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Everything posted by tofubeng

  1. Hi all, Does anyone know are we able to add REFINED items into cash shop, or must we use a box to wrap it instead? Thank you.
  2. Hi Stolao, I did as you said actually before this, putting setarray .MHuntArray[0],1031,1002,1400,1863; set .MHuntMob,.MHuntArray[rand(getarraysize(.MHuntArray))]; right after the script starts. But it seems .MHuntMob is unable to capture the value in AddHunting function that way Appreciate if you could advise me further. Thanks in advance.
  3. Hi all, I am currently working on tr0n's questboard. I have tried to edit the script to make the monsters to be random instead. Specific lines are as below: However, it doesn't seem to random it. It only randoms if i @reloadscript Full script as below: http://upaste.me/09a32717014d73d09 Appreciate if anyone can give me an advice or two on this. Thank you. setarray .MHuntArray[0],1031,1002,1400,1863; set .MHuntMob,.MHuntArray[rand(getarraysize(.MHuntArray))]; AddHunting("Test",1,99,1234,1,0,0,0,.MHuntMob,10);
  4. Hi Secrets, Thank you for the heads up. Added a sleep before the checking and it works fine now. Thanks for all your assistance.
  5. Hi Moriarty, Thanks for the suggestion. I did as you said, I added it before the if, and also when the event started, using 2 accounts, 1 gm account and 1 normal account. When the event starts, it gives me 2 players. When I logout, it gives me 2 players as well. Well at least now i know it is not function problem, but why is it returning 2 players ?!
  6. Hi Technoken, Yes I am very sure. I am suspecting there is something wrong with my onPCLogoutEvent function itself. Is there any updates where I can patch to solve this problem? Thank you.
  7. Hi Technoken, Unfortunately it is not working after I add sleep in. Thank you.
  8. Hi Moriarty, I switched the code up a little but it still doesn't work. http://upaste.me/aae2268811d0aac81 This is my whole script. Thanks for your advice.
  9. Hi all, Currently working on Novice vs Zombie script, and I can't get the onPCLogoutEvent to work. Script as below: OnPCLogoutEvent:if ( .@mapnvz$ == "quiz_01" && getmapusers("quiz_01") == 1 ) { killmonsterall "quiz_01";mapannounce "quiz_01","You have won, please approach to Prize NPC.",0; enablenpc "Prize";set $@NvZCounter,0; stopnpctimer;end; } Encountered the same issue when I am working with Devil Square, but i ignored it as it won't cause the event to be stucked. Is there anything wrong with the keyword? Players will be stuck now if someone logs out and number of players left is 1. Thank you in advance.
  10. Hi Secrets, Promise, Thank you for your help, and the additional info is definitely very useful for me. Cheers.
  11. Hi all, currently doing a script that will revive player if death count < 3, and if more than 3 auto warp out. OnPCDieEvent: if (strcharinfo(3) == "ordeal_1-1") { set .death,.death+1; if(.death<3) { announce "You have died "+.death+" times",bc_map; dispbottom "You'll be revived in 3 seconds"; sleep2 3000; if(HP == 0) atcommand "@alive"; percentheal 100,100; } else { dispbottom "Died more than 3 times" ; end; } } end; Edit : The script works. But how do I tie to per player? Currently it records death for everyone. Thank you in advance. }
  12. Hi Emistry, Thanks for your reply. I did not post the upper half of the script, but the script already handles the warp out part. My question is how do i ONLY warp out if only ALL the party member dies? As I know, OnPCDieEvent triggers when one person died, which is not my intention. Thank you for your time.
  13. Hi all, First of all apologies if this topic was duplicated. I am currently working on PeoplePerson49's Monster Hunter Script, on the specific part below: OnPCDieEvent: OnPCLogoutEvent: if(strcharinfo(3)!="pvp_n_1-3") { end; } announce "A member of the party has been killed! The event is over!",bc_map; killmonster "pvp_n_1-3","Neilay::OnMonsterKill"; killmonster "pvp_n_1-3","Neilay::OnMonsterBossKill"; if(getmapusers("pvp_n_1-3")>0) { MapRespawnGuildID "pvp_n_1-3",.HereForGiggles,7; } set .MHStatus,0; set .MHPartyID,0; end; The script ends and the event warps out all members if one member dies/log out. I want to make it to only end when all members are dead. Couldn't find a keyword for that. Is there something like count(OnPCDieEvent) == PartySize { then warp out } kind of of logic? Your advice is much appreciated. Thank you.
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