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Everything posted by jeffrey84716

  1. I would like to add a setting that can change the monster to other monster in the game. I try to use the following command but is not working. It pop out the input menu but is not working after I put in the number the monster still is the same as before. OnWhisperGlobal: if( @whispervar0$ == "increase" && getgmlevel() > 90 ){ announce "monster id:",bc_self,0xFF0000; if(input(.@Inum,1001,2200)){ dispbottom "error"; close; } if( strmobinfo(2,.@Inum) == "" ){ dispbottom "error!"; close; } setd "@LieID" + .@Inum; dispbottom "monster:[ "+strmobinfo(2,.@Inum)+" ]"; set @LieBian,rand(1,3); setarray @LieID[0],0,1002,1004,1005; set @LieNUM,rand(40,60); set @LieCount,0; set @LieReward,rand(2,4); set @Lieqian,rand(100000,200000); if ( HuntOn==0 ) { mes "[hunter]"; mes "level require:50"; mes "prize: 2~4 [hunt point]"; mes " 100000~200000[zeny]"; mes "you have to kill random 40~60 monster"; switch(select("accept")){ next; if (BaseLevel>49) { set LieID,@LieID[@LieBian]; set LieNUM,@LieNUM; set LieCount,@LieCount; set LieReward,@LieReward; set Lieqian,@Lieqian; mes "hunt guide"; mes "monster's name: ["+getmonsterinfo(LieID,0)+"]"; mes "quantity: ["+LieNUM+"]"; mes "prize: ["+LieReward+"]hunt point"; mes " ["+Lieqian+"]zeny"; set HuntOn,1; close; } next; mes "hunter"; mes "your level is not reach"; close; end; } } if ( HuntOn==1 ) { mes "hunt guide"; mes "monster's name: ["+getmonsterinfo(LieID,0)+"]"; mes "quantity: [ "+LieCount+" / "+LieNUM+" ]"; mes "prize: ["+LieReward+"]hunt point"; mes " ["+Lieqian+"]zeny"; switch(select("cancle(200000zeny)")){ if ( Zeny<200000 ) { mes " ^FF1493Not enough money^000000"; close; } mes " ^FF1493This mission has been cancle^000000"; set Zeny,Zeny-200000; set HuntOn,0; close; end; } } OnNPCKillEvent: if ( HuntOn ==0 || killedrid != LieID ) { end; } if ( HuntOn ==1 && killedrid == LieID && LieCount<LieNUM-1 ) { set LieCount,LieCount+1; dispbottom "hunt progress : [ "+LieCount+" / "+LieNUM+" ] "; end; } set #ShouLie,#ShouLie+LieReward; set zeny,zeny+Lieqian; set HuntOn,0; dispbottom "===hunt mission complete==="; dispbottom "hunt point increase ["+LieReward+"]"; dispbottom "hunt point:["+#ShouLie+"]"; dispbottom "zeny increase["+Lieqian+"]"; dispbottom "======================"; end; OnInit: waitingroom "hunter",0; end; } }
  2. I'm currently using the EA14934 client and I have a problem about the cast delay. Whenever I cast zen there is a lag between 2 second is there any possible can remove the lag? I have already try to change the skill_cast_db but it still the same.
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