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  1. prontera,152,178,3 script test 50,3,3,{ end; OnTouch: end; OnTouchNPC: killmonster "prontera","this"; end; } The script is here After the mob contacted the NPC, there was nothing happened. I have just realized I open the topic in the wrong board:( It should be a script problem. Sorry about that.
  2. Hi, I'm working on a storyline and the NPC needs to killmonster by OnNpcTouch. I can trigger the warp command by OnNpcTouch, but there is nothing happen when I was trying to use killmonster ".@map$","this"; as a command to destroy the mob. Is there anyway I can kill the mob by touching the NPC? Can anyone give some help?
  3. Hi I am designing a game need to set and get two value (value A and for all guild member. First I need to give both value A to guild master who click the NPC clicks the NPC Then all guild member includes guild master get the value B automatically. There is an another NPC to check and get that value from player when they click it How can I do it? Thank you
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