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Everything posted by saovarott159

  1. // get a Mob ID from the user input .@mob_id; if (getmobdrops(.@mob_id)) { // 'getmobdrops' returns 1 on success .@count = $@MobDrop_count; copyarray .@item[0],$@MobDrop_item[0],.@count; copyarray .@rate[0],$@MobDrop_rate[0],.@count; mes getmonsterinfo(.@mob_id,MOB_NAME) + " - " + .@count + " drops found:"; for( .@i = 0; .@i < .@count; .@i++ ) { mes .@item[.@i] + " (" + getitemname(.@item[.@i]) + ") " + .@rate[.@i]/200 + ((.@rate[.@i]%100 < 10) ? ".0":".") + .@rate[.@i]%100 + "%"; } } else { mes "Unknown monster ID."; } close;
  2. OK thank you so much the last question help me please How to convert (example in picture) 1.50 to 1.25 0.02 to 0.01 script : mes "^FF0000" + getitemname(.@item[.@i]) + " = " + .@rate[.@i]/200 + ((.@rate[.@i]%100 < 10) ? ".0":".") + .@rate[.@i]%100 + "%^000000";
  3. thank you it work.. If i want show detail item drop and %drop .. mes "Job EXP:" + getmonsterinfo(.@id,MOB_?????);
  4. - script atcmd_mi -1,{ OnInit: bindatcmd "mi",strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnAtcommand"; end; OnAtcommand: if(.@atcmd_numparameters == 0){ dispbottom "Usage: @mi <id>"; end;} .@id = atoi(.@atcmd_parameters$[0]); if(getmonsterinfo(.@id,MOB_NAME) == -1){ dispbottom "Monster ID not found"; end; } mes "Name:" + getmonsterinfo(.@id,MOB_NAME); mes "Lv:" + getmonsterinfo(.@id,MOB_LV); mes "HP:" + getmonsterinfo(.@id,MOB_MAXHP); mes "Base EXP:" + getmonsterinfo(.@id,MOB_BASEEXP); mes "Job EXP:" + getmonsterinfo(.@id,MOB_JOBEXP); end; } Thank you but it's work...
  5. Hello guys. How to change style detail on atcommand @mi to Thank you
  6. Hello guys I want example script reset all atcommand if player warp to map "prt_maze03" Thank so much..
  7. Hello guys ... help me please Modify script.c when re-compile warning show. script.c =================================================================== src/map/script.c =================================================================== script_pushint(st, storage_premiumStorage_load(sd, stor_id, script_getnum(st, 3))); return SCRIPT_CMD_SUCCESS; } +//======================================================= +// Pet Evolution +//======================================================= +static int pethatch_eggsearch(int tid, int64 tick, int id, int data){ + struct block_list *bl = map_id2bl(id); + struct map_session_data *sd = map_id2sd(id); + int i; + + if(!sd) + return false; + + i = pc_search_inventory(sd,data); + pet_select_egg(sd,i); + + return true; +} + +BUILDIN_FUNC(pethatch) +{ + TBL_PC *sd; + int id,pet_id; + id=script_getnum(st,2); + sd=script_rid2sd(st); + + if (!sd) + return false; + + if(sd->status.pet_id) + return false; + + pet_id = search_petDB_index(id, PET_CLASS); + if(pet_id < 0) + script_pushint(st,0); + else { + sd->catch_target_class = pet_db[pet_id].class_; + intif_create_pet(sd->status.account_id, sd->status.char_id, + (short)pet_db[pet_id].class_, + (short)mob_db(pet_db[pet_id].class_)->lv, + (short)pet_db[pet_id].EggID, 0, + (short)pet_db[pet_id].intimate, + 100, 0, 1, pet_db[pet_id].jname); + add_timer_func_list(pethatch_eggsearch, "pethatch_eggsearch"); + add_timer(gettick() + 1000, pethatch_eggsearch, sd->bl.id, pet_db[pet_id].EggID); + } + + return true; +} + +BUILDIN_FUNC(petremove) +{ + TBL_PC *sd; + + sd=script_rid2sd(st); + if (!sd) + return false; + + if(!sd->status.pet_id) + return false; + + unit_free(&sd->pd->bl,CLR_OUTSIGHT); + intif_delete_petdata(sd->status.pet_id); + sd->status.pet_id = 0; + + return true; +} #include "../custom/script.inc" =================================================================== // WoE TE BUILDIN_DEF(agitstart3,""), BUILDIN_DEF(agitend3,""), BUILDIN_DEF(agitcheck3,""), BUILDIN_DEF(gvgon3,"s"), BUILDIN_DEF(gvgoff3,"s"), // Pet Evo BUILDIN_DEF(pethatch,"i"), BUILDIN_DEF(petremove,""), #include "../custom/script_def.inc" =================================================================== struct Script_Config script_config = { 1, // warn_func_mismatch_argtypes 1, 65535, 2048, //warn_func_mismatch_paramnum/check_cmdcount/check_gotocount 0, INT_MAX, // input_min_value/input_max_value // NOTE: None of these event labels should be longer than <NAME_LENGTH> characters "OnPCDieEvent", //die_event_name "OnPCKillEvent", //kill_pc_event_name "OnNPCKillEvent", //kill_mob_event_name "OnPCLoginEvent", //login_event_name "OnPCLogoutEvent", //logout_event_name "OnPCLoadMapEvent", //loadmap_event_name "OnPCBaseLvUpEvent", //baselvup_event_name "OnPCJobLvUpEvent", //joblvup_event_name + "OnPetEvolveEvent", //pet_evolved_event_name "OnPCStatCalcEvent", //stat_calc_event_name "OnTouch_", //ontouch_name (runs on first visible char to enter area, picks another char if the first char leaves) "OnTouch", //ontouch2_name (run whenever a char walks into the OnTouch area) "OnWhisperGlobal", //onwhisper_event_name (is executed when a player sends a whisper message to the NPC) };
  8. Hello , help me Set numerate rebirth affect all character in ID -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  9. Hello help me... How to fix debug (example in picture)
  10. Hello ..... How to hex client Enable Title Bar Menu #define PACKETVER 20100721 Thank you so much
  11. It work thank you somuch... How to fix show charector name recall to save point.. Please... // mes .@charname$[@selectedchar] + "'s position has been reset."; //not work because show name incorrect.
  12. Hello help me please... Script system recall character it work but system recall character in jail to save point How to fix... // Reset Position In-game version prontera,179,99,3 script Position Reset 541,{ mes "[System recall]"; mes "Please select character"; set .@count, query_sql("SELECT `char_id`,`name` FROM `char` WHERE `account_id` = "+getcharid(3),.@charid,.@charname$); set .@menu$, ""; for ( set @ctr,0; @ctr < .@count; @ctr++ ) .@menu$ = .@menu$ + .@charname$[@ctr]+":"; .@menu = .@menu$ + "Cancel"; set .@selectedchar, select(.@menu$)-1; next; if( .@selectedchar < .@count ) { if( getcharid(0) != .@charid[.@selectedchar] ) { query_sql("UPDATE `char` AS ch SET ch.last_map = ch.save_map, ch.last_x = ch.save_x, ch.last_y = ch.save_y WHERE ch.char_id = "+.@charid[.@selectedchar]); // mes .@charname$[@selectedchar] + "'s position has been reset."; //not work because show name incorrect. mes "recalled"; } else { // TODO: instead of having if-else, its better not to show the invoker's name in selection. mes "not recall"; } } end; }
  13. Hello , guys help me... 1. AutoBuff in cell pvp not work... - script cellpvp -1,{ end; OnInit: setcell "oasis",122,207,198,136,cell_pvp, 1; end; } //*********************************************************** function script F_Autobuff { sc_start SC_BLESSING, 60000, 10; sc_start SC_INCREASEAGI, 60000, 10; return; } - script deathmatch_core -1,{ callfunc("F_Autobuff"); end; } misc.conf // Delay to allow user resend new mail (default & minimum is 1000) mail_delay: 1000 // Addon Cell PVP [Napster] // Enable Deathmatch for cell pvp // Default: 0 // 0 = No // 1 = Yes cellpvp_deathmatch: yes // Delay player alive deathmatch for cell pvp // Default: 1000 (1 secand) cellpvp_deathmatch_delay: 1000 // When player is dead recovery HP/SP Rate for cell pvp // Default: 100 (recovery 100%) deathmatch_hp_rate: 100 deathmatch_sp_rate: 100 // Enable buff when player is dead for cell pvp // Default: 1 // 0 = No // 1 = Yes // Request core npc files use name "deathmatch_core" cellpvp_autobuff: yes // Can atk player in party // Default: 1 // 0 = No // 1 = Yes cellpvp_party_enable: no // Can atk player in guild // Default: 1 // 0 = No // 1 = Yes cellpvp_guild_enable: yes // When player move to cell pvp is delay walk out cooldown // Default: 5000 (5 secand) cellpvp_walkout_delay: 2000 2. Thorn Trap skill stick not point (example in picture) 2479,9,6,2,0,0,0,5,1,yes,0,0x80,5,misc,0,0x0, GN_THORNS_TRAP,Thorn Trap
  14. Hello , guys How to increase HP after rebirth... Juti1: if(baselevel < 150) goto LvError; set BaseLevel,BaseLevel - 149; set JutiAamount,JutiAamount+1; set TcgJuti,TcgJuti+1; Announce "[System] : [" + strcharinfo(0) + "] Rebirth!!!",8,0x33CCFF; close; increase HP 62/62 to 1000/1000 (After rebirth) *** Try set MaxHp,1000; or set MaxHp,MaxHp = 1000; (not work because if buff or warp to other map HP from 1000 chang to 62)
  15. Hello help me please... This script BossMVP random every at OnMinute10 if want not spawn Boss again if old boss not dead.. Thank you so much
  16. Hello .. help me How to remove slot card in pets info (Pets custom) Example in picture Thank you...
  17. Compile complete.. but I'm not have script and pet-evo in my server...
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