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Posts posted by Yatai

  1. Hey all~

    I need your help!

    I am completely new to setting up a RO-Server and making a client and stuff..

    I've got the server running now, but the client.. >_>

    Alt+M won't save the changes I made.

    Some maps won't have monsters spawning (gef_fild14, no Orcs T_T).

    I am using Miruku (15122011) and patched it fully before making ANY changes..

    But I'm not sure which changes I should make..

    Which datafolders to take?

    Which luas?

    How to make GRFs (so noone can see my customs / clientinfo.xml and stuff..) ?

    Which exe should I take to diff it? (Using ShinsDiffPatcher)

    I hope you can help me~ <3

    Edit: Just found lubs from 04.04.2012 - what are the differences between luas and lubs? Which shall i take?

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