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Posts posted by Severus

  1. Dear rAthena Users,

    as you now the UEFA Euro 2012 will begin at the end of this week.

    Because of that I'm looking for some great stuff, especially for Headgears.

    For example the Austrian Flag Hat recolored for other countries. (Spain, France, Germany and so on)

    Thanks for reading and helping me ;)

  2. Hello,

    I'm trying to use this GM Security Script but it just doesn't work.

    When I login I have to set up a password. After that I will be kicked but when I login again I have to set a password again and again and again...

    //===== eAthena Script ====================================================================
    //= GM Account Protection
    //===== By: ===============================================================================
    //= Masao
    //===== Current Version: ==================================================================
    //= 1.0
    //===== Compatible With: ==================================================================
    //= Any eAthena Version;
    //===== Description: ======================================================================
    //= Will protect an GM Account with an additional Password.
    //===== Additional Comments: ==============================================================
    //= 1.0 First Version.
    - script LOGIN_CHECK -1,{
    //GM LVL System
    if (getcharid(3) == 2000000) goto L_S;
    if (getcharid(3) == 2000001) goto L_S;
    if (getcharid(3) == 2000002) goto L_S;
    if (getcharid(3) == 2000003) goto L_S;
    if (getcharid(3) == 2000004) goto L_S;
    if (getcharid(3) == 2000005) goto L_S;
    if (getcharid(3) == 2000006) goto L_S;
    if (getcharid(3) == 2000007) goto L_S;
    if (getcharid(3) == 2000008) goto L_S;
    if (getcharid(3) == 2000009) goto L_S;
    if (getcharid(3) == 2000010) goto L_S;
    pcblockmove getcharid(3),1;
    if (@gmkonto == 0) goto L_KK;
    mes "^FF0000[Password Protection]^000000";
    mes "Nice to see you ^0000CD"+strcharinfo(0)+"^000000!";
    mes "Please insert your GM Password now:";
    attachnpctimer ""+strcharinfo(0)+"";
    specialeffect2 676;
    input .@gmaccpw;
    if (.@gmaccpw != .@gm_code) {
     mes "^FF0000[Password Protection]^000000";
     mes "The password was not correct! You'll be banned now!";
     mes "Please contact the Admin and ask him to be unbanned.";
     logmes "[GM LOGIN] "+strcharinfo(0)+" wrong Password!";
     atcommand "@nuke "+strcharinfo(0);
     atcommand "@block "+strcharinfo(0);
    specialeffect2 501;
    specialeffect2 540;
    specialeffect2 543;
    specialeffect2 610;
    pcblockmove getcharid(3),0;
    setnpctimer 180000,"LOGIN_CHECK";
    mes "^FF0000[Password Protection]^000000";
    mes "Have Fun ^FF0000 "+strcharinfo(0)+" ^000000";
    atcommand "@kick "+strcharinfo(0);
    mes "^FF0000[Password Protection]^000000";
    mes "Ok ^FF0000 "+strcharinfo(0)+" ^000000 you'll have to protect this Account with an additional GM Password!";
    mes "^FF0000[Password Protection]^000000";
    mes "Please insert now an ^FF0000numeric password^000000 combination which has between 5 and 8 numbers.";
    input .@gmaccpw;
    logmes "[GM LOGIN] "+.@gmaccpw+" is the Password of "+strcharinfo(0)+" ";
    set .@gm_code,.@gmaccpw;
    set @gmkonto,1;
    mes "^FF0000[Password Protection]^000000";
    mes "Thank you very much, this Account is now Password Protected.";
    mes "^FF0000You'll be automatically kicked now!!!!!!!!^000000";
    pcblockmove getcharid(3),0;
    atcommand "@kick "+strcharinfo(0);
    atcommand "@nuke "+strcharinfo(0);
    atcommand "@block "+strcharinfo(0);

    Thanks for your help and your time :-)


  3. Hello rAthena Community,

    we have some big issues:

    Sometimes suddenly the map server crashes.

    We're getting this Error:

    [info]: Closed connection from ''.
    [info]: Saved char 150005 - Severus: status.
    [info]: Saved guild (8 - LilienRO GM Gilde): connect members
    [info]: Saved char 150136 - Teraxes: status skills.
    [info]: Saved guild (9 - Blacklist): level members
    [Error]: map_clearflooritem_timer : error
    [info]: Saved char 150056 - Cory: inventory status.
    [Error]: Server received crash signal! Attempting to save all online characters!
    [info]: Saved char 150005 - Severus: status.
    [info]: Saved char 150056 - Cory: inventory status.
    [info]: Saved char 150139 - Winternight: inventory status.
    [info]: Saved char 150153 - AWESOME CHAMPION: inventory status.
    [info]: Saved char 150070 - Cobbs: inventory status.
    [info]: Saved char 150069 - Balmung: inventory status.
    [info]: Saved char 150169 - FreeStyle-: inventory status.
    [info]: Saved char 150107 - Final: status skills hotkeys.
    [info]: Saved char 150111 - Bella: inventory status.
    [info]: Saved char 150140 - Eden: inventory status.
    [info]: Saved char 150152 - Octavius: inventory status status2 skills.
    [status]: Map-server #0 has disconnected.

    We have absolutely no idea how to fix it.

    We're using CentOS 6 and rAthena Trunk r15686

    Thanks for your help.

  4. Because I'm looking for a random War of Emperium and I don't want to change the castles manually.

    The script by Brian announces every War of Emperium which castle is open this season.

  5. Hello rAthena Community,

    I have a small problem and I think it's easy to solve but I don't want to make a mistake.

    I have this script for War of Emperium times.

    OnClock1900: //start time for Wend,Sun(0,3), Wend,Sun(0,3)
    OnClock2000: //end time for Wend,Sun(0,3), Wend,Sun(0,3)
    // starting time checks
    if((gettime(4)==0) && (gettime(3)>=19 && gettime(3)<20) ||
    (gettime(4)==3) && (gettime(3)>=19 && gettime(3)<20)) {

    But I want Wednesday and Sunday: 19:00 - 20:30 o'clock

    Can I just edit it to:

    OnClock1900: //start time for Wend,Sun(0,3), Wend,Sun(0,3)
    OnClock2030: //end time for Wend,Sun(0,3), Wend,Sun(0,3)
    // starting time checks
    if((gettime(4)==0) && (gettime(3)>=19 && gettime(3)<20) ||
    (gettime(4)==3) && (gettime(3)>=19 && gettime(3)<20)) {


    OnClock1900: //start time for Wend,Sun(0,3), Wend,Sun(0,3)
    OnClock2030: //end time for Wend,Sun(0,3), Wend,Sun(0,3)
    // starting time checks
    if((gettime(4)==0) && (gettime(3)>=19 && gettime(3)<2030) ||
    (gettime(4)==3) && (gettime(3)>=19 && gettime(3)<2030)) {

    Thanks for your help!

  6. Hello rAthena Community,

    I wanted to add some custom items to my server and I added the necessary information to accname.lua and accessoryid.lua - now I have to compile these to accename.lub and accessoryid.lub.

    My problem is: when I run/execute luac5.0.2.exe (located at data>lua files>datainfo) it closes right away and I notice it doesn't compile at all.

    I'm using Windows 7 64-bit and I think this is the problem. I tried the compatibility mode (using Windows XP Service Pack 3) and started it as administrator but nothing changed.

    I saw that other people have the same problem but there's no solution:


    Thanks for your help!


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