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Posts posted by NeoSteel

  1. This may have already been requested, but I wasn't able to find anything on the subject.

    I would like for my users to be able to capture MVP's and use them as pets.  Some of the private servers I have played on in the past had a Universal Taming Gift item that would allow you to tame an MVP like a normal tamable monster.  See here: http://wiki.atlas-ro.com/Pet_System#MVP_Custom_Pets

    I have been unable to find a script that will allow this.  Might I get some assistance?

  2. Hey everyone!

    So here's what happened: I was trying to fix an issue where the Advanced Stylist wasn't providing any cloth colors.  When I changed a couple of the scripts pertaining to that, and went to recompile them and restart the server, I received an error that prevented me from running the server.  Now the map-server.exe is not found and I can't find the root problem causing the errors.  I'm sure this is a very easy fix, but I'm just not good enough with coding to figure this stuff out.  I have tried downloading fresh version of battle.c, but it hasn't helped.  I have done a fair amount (at least what I think is a fair amount) of customization for my server and it was working just fine until I messed with the stylist and went to recompile.

    I have attached my battle.c, which appears to be where all the issues are stemming from.  And here is the text I get when rebuilding my solutions to compile.

    1>------ Rebuild All started: Project: char-server, Configuration: Debug Win32 ------
    2>------ Rebuild All started: Project: login-server, Configuration: Debug Win32 ------
    3>------ Rebuild All started: Project: map-server, Configuration: Debug Win32 ------
    4>------ Rebuild All started: Project: mapcache, Configuration: Debug Win32 ------
    1>  grammar.c
    1>  libconfig.c
    1>  scanctx.c
    1>  scanner.c
    1>  strbuf.c
    1>  mt19937ar.c
    3>  grammar.c
    3>  libconfig.c
    3>  scanctx.c
    3>  scanner.c
    3>  strbuf.c
    3>  mt19937ar.c
    1>  core.c
    2>  grammar.c
    2>  libconfig.c
    2>  scanctx.c
    2>  scanner.c
    2>  strbuf.c
    2>  mt19937ar.c
    4>  core.c
    4>  des.c
    4>  grfio.c
    4>  malloc.c
    4>  showmsg.c
    4>  strlib.c
    1>  conf.c
    3>  conf.c
    3>  core.c
    2>  mempool.c
    2>  mutex.c
    4>  utils.c
    1>  db.c
    1>  ers.c
    3>  db.c
    4>  mapcache.c
    1>  malloc.c
    1>  mapindex.c
    3>  des.c
    3>  ers.c
    1>  mempool.c
    2>  raconf.c
    3>  grfio.c
    2>  thread.c
    2>  core.c
    3>  malloc.c
    1>  mutex.c
    3>  mapindex.c
    2>  conf.c
    1>  nullpo.c
    1>  raconf.c
    3>  md5calc.c
    1>  random.c
    1>  showmsg.c
    3>  mempool.c
    2>  db.c
    2>  ers.c
    2>  malloc.c
    3>  mutex.c
    3>  nullpo.c
    3>  raconf.c
    2>  md5calc.c
    1>  socket.c
    3>  random.c
    3>  showmsg.c
    1>  sql.c
    3>  socket.c
    2>  nullpo.c
    2>  random.c
    1>  strlib.c
    2>  showmsg.c
    2>  socket.c
    2>  sql.c
    3>  sql.c
    2>  strlib.c
    1>  thread.c
    2>  timer.c
    1>  timer.c
    1>  utils.c
    3>  strlib.c
    1>  cli.c
    3>  thread.c
    2>  utils.c
    3>  timer.c
    1>  msg_conf.c
    3>  utils.c
    2>  cli.c
    1>  char.c
    3>  cli.c
    2>  msg_conf.c
    3>  msg_conf.c
    1>  char_clif.c
    1>  char_cnslif.c
    2>  account.c
    1>  char_logif.c
    2>  ipban.c
    2>  login.c
    3>  atcommand.c
    2>  loginchrif.c
    1>  char_mapif.c
    3>  battle.c
    2>  loginclif.c
    3>  battleground.c
    1>  int_auction.c
    3>  buyingstore.c
    2>  logincnslif.c
    3>  cashshop.c
    2>  loginlog.c
    3>  channel.c
    1>  int_clan.c
    1>  int_elemental.c
    1>  int_guild.c
    3>c:\users\steel\desktop\rathena server\rathena\src\map\battle.c(1044): error C2065: 'SC_MAXPAIN': undeclared identifier
    3>c:\users\steel\desktop\rathena server\rathena\src\map\battle.c(1118): error C2065: 'BLOWN_NONE': undeclared identifier
    3>c:\users\steel\desktop\rathena server\rathena\src\map\battle.c(1189): error C2065: 'BLOWN_NONE': undeclared identifier
    1>  int_homun.c
    3>c:\users\steel\desktop\rathena server\rathena\src\map\battle.c(5011): error C2065: 'BLOWN_NONE': undeclared identifier
    3>c:\users\steel\desktop\rathena server\rathena\src\map\battle.c(5204): error C2065: 'SC_MAXPAIN': undeclared identifier
    3>c:\users\steel\desktop\rathena server\rathena\src\map\battle.c(5205): error C2065: 'SC_MAXPAIN': undeclared identifier
    3>c:\users\steel\desktop\rathena server\rathena\src\map\battle.c(5206): error C2065: 'SC_MAXPAIN': undeclared identifier
    3>c:\users\steel\desktop\rathena server\rathena\src\map\battle.c(5207): error C2065: 'SC_MAXPAIN': undeclared identifier
    3>c:\users\steel\desktop\rathena server\rathena\src\map\battle.c(6579): error C2065: 'SC_MAXPAIN': undeclared identifier
    3>c:\users\steel\desktop\rathena server\rathena\src\map\battle.c(6580): error C2065: 'SC_MAXPAIN': undeclared identifier
    3>c:\users\steel\desktop\rathena server\rathena\src\map\battle.c(6809): error C2065: 'BLOWN_NONE': undeclared identifier
    3>c:\users\steel\desktop\rathena server\rathena\src\map\battle.c(6840): error C2065: 'SC_MAXPAIN': undeclared identifier
    3>c:\users\steel\desktop\rathena server\rathena\src\map\battle.c(6841): error C2065: 'SC_MAXPAIN': undeclared identifier
    3>c:\users\steel\desktop\rathena server\rathena\src\map\battle.c(7272): error C2065: 'BLOWN_NONE': undeclared identifier
    3>  chat.c
    3>  chrif.c
    1>  int_mail.c
    1>  int_mercenary.c
    3>  clan.c
    1>  int_party.c
    3>  clif.c
    1>  int_pet.c
    3>  date.c
    3>  duel.c
    1>  int_quest.c
    1>  int_storage.c
    1>  inter.c
    3>  elemental.c
    3>  guild.c
    3>  intif.c
    3>  itemdb.c
    3>  log.c
    3>  mail.c
    3>  map.c
    3>  mapreg.c
    3>  homunculus.c
    3>  instance.c
    3>  mercenary.c
    3>  mob.c
    3>  npc.c
    3>  npc_chat.c
    3>  party.c
    4>  mapcache.vcxproj -> C:\Users\Steel\Desktop\rAthena Server\rathena\vcproj-14\..\mapcache.exe
    4>  mapcache.vcxproj -> ..\mapcache.pdb (Full PDB)
    3>  path.c
    3>  pc.c
    3>  pc_groups.c
    3>  pet.c
    3>  quest.c
    3>  script.c
    3>  searchstore.c
    3>  skill.c
    3>  status.c
    3>  storage.c
    3>  trade.c
    3>  unit.c
    3>  vending.c
    2>  login-server.vcxproj -> C:\Users\Steel\Desktop\rAthena Server\rathena\vcproj-14\..\login-server.exe
    2>  login-server.vcxproj -> ..\login-server.pdb (Full PDB)
    1>  char-server.vcxproj -> C:\Users\Steel\Desktop\rAthena Server\rathena\vcproj-14\..\char-server.exe
    1>  char-server.vcxproj -> ..\char-server.pdb (Full PDB)
    ========== Rebuild All: 3 succeeded, 1 failed, 0 skipped ==========


  3. Thanks for the reply, Playtester.  I ultimately threw out my server and started from scratch.  At this point, the only issue I have now is, when loading my map server, I am met with the warning "Class 'x' does not have a job table." where 'x' represents all of the classes.  I have edited the new job_exp.txt in the import-tmpl folder, and the base job levels work appropriately.  Just not sure what do about this new issue now.  After looking at all of the other solutions to this issue, and nothing has worked thus far, just rather confused.  I've attached my new job_exp.txt for review.


  4. I tried your suggestions, but it still doesn't work.  I have deleted my import folder, and when that didn't work, I replaced and reconfigured my entire conf folder.  After each, I cleaned and rebuilt the solution.  Is there anything else I can do other than blow my whole server away and start all over?

  5. Hey everyone!

    I have my server all set up and running, everything is working, except this one thing: my job experience rate.  I had it working earlier, but ran into a couple of issues with my max level not working.  So, once I got that fixed, I logged back in and my base exp rate was just fine, but my job rate is at 1x.  If I type in the command @rates, everything looks to be in order, but it just doesn't work.  I've changed the values in my exp.conf back and forth, but nothing has gotten it to work properly.  I don't receive any errors in the server logs or anything like that, either.  So, I'm quite lost on what to do here.  I'm running 2013-08-07.


    I've attached a copy of my exp.conf for anyone who wishes to examine it.  Let me know if you need anything else from me.


  6. 24 minutes ago, Rynbef said:

    U will need to replace your ItemIno.lub or ItemInfo.lua with an english stranlated one. To change the korean names to english.

    Or if u use an old client you will need to replace the idnum2itemdisplaynametable.txt and so on.


    I use <langtype>10</langtype> for my server(German).



    vielen Dank! That worked perfectly! Now to fix my inventory size and everything should be good to go!!

  7. Just as the title says:

    I was having issues with the item names being in Korean.  I followed some advice on the forum and changed my language type to 1 in my client.xml.  But now, all of my accounts are not recognized and say "Unregistered ID."  Nor can I register anything new.  If I change the language type back to 0, everything works fine.  I have attached a snip of my login server error.  If you need any other information, just let me know and I will get it all to you.

    Thank you in advance.

    Error rAthena.PNG

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