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Posts posted by pojiejapan

  1. Hye, I've been using this wonderfull script made by ADM Blast


    But something is wrong, my player can change to 3rd eventhough I have configure it.

    My player novice-swordman-knight-rune knight...

    I have configure it and put 0 to OFF it. also cant.. then I also have open the script and edit it myself at the

    set .THIRDON,0; //Turn on 3rd class changing

    and change it to 0 cant and 1 also cant.

    Can someone PLEASE help me!

  2. Can I request an Item Changer? I have the basic one. I wonder if I can request an advance one because there are many item that wanted to be change :

    Example :

    I have made same weapon but different category therefore different ID.

    Bloody Red Bow : 2001 (Example)

    Bloody Red Katar : 2002

    Bloody Red Knife : 2003

    Bloody Red Mace : 2004

    Evil Dark Bow : 2011

    Evil Dark Katar : 2012

    Evil Dark Knife : 2013

    Evil Dark Mace : 2014

    So when a person talk to the NPC he will prompt to a menu.

    A main menu which type of weapon (not category )

    -Bloody Red Weapon

    -Evil Dark Weapon

    Then if the user click Bloody Red Weapon a sub menu will appear

    -Bloody Red Weapon

    --Bloody Red Bow

    --Bloody Red Katar

    --Bloody Red Knife

    --Bloody Red Mace

    then the user will click at what weapon he has for example he has Bloody Red Bow and he select it and it will change to : Bloody Red Stone

    All the Bloody Red Weapon if select will be change to Bloody Red Stone

    and same goes for Evil Dark Category : Evil Dark Stone

    If someone can make it for me it can be simple as Z3R0 script I requested from him before. This script is tom make a category of weapon and each category contain at least 10 selection. therefore 10 category x 10 selection is 100 weapon.

    I just cant understand Z3R0 script to alter it myself, I'm not that good enough .



  3.  Case 2:
      initnpctimer "Runes",1;
      skill "AS_CLOAKING",10,1;
      sc_start SC_CLOAKING,60000,10;
      stopnpctimer "Runes",1;
      disablenpc "Runes";

    Wakoko.thist will start Assassin Cloaking at level 10 right? and the effect is SC_Cloaking.

    is there any way to insert this command to items,? meaning when someone wore that item he will get cloaking. but no like Assassin Cross card. The Cloaking have duration and cooldown.

  4. and one more thing zero. you said the 0 at the first is zeny right? but when I talk to the NPC with all the requirement. Got error. at putty it said debug something. then my RO got hang. had to force close it.

    Its not a big deal though. I just change it to item instead of zeny. (as you can see I change it to 501 : Redpotion )Just want to tell you one more problem :P

  5. I've requested a NPC to have a sub category for one category.



    -10 sub category


    -10 sub category

    and so on..

    Thanks to Z3R0 he have made me that NPC but there is some minor error.

    prontera,155,181,5 script Sample 757,{
    // I Was just talking with Brian about this last night actually...
    // Create the Category Array
    setarray .@main_menu$[0],"Sword","Spear","Dagger";
    // Item ID's (The Number 0 is the Index of the Category "Sword")
    setarray .@equip_0[0],13439,13435,13436,4,5,6,7,8,9;
    // Item ID's (The Number 1 is the Index of the Category "Bow")
    setarray .@equip_1[0],1443,1439,3,4,5,6,7,8,9;
    // Item ID's (The Number 2 is the Index of the Category "Dagger")
    setarray .@equip_2[0],1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9;
    // Create Item Hunt Group Arrays (By Category)
    // For adding Zeny, use Item ID 0, and in Amount, use Amount of Zeny
    setarray .@items_0[0],501,502,503;
    setarray .@items_amount_0[0],1000,2,3;
    setarray .@items_1[0],501,502,503;
    setarray .@items_amount_1[0],1,2,3;
    setarray .@items_2[0],501,502,503;
    setarray .@items_amount_2[0],1,2,3;
    // Display Categories to Player and Store Answer as Index (-1 Stores as Array Index)
    set .@category, select(.@main_menu$) - 1;
    // Now Build the Menu Based on This Selection
    for (set .@a, 0; .@a < getarraysize(getd(".@equip_" + .@category)); set .@a, .@a + 1) {
    set .@item_name$, getitemname(getd(".@equip_" + .@category + "[" + .@a + "]"));
    set .@sub_menu$, .@sub_menu$ + (.@sub_menu$ == "" ? .@item_name$ : ":" + .@item_name$);
    // Now Offer the New Menu to the Player as Index (-1 Stores as Array Index)
    set .@item_choice, select(.@sub_menu$) - 1;
    // Determine If Player Has Required Items
    for (set .@a, 0; .@a < getarraysize(getd(".@items_" + .@category)); set .@a, .@a + 1) {
    set .@item_id, getd(".@items_" + .@category + "[" + .@a + "]");
    set .@item_requires, getd(".@items_amount_" + .@category + "[" + .@a + "]");
    if (.@item_id) {
    set .@player_has, countitem(.@item_id);
    set .@item_name$, getitemname(.@item_id);
    if (.@player_has < .@item_requires) {
    set .@errors$[getarraysize(.@errors$)], "You Still Need " + (.@item_requires - .@player_has) + " " + .@item_name$ + ((.@item_requires - .@player_has) > 1 ? "'s." : ".");
    } else {
    // Is Zeny
    if (Zeny < .@item_requires) {
    set .@errors$[getarraysize(.@errors$)], "You Still Need " + (.@item_requires - Zeny) + " z.";
    // Determine Errors to Display
    if (getarraysize(.@errors$)) {
    for (set .@a, 0; .@a < getarraysize(.@errors$); set .@a, .@a + 1) {
    mes .@errors$[.@a];
    // Now For Debugging Purposes
    mes "Item ID Chosen: " + getd(".@equip_" + .@category + "[" + .@item_choice + "]");
    mes "Item Name: " + getitemname(getd(".@equip_" + .@category + "[" + .@item_choice + "]"));
    // Take Items Away
    for (set .@a, 0; .@a < getarraysize(getd(".@items_" + .@category)); set .@a, .@a + 1) {
    delitem getd(".@items_" + .@category + "[" + .@a + "]"), getd(".@items_amount_" + .@category + "[" + .@a + "]");
    // Give Item
    getitem getd(".@equip_" + .@category + "[" + .@item_choice + "]"), 1;

    this is the script. the error is when I click at that NPC. Only have one category which is sword. I didn't see bow or dagger. Can someone help me?

  6. Thanks emistry, Now the error is :

       74 :			    case 2:
       75 :			    mes .@changername$;
       76 :			    mes "Okay goodbye!";
       77 :			    close;
       78 :			    }
    *   79 :	    'e'lse {
       80 :	    mes .@changername$;
       81 :	    mes "How rude you young man!";
       82 :	    mes "Try to cheat on me";
       83 :	    close;
       84 :	    }

    can you help me?

    but before he said missing right curly at line 102. so I add another } at bottom. Now it says this

  7. Hye can someone look at my script? It says npc_parsesrcfile: Unknown syntax in file 'npc/custom/mr tuesday.txt', line '1'.

    prontera,155,170,2  script  Mr.Tuesday 911,{
     //=========================== Settings ====================================
     set .@changername$,"[ Mr.Tuesday ]";// YOU MAY CHANGE THE NAME OF THE NPC
     set .tcgid,20101;
     set @tcgamount,1;
     //======================= Settings End ====================================
     mes .@changername$;
     mes "Damn where is he's hiding';
     mes "Have you seen my little brother Mr. Monday?";
     switch(select("Yes I've already talk to him.:Find it yourself")){
     case 1:
      if (countitem(20100) > 0){
       mes .@changername$;
      mes "Hello "+strcharinfo(0)+" ,";
      mes "Hmm. Do you see that wild boar there?";
      mes "Today is Tuesday, a day of wildboar hunting";
      mes "What you didn't see it? Me too. Hahaha";
      mes "Owh my little brother send you to see me?";
      mes "About that unsual stone? Owh I see";
      mes "I gave it to my sister already Mrs. Wednesday";
      switch(select("Can you tell me where she is?:I got to go dude")){
        case 1:
     mes .@changername$;
     mes "Sure but I don't know if she want to see you";
     mes "You seem very determined my friend.";
     mes "How about we made a deal alright chap?";
     switch(select("Okay what is it?:Cancel")){
       case 1:
      mes .@changername$;
    	  mes "I really love hunting and I can't see very far";
    	  mes "Can you made find the material for ^FF0000 Binoculars ^000000";
    	  mes "so I can craft it myself";
    	  mes "and I need 4 ^0000FF TCG ^000000";
    	  switch(select("I have it right now:Cancel")){
       case 1:
       mes .@changername$;
       mes "Okay let me check if";
       mes "you have the material";
       mes .@changername$;
       mes "Rustle... Rustle...";
       if((countitem(2243) > 0) && (countitem(999) > 99) && (countitem(7227) > 3)){
    	 delitem 2243,1;
    	 delitem 999,99;
    	 delitem 7227,2;
    	 mes .@changername$;
    	 getitem .tcgid,@tcgamount; //Change to next Item!
    	 mes "Here take this and see my sister";
    	 mes "Mrs. Wednesday. Take this and she will talk to you";
       else {
    	  mes .@changername$;
    	  mes "Sorry you have to get the items first!";
        case 2:
       mes .@changername$;
       mes "Okay goodbye!";
       case 2:
      mes .@changername$;
      mes "Okay goodbye!";
      case 2:
      mes .@changername$;
      mes "Okay goodbye!";
    else {
    mes .@changername$;
    mes "How rude you young man!";
    mes "Try to cheat on me";
    case 2:
    mes .@changername$;
    mes "Okay goodbye!";
    // Enabling
    OnClock0655:  // 06:55 AM
     if(GetTime(4) == 2) // Monday
    // Enabling
    OnClock1805:  // 06:05 PM
     if(GetTime(4) == 2) // Monday

  8. Zero I have tested your script. Sorry for late reply, just finish my study.

    There is some problem..

    first is the selection of category. When i click at the NPC it only shows one option which is sword. the bow and dagger appear missing.

    Then the second is that you said the zero is zeny right

    setarray .@items_0[0],0,502,503;
    setarray .@items_amount_0[0],1000,2,3;

    but when I want to make the quest it says @delitem 0 is unknow or something like that.

    I check at putty it said Debug. so I change it to item ID instead.


  9. Sir do I change I put it at the top of the script like this? :

    On<weekday><hour><minute>: and the command enablenpc().

    prontera,150,168,2 script Mr.Monday 911,{
    //=========================== Settings ====================================
    set .@changername$,"[ ^FF0000 Mr.Monday ^000000]";// YOU MAY CHANGE THE NAME OF THE NPC
    set .tcgid,7227;
    set @tcgamount,1;
    //======================= Settings End ====================================
    On<Monday><12><00>: enablenpc()
    mes .@changername$;
    mes "Hello "+strcharinfo(0)+" ,";
    mes "What a wonderful day is today";
    mes "Do you know that today is Monday?";
    mes "Monday means Moon day, that's a fact.";
    mes "Hmm, Hey I got this unsual item ";
    mes "when I was wandering around the ";
    mes "wood It looks blackish in colour and it scared me.";
    switch(select("Do you still have it?:I got to go dude"))
     case 1:
      mes .@changername$;
      mes "Sure but I don't have it right now";
      mes "my brother have it,";
      mes "I can tell you where my brother is but";
      switch(select("But what?:Cancel"))
    case 1:
     mes .@changername$;
     mes "You have to help me find something";
     mes "I really love a hat ^FF0000 Earmuff ^000000";
     mes "can you find the material for me?";
     switch(select("I have it right now:Cancel"))
      case 1:
    mes .@changername$;
    mes "Okay let me check if";
    mes "you have the material..";
    mes .@changername$;
    mes "Rustle... Rustle...";
    if((countitem(724) > 0) && (countitem(949) > 499) && (countitem(5001) > 0))
     delitem 724,1;
     delitem 949,500;
     delitem 5001,1;
     mes .@changername$;
     getitem .tcgid,@tcgamount; //Change to next Item!
     mes "Here take this and see my big brother.";
     mes "Mr. Tuesday, take this and he will talk to you.";
     mes .@changername$;
     mes "Sorry you have to get the items first!";
      case 2:
    mes .@changername$;
    mes "Okay goodbye!";
    case 2:
     mes .@changername$;
     mes "Okay goodbye!";
     case 2:
      mes .@changername$;
      mes "Okay goodbye!";

  10. works perfectly Kenpachi. Thanks a lot. Though I need to tab the location of NPC. Thanks script master!

    But can I request something more, the reason I put his name Mr. Monday is because I want this NPC to appear only at monday and maybe only for half day. Can you add the script for me? Please

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