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Posts posted by Tydus

  1. 8 hours ago, cder said:

    The truth is that it was to solve a malfunction in the skill, because meteor rain and blizzard was malfunctioning in it, even within the protection of the terrain, the players were receiving damage I had already configured the unit_db, but I believe I found a solution and I will try now ...

    I guess it's the new Land Protector behavior. It did receive some changes after renewall. Update to the latest rAthena and use the option i've pushed at https://github.com/rathena/rathena/commit/58e82dc14978461268352c3db04a5965ad75d240

    Just ignore me if you're not talking about it.

  2. Hello!

    Please, instead of keep spamming "up" could you detail more about the issue? Are you using rAthena latest version? Did you make any custom source modification that could have impact on it? Did you consider trying with a non GM account? What client version are you using? Are you using Pre-renewal or Renewal?

    You need to provide every information about your problem so we can help you.

    • Upvote 2
  3. Hello, loolp.

    It's recommended that you report the possibles issues registering a new issue into the rAthena github. Also, please get more details about those issues before doing so. Details like: Client date you are using, possible modifications that might cause the issues and how to reproduce each of them. It will makes way easier to the community to help with the solutions.

    Registering a new issue quick guide:

    Step 1: Open https://github.com/rathena/rathena/issues link. 
    Step 2: Click in "New Issue" buttom and then fill the form.  IMPORTANT: Read the instructions written in the description before overwritting it.

    • Upvote 1
  4. Did you make any source modification ? It seems like you've made modifications and it's just to warn you that something is not okay. Also, read what the console is telling you. It's easy to see that something is not right on battle.c line 7632.

  5. Hi there, Community. 

    After a long time i decided to start a new Project on rathena and got trapped when installing and setting everything up. The server can be turned on manually ( executing char_server.bat, login_server.bat and map_server.bat ), but i got something i've never see when executing the Runserver.bat. So my question is: Did i make everything wrong or is it some bug that have to be fixed? 

    Issue description: Runserver.bat is not running the login, char and map .server bat files properly.
    Occurring in the latest rathena version;
    Windows 10;

    When executing the runserver.bat images below.


  6. On ‎11‎/‎13‎/‎2018 at 5:05 PM, maken06 said:

    could you share the source modification?

    In src > map > skill.hpp, search for MAX_SKILLUNITGROUP. It's set for 25 in the official release, which allow a player to land 25 skill units on the ground at the same time. If a 26th is casted, the last one landed will disappear. Since rAthena fixed the source issue related to it i guess it's fine. I can't double check if this is enough cause i'm not at home right now reply me later if not.


  7. On ‎16‎/‎12‎/‎2017 at 12:47 PM, Profile said:

    Hi Sandro, could you tell me where you altered this? and what value are you using?

    Thank you!


    About the value i'm using. As my server is a Golden times low rate with custom modifications and implementations, i've configured it to 35 meteor's falling at the same time since the cast in my server is not that fast so players aren't able to spam more than 5 meteor storm skill . If you intend to allow players to cast faster, you should look for a higher value, like 50 or even more. Just balance it according to your server info

  8. Check out my post : 

    You can see the comparisons i've made with rAthena and Hercules emulator. Some code lines may be diferente since the emulator's are not equal but you may be able to solve your problem as I did 


  9. I have experienced this "issue" before. Just check the max floor cells range for the meteor storm skill. Normally it's 30, so if more than 30 meteor's are landed, next meteor's will start to cancel previously one's and then you have no damage at all. So, just increase the range and you'll be fine.

  10. Hi there. I apologize in advance if it isn't the right place to post it. 

    My question is about the interface in cliente 2015. I will be posting a screenshot so you guys can see and I would like to know how can i solve this. Is it a cliente problem related or I can edit it? If so, how can I do that?

    Thanks in advance .

    Sem título.jpg


    Solved: It's the msgstringtable.txt inside grf. Mine was outdated.

  11. 14 hours ago, Playtester said:

    Sorry, I'm not familiar enough with client mods, so I don't really know how to do it. I just say that you modified the client to show cast range and thought you could configure it to show ground effects as well.

    It's honestly hard to tell from here, why it doesn't work. I could try again on my rAthena if I can reproduce it somehow, but last time I tried, spaming was possible and I also know rAthena based servers where it works.

    You probably will need to debug it on your machine directly using Visual Studio.

    Actually, in the current implementation it doesn't even use timerskill anymore, but I'm not sure if you have that. Let me guide you through the code so you can understand and debug it.

    In the current implementation, the placing of the meteor storm cells starts here (skill.c):

    	case WZ_METEOR:
    	case SU_CN_METEOR: {
    			int area = skill_get_splash(skill_id, skill_lv);
    			short tmpx = 0, tmpy = 0;
    			if (sd && skill_id == SU_CN_METEOR) {
    				short item_idx = pc_search_inventory(sd, ITEMID_CATNIP_FRUIT);
    				if (item_idx >= 0) {
    					pc_delitem(sd, item_idx, 1, 0, 1, LOG_TYPE_CONSUME);
    					flag |= 1;
    			for (i = 1; i <= skill_get_time(skill_id, skill_lv)/skill_get_unit_interval(skill_id); i++) {
    				// Creates a random Cell in the Splash Area
    				tmpx = x - area + rnd()%(area * 2 + 1);
    				tmpy = y - area + rnd()%(area * 2 + 1);
    				skill_unitsetting(src, skill_id, skill_lv, tmpx, tmpy, flag+i*skill_get_unit_interval(skill_id));

    The number of meteor should be "time" define in skill_cast_db.txt (which you quoted early, so at level 9 which you are casting the video it should be 6000) divided by the interval you defined in skill_unit_db which should be 1000. So 6000/1000 = 6 meteor cells placed.

    Each cell will get a different timer as the Meteors will start at different times (but those don't even count as timerskills, so it doesn't add to the limit).

    	case WZ_METEOR:
    	case SU_CN_METEOR:
    		limit = flag - (flag&1);
    		val1 = (flag&1);
    		flag = 0; // Flag should not influence anything else for these skills

    ^ Here we make sure that the values of the cell are set correctly.

    				if (group->val2 == 1 && (group->skill_id == WZ_METEOR || group->skill_id == SU_CN_METEOR)) {
    					// Deal damage before expiration

    ^ This code ensure that Meteor Storm cells don't get removed before dealing damage.

    				if (group->skill_id == WZ_METEOR || group->skill_id == SU_CN_METEOR) {
    					if (group->val2 == 0 && (DIFF_TICK(tick, group->tick) >= group->limit - group->interval || DIFF_TICK(tick, group->tick) >= unit->limit - group->interval)) {
    						// Unit will expire the next interval, start dropping Meteor
    						struct block_list* src;
    						if ((src = map_id2bl(group->src_id)) != NULL) {
    							clif_skill_poseffect(src, group->skill_id, group->skill_lv, bl->x, bl->y, tick);
    							group->val2 = 1;
    					// No damage until expiration
    					return 0;

    ^ This code handles the display of the falling meteor which is 1 second before the cell expires.

    		else if (group->skill_id == WZ_METEOR || group->skill_id == SU_CN_METEOR) {
    			return 0;

    ^ And here we finally delete it after they dealt damage.


    So, that's how it works in the current rAthena implementation.

    It doesn't show any error in the map server, right? Something like unit limit reached?

    So, i did check every single code line you sent me and they are all fine. everything exactly how you sent me and still having this problem. Should i delete my rAthena server and build it again? I really do not understand why it's happening =(

  12. 3 hours ago, Playtester said:

    I already replied to you in your previous thread:

    The results of your tests would actually indicate that you have an older implementation of Meteor Storm. In skill.h, check your MAX_SKILLTIMERSKILL value. Also maybe post your current Meteor Storm code. Also setting up your client so that it shows UNT_DUMMYSKILL (the cells where the meteors will land) would most likely make the problem visible.


    Yeah, according to my MAX_SKILLTIMERSKILL it should work well but it's not; How can i set up my client to shows UNT_DUMMYSKILL? Just tell me exactly what code you just want and i'll show you. I built that rAthena server this year with the latest git version.Is it possible to it to have an older implementation of that skill? D:


  13. Hello everyone again

    I had already brought up this issue but seemed like it was not clear so i'm posting it again with some videos i did record and i'll explain again what's the issue.


    [Issue information] [Pre-renewall]

    Meteor storm is supposed to stack when you spam it but somehow, on rAthena emulator, it starts to cancel previously Meteor's when you spam. In short, you can only spam the skill 4 times because when you use it the fifth time, the first skill will be canceled. Also, as the skills get canceled when you spam, it will mostly deal NO damage if you spam very quickly. Check it out on the video.

    rAthena Meteor Storm Part 1

    rAthena Meteor Storm Part 2


    Also, to compare and show you guys how should it work, i recorded a video on the HerculesWS emulator. Notice I use the skill right side and then spam it left side and even spamming, the meteor's keep falling until the end of the skill duration. Check it out in the next video:

    Hercules emulator Meteor storm behavior







    That's all. I've been trying to solve it but no success so i'm here to ask you all for help.


    [Important] I'm not sure if it's the right section to post that kind of issue so my apologizes if it's not.


    Thanks in advance

  14. 15 hours ago, maxine02 said:

    Edit you skill_cast_db.txt






    Using the first structure i can get the correct numbers of meteors by the skill level, but when i spam it, i'll just deal no damage because they start cutting off after the fourth skill cast.


    And using the new adjustment you send me, the numbers are just messed up..  :(

  15. 13 hours ago, maxine02 said:

    Edit you skill_cast_db.txt






    Now it only drop 1 meteor at any skill level. ( lv 10 skill should drop 7 meteor's )

  16. Hello everyone. I'm not sure if it's here the right section to post it and also if it was ever noticed before.

    I've noticed i possible issue today on my personal ragnarok online server that is about the skill "Meteor Storm".

    The issue: It's only stacking 4 skills at the time. I made some test's and if i cast Meteor storm very fast in a short time they just cut the previously cast's.

    What do i mean? For exemple: If i cast 4 meteor storm it will be fine, they will stack and deal damage but if i cast the fifth meteor storm, the first cast get cut off. So when i spam it very fast.. the cast's start cutting each other and the skill not even deal any damage.

    Does someone can help me about it?

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