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Posts posted by Wise

  1. My ip address is 63.141.XXX.XXX and when i check if on portchecker if its online, it says 6121, 5121, 6900, 80, 3306 are OPEN using that IP Address. But i still cannot connect to the server. The server is running, and webserver is active too. When I type in   I could open the webserver (FluxCP). But when i type in http://63.141.XXX.XXX/   it wont load at all. Something about my IP being blocked from viewed or entered. Any help about this matter?

  2. actually i think i got it.

    i found out that you can find the "unique" mapname by using this code:
    .@mname$ = instance_mapname("arena", instance_id());
    mes "My map name "+.@mname$;

    in my test, it resulted to 001arena, and i tried to @warp 001arena and it works lol

    so my solution for warping was for PartyA to make a new variable called $mname$ = instance_mapname("arena", instance_id());  then for warp, I just did warp $mname$,x,y,$PartyA1;

    • Upvote 1
  3. edit: i got it working thanks.

    heres my solution and sample working BG for a 2v2

    prontera,162,190,4	script	Sample Instance BG	469,{
    	// Important Variables
    	.@instance$ = "Instance BG"; // Battleground Name
    	.@npcname$ = "[^FF0000Queue^000000]"; // NPC Name
    	.@requiredmembers = 2; // Required Members
    	mes .@npcname$;
    	// Checks if character's current party ID is in an instance
    	if (instance_id()) {
    		mes "You are already participating on an instance, please make sure to leave the party before queueing.";
    	// Checks if character is in a party
    	if (getcharid(1) == 0) {
    		mes "You are currently not in a party.";
    	// Checks if you are the party leader
    	if( !getcharid(1) || getcharid(3) != getpartyleader(getcharid(1),1)){
    		.@targetID = getpartyleader(getcharid(1),1);
    		mes "Please inform ^FF0000"+rid2name(.@targetID)+"^000000 to queue for the battleground.";
    	// Checks if NPCMatch is full AND participating the match
    	if ($NPCMatch == 2 && ($PartyA == getcharid(1) || $PartyB == getcharid(1))) {
    	mes "Your match is in progress...";
    	// Checks if you have less than or more than the amount of members required
    	getpartymember getcharid(1),0;
    	getpartymember getcharid(1),1;
    	getpartymember getcharid(1), 2;
    	.@count = $@partymembercount;
    	if (.@count > .@requiredmembers) {
    	mes "You have exceeded the limit of "+.@requiredmembers+" to queue.";
    	} else if (.@count < .@requiredmembers) {
    	mes "You do not have enough members to queue.";
    	// If every checks are good, do this
    	.@count = $@partymembercount;
    	copyarray .@name$[0], $@partymembername$[0], $@partymembercount;
    	copyarray .@cid[0], $@partymembercid[0], $@partymembercount;
    	// list the party member names
    	mes "Here is the list of participating members:";
    	mes "^efefff_^000000";
    	for (.@i = 0; .@i < .@count; .@i++)
    		mes (.@i +1) + ". ^0000FF" + .@name$[.@i] + "^000000 "+.@cid[.@i];
    	switch(select("Queue for Battleground:Information:Reset Variables:Teleport")) {
    		case 1:
    			mes .@npcname$;
    			// Party B Instance Creation
    			if ($PartyA == 1) {
    				.@instance_id = instance_create(.@instance$,1,.@cid[0]);
    				// Check to see if instance creation failed.
    				if (.@instance_id < 0) {
    					switch (.@create) {
    						case -1: mes "ERROR: Invalid type."; break;
    						case -2: mes "ERROR: Party not found."; break;
    						case -3: mes "ERROR: Instance already exists."; break;
    						case -4: mes "ERROR: No free instances."; break;
    					mes " ";
    					mes "Instance creation ^FF0000failed^000000.";
    					emotion e_omg;
    				// Proceed to instance_create
    				mes "In queue for battleground...";
    				$PartyB = 1; // Occupy the Party B spot globally
    				$NPCMatch = 2; // Makes $NPCMatch = 1, needs one more to queue.
    				$PartyB1 = .@cid[0]; // Makes $PartyB1 the Party Member 1's charID
    				$PartyB2 = .@cid[1]; // Makes $PartyB2 the Party Member 2's charID
    				$InstanceIDB = instance_id();
    				announce "[Queue]: You found a match!",bc_self,"0x00ff99"; // Need to find out how to send announce to people in certain character IDs
    					addtimer 5000, strnpcinfo(3)+"::On5secs";
    				On5secs: // Teleport the people in queue to the designated map
    					warp $MapName$,7,50,$PartyA1;
    					warp $MapName$,7,50,$PartyA2;
    					warp $MapName$,92,50,$PartyB1;
    					warp $MapName$,92,50,$PartyB2;
    					//donpcevent instance_npcname("BattlegroundEvent")+"::OnInstanceInit";
    			// Party A Instance Creation
    			.@instance_id = instance_create(.@instance$,1,.@cid[0]);
    			// Check to see if instance creation failed.
    			if (.@instance_id < 0) {
    				switch (.@create) {
    					case -1: mes "ERROR: Invalid type."; break;
    					case -2: mes "ERROR: Party not found."; break;
    					case -3: mes "ERROR: Instance already exists."; break;
    					case -4: mes "ERROR: No free instances."; break;
    				mes " ";
    				mes "Instance creation ^FF0000failed^000000.";
    				emotion e_omg;
    			// Proceed to instance_create
    			mes "In queue for battleground...";
    			$PartyA = 1; // Occupy the Party A spot globally
    			$NPCMatch = 1; // Makes $NPCMatch = 1, needs one more to queue.
    			$PartyA1 = .@cid[0]; // Makes $PartyA1 the Party Member 1's charID
    			$PartyA2 = .@cid[1]; // Makes $PartyA2 the Party Member 2's charID
    			$InstanceIDA = instance_id();
    			$MapName$ = instance_mapname("arena", instance_id());
    		case 2: // Shows the scripter if variables are working as intended
    			mes .@npcname$;
    			mes "$NPCMatch = "+$NPCMatch;
    			mes "$PartyA = "+$PartyA;
    			mes "$PartyB = "+$PartyB;
    			mes "$PartyA1 = "+$PartyA1;
    			mes "$PartyA2 = "+$PartyA2;
    			mes "$PartyB1 = "+$PartyB1;
    			mes "$PartyB2 = "+$PartyB2;
    			mes "$InstanceIDA = "+$InstanceIDA;
    			mes "$InstanceIDB = "+$InstanceIDB;
    			mes "My instance_id() = "+instance_id();
    			mes "$MapName$ = "+$MapName$;
    		case 3: // Resets the global variables
    			mes .@npcname$;
    			$NPCMatch = 0;
    			$PartyA = 0;
    			$PartyB = 0;
    			$PartyA1 = 0;
    			$PartyA2 = 0;
    			$PartyB1 = 0;
    			$PartyB2 = 0;			
    			instance_destroy instance_id();
    			$InstanceIDA = 0;
    			$InstanceIDB = 0;
    			$MapName$ = 0;
    			//party_destroy(getcharid(1)); // Disbands the party.
    			mes "$NPCMatch = "+$NPCMatch;
    			mes "$PartyA = "+$PartyA;
    			mes "$PartyB = "+$PartyB;
    			mes "$PartyA1 = "+$PartyA1;
    			mes "$PartyA2 = "+$PartyA2;
    			mes "$PartyB1 = "+$PartyB1;
    			mes "$PartyB2 = "+$PartyB2;
    			mes "$InstanceIDA = "+$InstanceIDA;
    			mes "$InstanceIDB = "+$InstanceIDB;
    			mes "My instance_id() = "+instance_id();
    			mes "$MapName$ = "+$MapName$;
    		case 4: // Force teleport the players in queue.
    			warp $MapName$,7,50,$PartyA1;
    			warp $MapName$,7,50,$PartyA2;
    			warp $MapName$,92,50,$PartyB1;
    			warp $MapName$,92,50,$PartyB2;


    So I have this idea of making an instanced PVP, or what you call a battleground lol! The problem that I am facing is this new rewritten function of


    Sample Variable:

    .@pvpname$ = "Arena";

    $Party1_Char1 = 150001;

    $InstanceID_A = 1;

    What it does is it teleports 150001 to the instance in coordinate of 7,50. So that one works, but if I switch the second formula into this:

    instance_enter(.@pvpname$,92,50,$Party2_Char1,$InstanceID_A); // Given that Party2_Char1 is 150002, and when it made an instance, it's instance_id() becomes 2 *since 1 is already taken by Party1. 

    What it should do is to teleport 150002 to Instance ID 1, but it's not letting it teleport to that certain instance. How can I make this happen? :)



    Attempt #2:

    So maybe I thought I could read more about instance_create, and found out that this is the function: instance_create("<instance name>"{,<instance mode>{,<owner id>}});

    so I wrote this down and it still doesnt work

    .@instance_id = instance_create(.@instance$,2,$PartyA);

    [Error]: instance_create: party 1 not found for instance 'Babylon Arena'.



    so my main question is, how do I attach $PartyB to $PartyA's instanceID so that I can teleport PartyB to PartyA's dungeon map

    prontera,156,192,4	script	ArenaPVP	469,{
    	// Important Variables
    	.@instance$ = "Babylon Arena"; // Battleground Name
    	.@npcname$ = "[^FF0000Queue for Babylon Arena^000000]"; // NPC Name
    	.@requiredmembers = 2; // Required Members
    	mes .@npcname$;
    	// Checks if character's current party ID is in an instance
    	//if (instance_id()) {
    	//	mes "You are already participating on an instance, please make sure to leave the party before queueing.";
    	//	close;
    	// Checks if character is in a party
    	if (getcharid(1) == 0) {
    		mes "You are currently not in a party.";
    	// Checks if you are the party leader
    	if( !getcharid(1) || getcharid(3) != getpartyleader(getcharid(1),1)){
    		.@targetID = getpartyleader(getcharid(1),1);
    		mes "Please inform ^FF0000"+rid2name(.@targetID)+"^000000 to queue for the battleground.";
    	// Checks if NPCMatch is full AND participating the match
    	if ($NPCMatch == 2 && ($PartyA == getcharid(1) || $PartyB == getcharid(1))) {
    	mes "Your match is in progress...";
    	// Checks if you have less than or more than the amount of members required
    	getpartymember getcharid(1),0;
    	getpartymember getcharid(1),1;
    	getpartymember getcharid(1), 2;
    	.@count = $@partymembercount;
    	if (.@count > .@requiredmembers) {
    	mes "You have exceeded the limit of "+.@requiredmembers+" to queue.";
    	} else if (.@count < .@requiredmembers) {
    	mes "You do not have enough members to queue.";
    	// If every checks are good, do this
    	.@count = $@partymembercount;
    	copyarray .@name$[0], $@partymembername$[0], $@partymembercount;
    	copyarray .@cid[0], $@partymembercid[0], $@partymembercount;
    	// list the party member names
    	mes "Here is the list of participating members:";
    	mes "^efefff_^000000";
    	for (.@i = 0; .@i < .@count; .@i++)
    		mes (.@i +1) + ". ^0000FF" + .@name$[.@i] + "^000000 "+.@cid[.@i];
    	switch(select("Queue for Babylon Arena:Information:Reset Variables:Teleport")) {
    		case 1:
    			mes .@npcname$;
    			// Party B Instance Creation
    			if ($PartyA == 1) {
    				.@instance_id = instance_create(.@instance$);
    				// Check to see if instance creation failed.
    				if (.@instance_id < 0) {
    					switch (.@create) {
    						case -1: mes "ERROR: Invalid type."; break;
    						case -2: mes "ERROR: Party not found."; break;
    						case -3: mes "ERROR: Instance already exists."; break;
    						case -4: mes "ERROR: No free instances."; break;
    					mes " ";
    					mes "Instance creation ^FF0000failed^000000.";
    					emotion e_omg;
    				// Proceed to instance_create
    				mes "In queue for battleground...";
    				$PartyB = 1; // Occupy the Party B spot globally
    				$NPCMatch = 2; // Makes $NPCMatch = 1, needs one more to queue.
    				$PartyB1 = .@cid[0]; // Makes $PartyB1 the Party Member 1's charID
    				$PartyB2 = .@cid[1]; // Makes $PartyB2 the Party Member 2's charID
    				$InstanceIDB = instance_id();
    			// Party A Instance Creation
    			.@instance_id = instance_create(.@instance$);
    			// Check to see if instance creation failed.
    			if (.@instance_id < 0) {
    				switch (.@create) {
    					case -1: mes "ERROR: Invalid type."; break;
    					case -2: mes "ERROR: Party not found."; break;
    					case -3: mes "ERROR: Instance already exists."; break;
    					case -4: mes "ERROR: No free instances."; break;
    				mes " ";
    				mes "Instance creation ^FF0000failed^000000.";
    				emotion e_omg;
    			// Proceed to instance_create
    			mes "In queue for battleground...";
    			$PartyA = 1; // Occupy the Party A spot globally
    			$NPCMatch = 1; // Makes $NPCMatch = 1, needs one more to queue.
    			$PartyA1 = .@cid[0]; // Makes $PartyA1 the Party Member 1's charID
    			$PartyA2 = .@cid[1]; // Makes $PartyA2 the Party Member 2's charID
    			$InstanceIDA = instance_id();
    		case 2:
    			mes .@npcname$;
    			mes "$NPCMatch = "+$NPCMatch;
    			mes "$PartyA = "+$PartyA;
    			mes "$PartyB = "+$PartyB;
    			mes "$PartyA1 = "+$PartyA1;
    			mes "$PartyA2 = "+$PartyA2;
    			mes "$PartyB1 = "+$PartyB1;
    			mes "$PartyB2 = "+$PartyB2;
    			mes "$InstanceIDA = "+$InstanceIDA;
    			mes "$InstanceIDB = "+$InstanceIDB;
    			mes "My instance_id() = "+instance_id();
    		case 3:
    			mes .@npcname$;
    			$NPCMatch = 0;
    			$PartyA = 0;
    			$PartyB = 0;
    			$PartyA1 = 0;
    			$PartyA2 = 0;
    			$PartyB1 = 0;
    			$PartyB2 = 0;			
    			instance_destroy instance_id();
    			$InstanceIDA = 0;
    			$InstanceIDB = 0;
    			//party_destroy(getcharid(1)); // Disbands the party.
    			mes "$NPCMatch = "+$NPCMatch;
    			mes "$PartyA = "+$PartyA;
    			mes "$PartyB = "+$PartyB;
    			mes "$PartyA1 = "+$PartyA1;
    			mes "$PartyA2 = "+$PartyA2;
    			mes "$PartyB1 = "+$PartyB1;
    			mes "$PartyB2 = "+$PartyB2;
    			mes "$InstanceIDA = "+$InstanceIDA;
    			mes "$InstanceIDB = "+$InstanceIDB;
    			mes "My instance_id() = "+instance_id();
    		case 4:

    here is what my NPC Script sample technically is and it's very easy to read. Need help understanding instance_create and instance_enter

  4. Hello, Im looking for help regarding this error in BrowEdit during every save. I'm currently working on my first actual custom map that I'm designing and making (Hanging Garden of Babylon). and I'm just so afraid that if this error means that my map is already ruined from the start, then all my efforts....... XD

    please send help X_X



  5. Hello, since im going to bed now after hours of frustration, I have a few questions to the experts of mapping.

    I managed to get my custom map get that Sky level, so my question is:

    1. How do I elevate my map in general in BrowEdit since the smoke is overlapping in my map as seen in the screenshot

    2. How do I make the effect like Thanatos Tower (thana_boss) with the Red Smoke



  6. Where to find Meteor Assault SRC for stun/blind/bleed? I managed to find the duration @ skill_cast_db.txt

    Looking to remove the bleed and blind effect, and make the stun 100% chance to happen

    also, is this correct?

            case SC_STUN:
                sc_def = status->luk*300;

    Goal: Stun cannot be resisted, only if luk is 300

  7. Requesting for a mod to change a specific skill's cooldown.

    Let's say changing Hundred Spear cooldown to 15s or backslide to 5s and it would still be affected by Kiel cards and etc

    A database or a .txt forming an array to fix it at will like a database would be awesome.

  8. Hello, I seem to be having an issue about my customized hairstyle's palette.


    It seems like my customized hairstyle makes my player's palette unreadable when changing hair color. If anyone can provide guide of how to manage a palette for customized sprites, that would be awesome!




    Edit: My problem is about Color Table in photoshop. Anyone could provide a guide how to fix the color table?

  9. Can I request a mod that instead of pulling the target with Phantom Trust, a new skill that makes the target (target you hit phantom trust), pull 1~3 extra people in 7x7 cell area within the target and stun them for 1-2 seconds with a static 60s cooldown (inaffected by cooldown effects from items/cards)

  10. Can someone help me out with this?

    <?php foreach($news as $nrow):?>
    <div id="header" class="accordion_headings" ><?php echo $nrow->title ?></div>
    <div id="content">
    <p><?php echo $nrow->body ?></p>
    <?php endforeach;?>

    My question is how to generate a specific div id for each $nrow?

    could be for the first $nrow, name it header_1 so that I can put div id="$nrow->id"


    halp D:

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