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  1. Hurtsky's post in Recomendations for host. was marked as the answer   
    for initial you can go for 2gb RAM, just monitor your RAM usage then you can upgrade server RAM manually. For Digital ocean, if you decided to put fluxcp there, you need to be aware that DO block SMTP port until 60 days usage.
  2. Hurtsky's post in Client 20180621 showing wrong hairstyle was marked as the answer   
    Looks like we need to patch the client with "Increase hair style limit in game" from 4144 latest nemo patches,
    this patch ensure the client use same sprite name and also solve the problem when displaying character in rochargenphp
  3. Hurtsky's post in remove buff in specific area was marked as the answer   
    here you go, and read bottom part of script 
    remember to tick the reply as answer and upvote it !
    - script End_Of_Effect -1,{ OnTouch: //this will end all kind of effect! sc_end SC_ALL; sc_end_class SC_ALL; end; } // see in the end of this duplicate -1 means invisble npc // -1,2,2 = it will trigger 2 cell from the center of cell prontera,162,185 prontera,162,185,6 duplicate(End_Of_Effect) End_Of_Effect#pron -1,2,2  
  4. Hurtsky's post in R> World Boss Script was marked as the answer   
    here fixed one
    - script WorldBoss -1,{ OnClock2021: .@map$ = .townMap$[rand ( getarraysize ( .townMap$ ) - 1 )]; .@mins = .sleep / 60000; announce "[World Boss] A World Boss will appeared in " + .@mins + " minutes", bc_all, 0xFF0000; sleep .sleep; monster .@map$, 153, 175, "--ja--", .wBossId, 1, strnpcinfo(3) + "::OnWBossDied"; announce "[World Boss] A World Boss appeared in " + .@map$ + " to avenge all those dead monsters adventurers killed!", bc_all, 0xFF0000; end; OnWBossDied: announce "[World Boss] " + strcharinfo(0) + " killed the World Boss! Congratulations!", bc_all, 0xFF0000; getitem .rewardId, .rewardCount; end; OnInit: setarray .townMap$[0],"prontera","geffen"; .wBossId = 1001; // monsterID .rewardId = 512; // reward ID .rewardCount = 50; // how many rewards .sleep = 60000; // 60000ms = 1min end; }  
  5. Hurtsky's post in Slave clone online male players was marked as the answer   
    here you go
    - script Clone NPC -1,{ if ( slave == 0 ) { getmapxy ( .@map$ , .@x , .@y , UNITTYPE_PC ); .@slaveID = clone ( .@map$, .@x , .@y , "" , getcharid(0), getcharid(0), 0x1089 ); if ( SEX == SEX_MALE ) .@sex = SEX_FEMALE; else .@sex = SEX_MALE; setunitdata .@slaveID, UMOB_SEX, .@sex; slave = 1; } end; OnPCDieEvent: slave = 0; end; } prontera,170,195,4 duplicate(Clone NPC) Clone NPC#pron 894  
  6. Hurtsky's post in R> VIP item healer was marked as the answer   
    here the fixed one
    prontera,100,200,3 script VIPBuffer 78,{ specialeffect2 EF_HEAL2; percentheal 100,100; specialeffect2 EF_INCAGILITY; sc_start SC_INCREASEAGI,600000,10; specialeffect2 EF_BLESSING; sc_start SC_BLESSING,600000,10; if ( countitem ( .VIP_item ) ) { specialeffect2 EF_ANGELUS; sc_start SC_ANGELUS,600000,10; specialeffect2 EF_SUFFRAGIUM; sc_start SC_SUFFRAGIUM,600000,3; specialeffect2 EF_IMPOSITIO; sc_start SC_IMPOSITIO,600000,5; specialeffect2 EF_GLORIA; sc_start SC_GLORIA,600000,5; specialeffect2 EF_MAGNIFICAT; sc_start SC_MAGNIFICAT,600000,5; specialeffect2 EF_CHEMICALPROTECTIOn; sc_start SC_CP_WEAPON,600000,5; sc_start SC_CP_ARMOR,600000,5; sc_start SC_CP_SHIELD,600000,5; sc_start SC_CP_HELM,600000,5; specialeffect2 EF_ASSUMPTIO; sc_start SC_ASSUMPTIO,600000,5; sc_start SC_ADRENALINE2,600000,1; specialeffect2 EF_MAXPOWER; sc_start SC_MAXIMIZEPOWER,600000,5; specialeffect2 EF_PERFECTION; sc_start SC_WEAPONPERFECTION,600000,5; specialeffect2 EF_ENDURE; sc_start SC_ENDURE,600000,10; sc_start SC_KAUPE,600000,3; sc_start SC_KAITE,600000,7; sc_start SC_STRFOOD,600000,5; sc_start SC_AGIFOOD,600000,5; sc_start SC_VITFOOD,600000,5; sc_start SC_INTFOOD,600000,5; sc_start SC_DEXFOOD,600000,5; sc_start SC_LUKFOOD,600000,5; switch ( CLASS ) { case 18: case 4019: case 4071: case 4078: skilleffect "SL_ALCHEMIST",0; sc_start4 SC_SPIRIT,9999999,5,455,0,0; break; case 15: case 4016: case 4070: case 4077: skilleffect "SL_MONK",0; sc_start4 SC_SPIRIT,9999999,5,447,0,0; break; case 4047: skilleffect "SL_STAR",0; sc_start4 SC_SPIRIT,9999999,5,448,0,0; break; case 16: case 4017: case 4067: case 4074: skilleffect "SL_SAGE",0; sc_start4 SC_SPIRIT,9999999,5,449,0,0; break; case 14: case 4015: case 4066: case 4073: skilleffect "SL_CRUSADER",0; sc_start4 SC_SPIRIT,9999999,5,450,0,0; break; case 23: case 4190: skilleffect "SL_SUPERNOVICE",0; sc_start4 SC_SPIRIT,9999999,5,451,0,0; break; case 7: case 4008: case 4054: case 4060: skilleffect "SL_KNIGHT",0; sc_start4 SC_SPIRIT,9999999,5,452,0,0; break; case 9: case 4010: case 4055: case 4061: skilleffect "SL_WIZARD",0; sc_start4 SC_SPIRIT,9999999,5,453,0,0; break; case 8: case 4009: case 4057: case 4063: skilleffect "SL_PRIEST",0; sc_start4 SC_SPIRIT,9999999,5,454,0,0; break; case 19: case 20: case 4020: case 4021: case 4068: case 4069: case 4075: case 4076: skilleffect "SL_BARDDANCER",0; sc_start4 SC_SPIRIT,9999999,5,455,0,0; break; case 17: case 4018: case 4072: case 4079: skilleffect "SL_ROGUE",0; sc_start4 SC_SPIRIT,9999999,5,456,0,0; break; case 12: case 4013: case 4059: case 4065: skilleffect "SL_ASSASIN",0; sc_start4 SC_SPIRIT,9999999,5,457,0,0; break; case 10: case 4011: skilleffect "SL_BLACKSMITH",0; sc_start4 SC_SPIRIT,9999999,5,458,0,0; break; case 11: case 4012: case 4056: case 4062: skilleffect "SL_HUNTER",0; sc_start4 SC_SPIRIT,9999999,5,460,0,0; break; case 4049: skilleffect "SL_SOULLINKER",0; sc_start4 SC_SPIRIT,9999999,5,461,0,0; break; default: break; } } end; OnInit: .VIP_item = 3000; //itemId end; }  
  7. Hurtsky's post in Character Rollback NPC was marked as the answer   
    i see, then just use this, it will reset your stats and skills point to what novice at first time creation
    prontera,160,186,6 script Reset 998,{ // change to novice jobchange 0; // reset all resetlvl 1; atcommand "@reset"; end; }  
  8. Hurtsky's post in Reg_date problem in fluxCP was marked as the answer   
    just add 
    sql_mode=NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION at your my.ini
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