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Posts posted by Tauro

  1. but this packet does not occur by bots, it is intentional by a third party where they send multiple connections in seconds using that packet until the hosting collapses and restarts. (And I say that it is intentional because at the beginning they were attacks against the web hosting).

    I can't just ignore the packet because the server keeps restarting due to it, is there no way to make that packet perform any action other than crash the server? 

  2. I will try to be as specific as possible, sorry my English.

    Since opening a server I have been getting web and db attacks, which I have fixed.

    But in the ssh or vps sometimes multiple closes of different ip come out because I receive unsupported packet (packet 0x4547). Search the forums but can't find anything related to this error.

    I don't know if anyone knows why this error is due or how they could solve it.

    And when it closes the connections the ssh drops for about 10 seconds, closing the server but after that time it reconnects and without having to reload or start the server I can connect without problems.

    My client is 20180620


  3. Buenas quiero aumentar la max skill de los homunculus pero trabajando con la src no se puede lograr nada aunque se aumente desde allí.

    Por lo que he leído esto se debe al cliente que tiene un límite y solo se puede editar hexadecimalmente pero al usar el HxD la verdad es que me perdí.

    Si alguien conoce que debo editar exactamente del cliente o como hacerlo de otra forma. Espero su ayuda gracias!!!

  4. Hi, I am trying to fix a code that is of my interest. But with this part of the code I can not find out the problem.
    First through the rest skill the hom_vaporize is done.

    	struct item tmp_item;
    	struct s_homunculus *hom;
    	struct homun_data *hd;
    	int rate;
    	hd = sd->hd;
    	rate =(hd->homunculus.class_) + 5530;
    		hom = &hd->homunculus;
    		//sd->status.lock = 0;
    		if(hom->ditto == 1){
    		rate = 8162;
    		rate =(hd->homunculus.class_) + 5530;
    		//hom->char_id = sd->status.char_id;
    		tmp_item.nameid = rate;
    		tmp_item.identify = 1;
    		tmp_item.card[0] = CARD0_HUN;
    		tmp_item.card[1] = GetWord(hd->homunculus.hom_id,0);
    		tmp_item.card[2] = GetWord(hd->homunculus.hom_id,1);
    		tmp_item.card[3] = 0;
    		if((flag = pc_additem2(sd,&tmp_item,1))) {
    		sd = hd->master;
    		hd->homunculus.intimacy = 0;
    		return unit_remove_map(&hd->bl,CLR_OUTSIGHT);

    The idea is to save card[1] and card[2] ids same as in the pet.cpp when it comes to obtaining an egg.

    Then in pc.cpp / pc_isUseitem

    switch( nameid ) {
    		case 50844:
    			if(hom->evomoment == 1){	
    				clif_displaymessage(sd->fd, "Usted no puede retornar.");
    				return 0;
    	case 8031:
    			if(hom->evomoment == 1){	
    				clif_displaymessage(sd->fd, "No puedes invocar otro pokemon mientras tu pokemon activo esta evolucionando.");
    				return 0;
    		if (sd->sc.data[SC_NOCHAT])
    			return 0;
    		if(sd->hd != NULL)
    			return 0;
    			if(sd->inventory.u.items_inventory[n].card[3] > 2){
    				hom_create_request(sd, (sd->inventory.u.items_inventory[n].card[3]));
    				return 1;
    			if(sd->inventory.u.items_inventory[n].card[3] == 1){
    				clif_displaymessage(sd->fd, msg_txt(sd,718));
    				return 0;
    			if(sd->inventory.u.items_inventory[n].card[3] == 0){
    				sd->status.hom_id = MakeDWord(sd->inventory.u.items_inventory[n].card[1], sd->inventory.u.items_inventory[n].card[2]);
    				intif_homunculus_requestload(sd->status.account_id, sd->status.hom_id);
    				return 1;

    By having tmp_item.card [3] = 0;

    will perform this action, which should return the homunculus

    if(sd->inventory.u.items_inventory[n].card[3] == 0){
    When not using the item does not recover the homunculus, someone has some idea of the problem. Thanks for any help!!!



  5. Hello, my idea is that when you throw an item on a mob, do different actions.



    case SM_PROVOKE2:
    	if( sd == NULL )
    	if( dstsd )
    	if (sd && dstmd) {
    			skillidtest(sd, dstmd->mob_id);


    int skillidtest(struct map_session_data *sd,int target_id)
    	struct mob_data* md;
    	nullpo_retr(1, sd);
    	md = (struct mob_data*)map_id2bl(target_id);
    	if (sd->itemid == 33001) {
    		clif_displaymessage(sd->fd, "perfect");
    		return 1;
    	} else if(sd->itemid == 28606) {
    		clif_displaymessage(sd->fd, "perfect2");
    		return 1;
    	} else if(sd->itemid == 28607) {
    		clif_displaymessage(sd->fd, "perfect3");
    		return 1;
    	} else {
    		clif_displaymessage(sd->fd, "perfect4");
    		//clif_emotion(&md->bl, ET_ANGER);
    		return 1;
    	return 0;

    I use the id 33001

    33001,test,test,11,1000,500,10,,,,,0xFFFFFFFF,7,2,,,,,,{ itemskill "SM_PROVOKE2",1; },{},{}

    But he throws me the else, perfect4

    How could I fix


  6. No double login in one map ip and gepard unique_id

    main code of ConfindecE and improved by Tauro to gepard and remove by account inhibition

    About this file:
    Anti-double login system in a specific map example: pvp, woe, events, etc.
    It has ip system or unique_id by gepard
    Account protection for accounts of the type: Gm, brothers, relatives, couples, etc ...

    By downloading this file, you accept the following terms:

    It is not allowed to remove my written signature within the script.
    You are not allowed to sell, resell or earn any kind of money or incentives to use my work.
    You are not allowed to claim my work as yours.
    The terms mentioned above may change without prior notice.


    1.1 Add $MapsWorks$ for prevent the script from working in other scripts that have loadevent 
    1.1 Update error of getmapxy for new commands


  7. Bueno mira cuando vas a la group.conf y le colocas disable_pvm toda esa group no puede atacar a los monstruos yo quiero hacer eso mismo pero en una zona especifica así que me fui a la src específicamente "battle.c"

    case BL_MOB: // Source => PC, Target => MOB
                    if (pc_has_permission((TBL_PC*)s_bl, PC_PERM_DISABLE_PVM) )
                        return 0;

    Eso lo que hace es como anteriormente dije hacer que no se pueda atacar así que lo modifique de esta forma


    case BL_MOB: // Source => PC, Target => MOB
                    if ( map[m].flag.restricted || pc_has_permission((TBL_PC*)s_bl, PC_PERM_DISABLE_PVM) )
                        return 0;

    Y me sirve pero obviamente quita todos los mapas que esten en restricted y entonces quería quitar solo en la zona 2 por ende le metí map[m].zone == 2


    case BL_MOB: // Source => PC, Target => MOB
                    if ( map[m].zone = 2 || pc_has_permission((TBL_PC*)s_bl, PC_PERM_DISABLE_PVM) )
                        return 0;


    El punto es que por alguna razón quita el pvm en todo el juego no es la zona que elijo igual intente con 8 y 16 por ser hexadecimal y nada.


    Espero alla quedado un poco más claro lo que busco y me puedan ayudar.

  8. Buenas alguno me podría ayudar u orientar que debo modificar en la src para que en un mapa sea imposible atacar a los monstruos pero solo en uno especifico por ejemplo prontera.

    Algo como en la groups.conf que al colocar disable_pvm le quita el poder atacar a los monstruos pero a todo el groups.

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