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Posts posted by Legato

  1. Hi, Lilith. Thanks for the updates. I wanna ask something, though.

    Any news about this ?



    instead of having the extra bonus overlap effects for all values under it, can you make it so that a different bonus can be set to every value without effects from bonuses above overlapping it?

  2. Thanks for the fixed, Lilith. :(

    Uhh, any update on how you'd fix this? D:

    instead of having the extra bonus overlap effects for all values under it, can you make it so that a different bonus can be set to every value without effects from bonuses above overlapping it?

  3. Hello, everyone. After applying the diff from this link.

    Party name isn't gonna show if I don't have a guild. See screenshots below.

    This is me without a guild.


    and this is me with guild.


    Here's what I have on clif.c

       	 //Requesting your own "shadow" name. [skotlex]
    		if (ssd->fd == fd && ssd->disguise)
    			WBUFL(buf,2) = -bl->id;
    		if( ssd->fakename[0] )
    			WBUFW(buf, 0) = cmd = 0x195;
    			memcpy(WBUFP(buf,6), ssd->fakename, NAME_LENGTH);
    			WBUFB(buf,30) = WBUFB(buf,54) = WBUFB(buf,78) = 0;
    		} else {
    			memcpy(WBUFP(buf,6), ssd->status.name, NAME_LENGTH);
    		if( ssd->status.party_id )
    			p = party_search(ssd->status.party_id);


    //Used to update when a char leaves a party/guild. [skotlex]
    //Needed because when you send a 0x95 packet, the client will not remove the cached party/guild info that is not sent.
    void clif_charnameupdate (struct map_session_data *ssd)
    unsigned char buf[103];
    int cmd = 0x195, ps = -1, i;
    struct party_data *p = NULL;
    struct guild *g = NULL;
    WBUFW(buf,0) = cmd;
    WBUFL(buf,2) = ssd->bl.id;
    if( ssd->fakename[0] )
    	memcpy(WBUFP(buf,6), ssd->fakename, NAME_LENGTH);
    } else {
    	memcpy(WBUFP(buf,6), ssd->status.name, NAME_LENGTH);
    if (!battle_config.display_party_name) {
    	if (ssd->status.party_id > 0 && ssd->status.guild_id > 0 && (g = guild_search(ssd->status.guild_id)) != NULL)
    		p = party_search(ssd->status.party_id);
    	if (ssd->status.party_id > 0)
    		p = party_search(ssd->status.party_id);

    I'm using rAthena revision 15924.

    The only thing messed up is the party name and I couldn't find a fix for it.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.


  4. The fix for that is already on the diff provided by the author.

    Index: src/map/script.c
    --- src/map/script.c	(revision 14956)
    +++ src/map/script.c	(working copy)
    @@ -6684,3 +6684,3 @@
    for(i=0; i<MAX_INVENTORY; i++) {
    -		if(sd->status.inventory[i].attribute){
    +		if(sd->status.inventory[i].attribute && sd->status.inventory[i].attribute != 5){
    @@ -6722,3 +6722,3 @@
    for(i=0; i<MAX_INVENTORY; i++) {
    -		if(sd->status.inventory[i].attribute){
    +		if(sd->status.inventory[i].attribute && sd->status.inventory[i].attribute != 5){

  5. Hello.. Could someone help me adding bonuses to specific players?

    I already set the enable_extra_bonus to enable_extra_bonus : 2 and add some bonuses on extra_bonuses.txt on db. But, the bonuses doesn't apply to these 2 CIDs.

    Here's the script I have. Please correct it if you see something wrong with it.

    -	script	Bonus	-1,{
    if(bbinus) end;
    if( getcharid(0) == 150000 )
    Set EXTRA_BONUS,1;
    if( getcharid(0) == 150001 )
    Set EXTRA_BONUS,2;
    set bbonus,1;

    instead of having the extra bonus overlap effects for all values under it, can you make it so that a different bonus can be set to every value without effects from bonuses above overlapping it?

    Bump 1 for my post and for this 1.

  6. Hello.. I didn't want to open another thread because, my concern is also about the atcommand events mod.

    I get this error when I try to use #command.


    What I added is just this line

      	 if( .@atcmd_command$ == "#testshop")
      	 { end; }

    Here's what's written on npc.c line 782



    int do_atcmd_event (struct map_session_data* sd, const char* command, const char* message, const char* eventname)
    struct event_data* ev = (struct event_data*)strdb_get(ev_db, eventname);
    struct npc_data *nd;
    struct script_state *st;
    int i = 0, j = 0, k = 0;
    char *temp;
    temp = (char*)aMalloc(strlen(message) + 1);
    if( ev == NULL || (nd = ev->nd) == NULL )
    	ShowError("npc_event: event not found [%s]\n", eventname);
    	return 0;

  7. Anyone here still have the 2012-02-22 client and it's packet_db.txt released by FatalEror? Because, I can't seem to find his thread of it anymore. If you still have it, kindly post a download link here.



  8. I guess it's because /web has a GM level requirement. Just like /hide

    So normal players (Level 0) can't really use the said command. - Not true, normal players can use it too.

    I'm also thinking maybe he wants to iterate the command to all players on a specific map,

    force-opening a website right from the client itself. Just my thoughts though.

    This would be the exact reason why I want an atcommand for /web.

    Btw, thanks for replying, Earthlingz and Conflicts. And sorry for the late reply.


  9. 2011-06 clients onwards have the /web command in-game.(E.g: /web eathena.net/board)

    Is it possible to make it an atcommand? If so, could I request someone to make/post a diff for it?

    This would be very useful for everyone. Could be used for forum events, server news and etc.

  10. dude i made a client its working fine ...but i guess all player are having problem with chat , shortcut function ...cant enter in chat...cant use alt +s , alt+ e ...nothings working :P

    perhap your client data doesnt compatible with your server date ? lua file outdated ? re-check everythings

    The problem with this is that your Lua files aren't compatible with the Client you're using. I think. Happened to me before.

  11. For your first question, yes, you can.


      	 if( sd->bl.m != map_mapname2mapid("turbo_room") && !pc_isGM(sd) ) {
           clif_displaymessage(fd,"You can only use this command inside turbo room!");
           return -1;

    Paste it under @at/@autotrade command. Normal players won't be able to use the command outside turbo_room.

    For the second question,

    prontera	mapflag	nocommand	99

    • blocks all @commands
    • optionally, you can specify the minimum GM level which can override and still use @commands

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