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Everything posted by Lei

  1. is there anyone want to share their compiled 2012-14-10a ragexe. im noob when patching clients.. tnx if there's someone will share
  2. when i run this script i got errors in line 48 and line 157. im using eathena svn. here's the script and SS Advance tnx to everyone /* # Advance Breaker Room CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `E-Breakers` ( `no` mediumint(9) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, `char_id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', `name` varchar(30) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `time` bigint(11) NOT NULL default '0', `mob_id` mediumint(9) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', PRIMARY KEY ( `no` ) ) ENGINE=MyISAM; # Random Sample Data for viewing the Data in Games / SQL # ============================================================= INSERT INTO `E-Breakers` ( `char_id`,`name`,`time`,`mob_id` ) VALUES ( 10000'Amistry','12411',3000 ); INSERT INTO `E-Breakers` ( `char_id`,`name`,`time`,`mob_id` ) VALUES ( 20000,'Emistry1','28211',3000 ); INSERT INTO `E-Breakers` ( `char_id`,`name`,`time`,`mob_id` ) VALUES ( 10000,'Amistry','32511',1899 ); INSERT INTO `E-Breakers` ( `char_id`,`name`,`time`,`mob_id` ) VALUES ( 20000,'Emistry1','42161',1899 ); */ // ====== mob_db.txt / mob_db2.txt ======= // 3000,EMPELIUM,Emperium,Emperium,90,700,1,0,0,1,60,73,64,50,1,17,80,50,26,20,10,12,0,8,26,0x160,300,1288,288,384,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 // ====== mob_avail.txt ======= // 3000,1288 prontera,148,163,4 script Adv Breaker Room Manager 100,{ if( select( "Rent a Room","View Ladder" ) == 1 ){ if( !instance_id(1) ){ if( .Cost ){ mes "it cost ^0055FF"+.Cost+" Zeny^000000 to rent a Breaker Room for "+.Minute+" Minutes."; if( select("Confirm:Cancel") == 2 ) close; } if( !getcharid(1) || !instance_check_party( getcharid(1),1,90,150 ) ){ mes "Required a Party which have at least 1 Member with at least level 90 ~ 150"; close; } set .@instance,instance_create( " Adv. Breaker Room ",getcharid(1)); if( .@instance < 0 ){ switch( .@instance ){ Case -2: mes "Invalid Party ID"; break; Case -3: mes "Max Instances Exceed."; break; Case -4: warpparty has_instance( "1@room" ),25,25,getcharid(1); break; Case -1: default: mes "Failed to Create an Instances."; } }else{ set Zeny,Zeny - .Cost; instance_attachmap( "1@room",.@instance ); instance_set_timeout ( .Minute * 60 ),( .Timeout * 60 ),.@instance; instance_init .@instance; instance_attach .@instance; warpparty has_instance( "1@room" ),25,25,getcharid(1); donpcevent instance_npcname( "Helper#Breaker Room",instance_id() )+"::OnInstanceInit"; end; } }else{ warpparty has_instance( "1@room" ),25,25,getcharid(1); } }else{ switch( select( "Own Ladder","Overall Top Breaker","^FF0000Remove Records^000000" ) ){ default: Case 1: .@query_size = query_sql( "SELECT `mob_id`,`time` FROM `E-Breakers` WHERE `char_id`='"+getcharid(0)+"' GROUP BY `mob_id` ORDER BY `time` ASC LIMIT "+.size,.@MobID,.@Time ); if( !.@query_size ){ mes "No Records found !"; }else{ mes "^0055FF[ "+strcharinfo(0)+"'s Record ]^000000"; for( .@i = 0; .@i < .@query_size; .@i++ ){ mes "^DDBB00"+getmonsterinfo( .@MobID[.@i],MOB_NAME )+" : ^FF0000"+( .@Time[.@i] / 1000 )+"."+( .@Time[.@i] % 1000 )+" sec^000000"; } } break; Case 2: for( .@i = 0; .@i < .size; .@i++ ) .@Menu$ = .@Menu$ + getmonsterinfo( .MonsterList[.@i],MOB_NAME )+":"; do{ .@mob = select( .@Menu$ ) - 1; do{ .@query_size = query_sql( "SELECT `name`,`time`,`mob_id` FROM `E-Breakers` WHERE `mob_id`='"+.MonsterList[.@mob]+"' GROUP BY `name` ORDER BY `time` ASC LIMIT 10 OFFSET "+.@Offset+" ",.@Name$,.@Time,.@MobID ); mes "Monster : ^FF0000"+getmonsterinfo( .MonsterList[.@mob],MOB_NAME )+"^000000"; if( !.@query_size ){ mes "No extra Records found !"; }else{ for( .@i = 0; .@i < .@query_size; .@i++ ) mes "^0055FF[ "+( .@Offset + .@i + 1 )+"th : "+.@Name$[.@i]+" ] : ^FF0000"+( .@Time[.@i] / 1000 )+"."+( .@Time[.@i] % 1000 )+"sec^000000"; .@Offset += 10; } next; }while( select( ( .@query_size )?"Next 10 Rank":"","Back" ) == 1 ); mes "Please choose your option..."; }while( select( "View Breaker Rank","Back" ) == 1 ); break; Case 3: mes "What Record you want to clear ?"; if( select( "Personal Record",( getgmlevel() < .GMLevel )?"":"[ GM ] All Record" ) == 1 ){ query_sql( "DELETE FROM `E-Breakers` WHERE `char_id`='"+getcharid(0)+"'" ); mes "^FF0000Removed All "+strcharinfo(0)+"'s Breaker Records.^000000"; }else{ query_sql( "TRUNCATE `E-Breakers`" ); mes "^FF0000Removed All Records.^000000"; } break; } } close; OnInit: // GM Level .GMLevel = 99; // Cost to Rent Room .Cost = 1000000; // Room Duration .Minute = 30; // Room Timeout .Timeout = 5; // Edit Monster Lists setarray .MonsterList[0],3000,1899,1900,1905,1906,1907,1908,1909,1910,1911,1912,1913,1914,1915; .size = getarraysize( .MonsterList ); end; } 1@room,99,102,4 script Helper#Breaker Room 100,{ if( !instance_id(1) ) end; .@mobcount = mobcount( "1@room",instance_npcname( "Helper#Breaker Room",instance_id(1) )+"::OnMyMobDead" ); switch( select( "^0055FFHeal^000000", ( getcharid(0) != getpartyleader( getcharid(1),2 ) )? "" .@mobcount )? "Remove Monster":"Summon Monster", "Go out", ( getcharid(0) == getpartyleader( getcharid(1),2 ) )?"^FF0000Terminate Room^000000":"" )){ default: Case 1: percentheal 100,100; skilleffect 28,MaxHP; specialeffect2 313; break; Case 2: if( .@mobcount ){ stopnpctimer; npctalk "All monster has been removed by Party Leader."; killmonsterall "1@room"; close; }else{ mes "Please select a Monster..."; 'selected = getelementofarray( getvariableofnpc( .MonsterList, "Adv Breaker Room Manager" ),( select( 'Menu$ ) - 1 ) ); close2; monster "1@room",-1,-1,"--ja--",'selected,1,instance_npcname("Helper#Breaker Room", instance_id())+"::OnMyMobDead"; initnpctimer; end; } break; Case 3: warp "SavePoint",0,0; dispbottom "You may enter this Room anytime as long as it's not terminated or timeout"; break; Case 4: mes "Are you sure ?"; mes "If you terminate this Room, you will never able to come in again."; if( select("Confirm:Cancel") == 1 ){ instance_destroy instance_id(1); } break; } close; OnInstanceInit: 'Menu$ = ""; for( .@i = 0; .@i < getvariableofnpc( .size,"Adv Breaker Room Manager" ); .@i++ ) 'Menu$ = 'Menu$ +getmonsterinfo( getelementofarray( getvariableofnpc( .MonsterList, "Adv Breaker Room Manager" ),.@i ),0 ) +":"; sleep 2000; npctalk "Please get yourself ready..."; instance_announce 0,"Welcome to Adv. Breaker Room",0; sleep 3000; npctalk "Select a monster ... and Break it into pieces...and Skills are Disabled."; end; OnMyMobDead: stopnpctimer; .@timer = getnpctimer(0); instance_announce 0,"========== [ "+getmonsterinfo( 'selected,MOB_NAME )+" ] ==========",0; instance_announce 0,"Average Damage Per Seconds : "+( getmonsterinfo( 'selected,MOB_MAXHP ) / ( .@timer / 1000 ) ),0; instance_announce 0,"Total Time Spent : "+( .@timer / 1000 )+"."+( .@timer % 1000 )+" seconds.",0; if( getmapusers( has_instance("1@room") ) == 1 ){ emotion e_heh; mes "Not bad, i would like to save / update your record into the Database."; query_sql(" SELECT `time` FROM `E-Breakers` WHERE `char_id`='"+getcharid(0)+"' AND `mob_id`='"+'selected+"' ORDER BY `time` ASC",.@Record ); mes "Best Record : ^0055FF"+( .@Record / 1000 )+"."+( .@Record % 1000 )+" seconds^000000"; mes " "; mes "Current Record : ^0055FF"+( .@timer / 1000 )+"."+( .@timer % 1000 )+" seconds^000000"; if( select("Record ^0055FF"+( .@timer / 1000 )+"."+( .@timer % 1000 )+" seconds^000000:Nope") == 1 ){ query_sql( "DELETE FROM `E-Breakers` WHERE `char_id`='"+getcharid(0)+"' AND `mob_id`='"+'selected+"' AND `time` > '"+.@timer+"'" ); query_sql( "INSERT INTO `E-Breakers` ( `char_id`,`name`,`time`,`mob_id` ) VALUES ( '"+getcharid(0)+"','"+strcharinfo(0)+"','"+.@timer+"','"+'selected+"' )" ); } close; }else{ emotion e_sry; npctalk "Not bad, but Record will not store for Grouped Team. Only for Solo Player will store the records."; } end; } // ==== MAP FLAGS ==== 1@room mapflag nogo 1@room mapflag nomemo 1@room mapflag nosave 1@room mapflag nobranch 1@room mapflag nowarp 1@room mapflag nobaseexp 1@room mapflag nojobexp 1@room mapflag nomobloot 1@room mapflag nomvploot 1@room mapflag nowarpto 1@room mapflag noskill
  3. sino po meron dyan ung item db generator?? d ko kasi alam kung pano mg ayos ng specific job pra sa items e
  4. how to use that md5 hash check is it compatible to eathena or rathena only??? can't seem to find a post for this kind of topic.. its really annoying that other players uses other ro clients just to cheat on your server
  5. mga tol pa help naman kung sino marunong!! gusto ko sana gawin na ung server ko ay ung babasahin niya lang ay ung ragnarok client na binigay ko sa mga players.. hindi na siya magbabasa ng ibang ragnarok client??? kasi ung iba imbis na ung client na binigay ko ibang client ginagamit nila??? pwede po ba un??? kung sino man marunong pa help po.. salamat ng marami!!
  6. so i have to use harmony???is there no other option???
  7. Hello fellow rathena members i would like to ask if its possible that my server will only read 1 RO client?? so that they cant use other ro client to connect to my server?? if its possible is there any guides for it???
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