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  1. iwillnot's post in How do you edit your lua and lub files? was marked as the answer   
    I think this is an encoding issue.
    Make sure your text editor's encoding is set to EUC-KR before editing and saving. This is something you can configure on your text editor (notepad++, Visual Studio Code).
    I use VS Code (see the attachment). Change whatever encoding (e.g. UTF-8) into the appropriate LUA encoding (EUC-KR).
  2. iwillnot's post in Does Multiple bAutoSpell trigger? was marked as the answer   
    Thanks for the suggestion. You're right, I'm sure that'll work!
    Yeah, I'm trying to figure out the least amount of work to do first, before going into source editing. 
    Only one skill is displayed on the user interface "STRIP HELM" but in fact, all the strip skills were triggered because of the high skill chance. This means that this is not a bug, and is in fact, working correctly.
    This means that when multiple skills occur at the same time, only the last skill will be displayed on the screen. This makes sense, as you cannot display 4 skill texts above the character's name at the same time.
  3. iwillnot's post in code notice.html help was marked as the answer   
    You're talking about hyperlinks in the programming language HTML.
    <a href="https://www.google.com">Click me to go to Google</a> Good luck!
    Also, this thread should be under Third Party Programs Support, not Client Support.
  4. iwillnot's post in How to "use?" Signboard? was marked as the answer   
    File location
    Yes. You may create your own signboards by editing the clientside LUA/LUB file. There is no server-side configuration for it.
    The file is located at:
    client\data\luafiles514\lua files\signboardlist.lub Example entry
    An example of one signboard is the following:
    { "izlude", 197, 205, 10, IT_SIGNBOARD, "유저인터페이스\\item\\ship_ticket.bmp", "Ship to Alberta and Byalan", "#0x00FFFFFF" }, The first three are explanatory: It's the map and coordinates.
    10 corresponds to the height (i think in pixels, or some arbitrary unit) above the NPC's head. Setting it to 0 means that it is immediately above the NPCs head.
    IT_SIGNBOARD is the type. Examples are shown below.
    The following is the filepath to the image resource.
    The last one, I believe is for the color of the text (I have not tweaked this value so I am not sure).
    End result
    And it results into the following:


    As of posting (December 19, 2018), Asheraf's Translation (commit 8377a6b7340773d0c5ea18987b1c82be0ec1dd05) does not have a translated signboardlist.lub.
    Use Zackdreaver's translation (commit 8377a6b7340773d0c5ea18987b1c82be0ec1dd05) instead.
    Note that the links above are to the master copy of the Git repositories. The commit IDs shown above are the current commit IDs on their master branches.
  5. iwillnot's post in my screen shot got tilted was marked as the answer   
    When I press the screenshot button in-game, when I check the screenshot, it is tilted (diagonally) and it is in grayscale.

    How I solved the problem
    1. Run your opensetup.exe in your RO folder to configure the settings of your client (Download link if you do not have a copy of it in your RO folder).
    2. Change the screen resolution to something else. I used 1440x900.
    In choosing a resolution, read the following quote from a thread in Hercules. 4144 states the following:
    3. Save the settings. Run your game. Test the screenshot to see if it worked. 
    4. If it did not work, try a different screen resolution.

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