename the client name and description as well as the background of the login window. as picture in attachment. Hopefully someone could really help me out as I couldn't find any info on google Do I use HexEditor to make changes to it ? does anyone has a guide to do it because I see no English guides on the internet that I could refer to.
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