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Everything posted by NaMiSwAn

  1. nice thanks you hehe problem solved
  2. the problem is i always need to open my vps to edit the character via database. that's why i want to use php editor so even if i use my normal pc i can edit the character via c-panel. but its ok if no one have character php editor thanks for the reply.
  3. hi guys i have small request, can you post the name of this image because i dont know how to type that kind of language. then i copy your post thanks
  4. hi guys can you give me a character modification .php because i want to edit my character via flux cp. thanks
  5. this is my DonationNPC.txt prontera,162,193,5 script Donor Rewards Redeemer 987,{ // ----------------- NPC Settings ----------------- // --- SET THESE BEFORE LOADING THE SCRIPT! --- // Server Name set .serverName$,"rAthena"; // NPC Name to display during chat. // Default: "[Donor Rewards Redeemer]" set .npcName$,"[Donor Rewards Redeemer]"; // DO NOT CHANGE THIS! // Default: "cp_redeemlog" set .redeemTable$,"cp_redeemlog"; // Display Credits to FluxCP Creators? // Help promote our product if its useful. // 0 = Disable. 1 = Enable. // Default: 1 set .showCredits,1; // Max number of unique items to redeem at a time. // DO NOT RAISE THIS VALUE ABOVE 128 WITHOUT // MAKING THE NECESSARY SCRIPT ENGINE MODS // FOR SCRIPT ARRAY SIZING! DANGEROUS! // Default: 128 set .numRedemptionsSimul,128; // --------------- End NPC Settings --------------- // ----------------- Begin Script ----------------- mes .npcName$; mes "Well hello there " + (Sex ? "good sir!" : "young madam!"); mes "How may I be of assistance to you on this fine day?"; next; prompt("I wish to redeem items:Who might you be?:I am merely perusing the area"); mes .npcName$; switch(@menu) { case 1: query_sql "SELECT `id`, `nameid`, `quantity` FROM `" + escape_sql(.redeemTable$) + "` WHERE `account_id` = " + getcharid(3) + " AND `redeemed` = 0 LIMIT " + .numRedemptionsSimul,.@id,.@nameid,.@quantity; if (getarraysize(.@id) > 0) { mes "Items Pending Redemption: " + getarraysize(.@id); for (set .@i,0; .@i < getarraysize(.@id); set .@i,.@i+1) if (checkweight(.@nameid[.@i],.@quantity[.@i]) == 0) { mes "I'm terribly sorry, but you are carrying too much to accept " + (.@i ? "any more of " : " ") + "your rewards at this time."; mes "Please come back with fewer items."; } else { query_sql "UPDATE `" + escape_sql(.redeemTable$) + "` SET `char_id` = " + getcharid(0) + ", `redeemed` = 1, `redemption_date` = NOW() WHERE `id` = " + .@id[.@i]; getitem .@nameid[.@i],.@quantity[.@i]; mes .@quantity[.@i] + "x " + getitemname(.@nameid[.@i]); } if (.@i == getarraysize(.@id)) { mes "Thank you for your patronage " + (Sex ? "fine sir." : "ma'am."); mes "Please enjoy your stay on " + .serverName$ + "!"; } if (.showCredits) callfunc "F_FluxCredits"; } else { mes "My records indicate that there are no rewards awaiting to be redeemed."; mes "My deepest apologies for the misunderstanding."; } break; case 2: mes "I am here to allow for the redemption of rewards for donations to " + .serverName$ + "."; mes "Donations may be made to the server via the control panel."; break; default: mes "Very well then."; mes "Good day to you."; break; } close; // ------------------ End Script ------------------ } // ------------ Credits to FluxCP Creators ------------ // - Please do not modify or delete this function or - // - its contents. To disable the credits from being - // - shown, set .showCredits to 0 in the NPC Settings - // - at the top of this file. - // ---------------------------------------------------- function script F_FluxCredits { mes "-----------------------------------"; mes "Powered by Flux Control Panel."; mes "Copyright © 2008-2012 Matthew Harris and Nikunj Mehta."; mes "http://fluxcp.googlecode.com/"; return; } can you teach me how to load the npc into the game. step by step sorry for the noob question because this is my first time to create RO server
  6. guys please help how to redeem my items from itemshop. i try to buy items from itemshop but i don't know how to redeem the items ingame. Items have been purchased. You may redeem them from the Redemption NPC. i cant see any redemption npc name in game
  7. Hi guys can you help me about this error When I try to login into Flux CP, I'll get "Invalid login credentials, please verify that you typed the correct info and try again." then I can't register a new account, too Server.php and application.php md5 is already set to false i'm using Fluxcp v1.0.0.1000 fluxcp theme v2 from brightix https://rathena.org/board/files/file/3355-fluxcp-theme-v2-brightix/ Problem Solved Error Reason: wrong version of fluxcp
  8. here Problem Solved Solution: From Xampp v.7.0.4 Downgrade to v5.6.19
  9. thinking about fluxcp error :(

  10. guys can u help me about this error i already setup na application.php and server.php then if i visit the webpage the error is appear Error An error occurred while trying to process your request. Please try contacting an administrator: [email protected]<script data-cfhash='f9e31' type="text/javascript">/* */</script>
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