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Files posted by Neko

  1. Free

    [PVP] Rotative PVP

    An NPC that alternates the current PVP map from time to time, the chosen map for rotation are configured by the administrator in the script. The idea is to have multiple pvp rooms, without having to divide the players of your server among them, this way pvps are more crowded and funnier and you can use a lot of different pvp maps.

    // ======================================// Configurations ***********************// ======================================// Which map will be on the rotation? setarray .lista$[0],"pvp_y_1-1","pvp_y_1-2","pvp_y_1-3";// From how much time to time will the maps change? (Standard value 30 minutes/18000000)// WARNING, DO NOT SET VALUES HERE SMALLER THAN 60000 (1 Minute). set .rotatetime, 18000000;// ======================================
    ** WARNING ** There is a temporary global variable named $@lista$ in this NPC, watch out for global variables with the same name in other NPCs of yours!
    *This NPC will be a free release for a limited time, I intend to do some improvements on him, then it will be a paid release.



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