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Posts posted by Varyss

  1. you can multiply their stats manually. not that hard to do by changing mob_db.txt to .csv, opening it with excel, and, using formulas, multiply the stats of every monsters that has an MVP EXP or Drops (create list and sort for easier time).


    random rant:

    this is why I don't even want to try touching hercules.

  2. I don't know if you can modify a variable by using an item, but the exchange npc is right there at <npc\battleground\kvm\kvm_item_pay.txt> ... just modify it however you like. it's just a simple delitem and set variable.

  3. search in status.c, something like status_calc_aspd

    not the answer I was hoping to get.. but I guess it helped me. so thanks.


    I'll just leave this here in case anyone asks the same thing in the future.

    /// aspd = baseaspd + floor(sqrt((agi^2/2) + (dex^2/5))/4 + (potskillbonus*agi/200))
    amotion -= (int)(sqrt( (pow(status->agi, 2) / 2) + (pow(status->dex, 2) / 5) ) / 4 + (status_calc_aspd(bl, sc, 1) * status->agi / 200)) * 10; 

    it's unedited.

  4. trunk\conf\battle\monsters.conf

    // Display some mob info next to their name? (add as needed)
    // (does not works on guardian or Emperium)
    // 1: Display mob HP (Hp/MaxHp format)
    // 2: Display mob HP (Percent of full life format)
    // 4: Display mob's level
    show_mob_info: 1

    you'll have to use the /showname command in game to see it. which looks bad unmodified.




    hmm. it actually only show monsters' HP in text. sorry bout that.

  5. can someone help me? I want to change it so that the skill only give 1% aspd boost per 2 skill level, no perma blindness and works on all job level.


    never mind. got it working by deleting few lines and changing the 30 to 5.

  6. weird... I just tried it and got no error. my groups.conf:

    groups: (
        id: 0 /* group 0 is the default group for every new account */
        name: "Player"
        level: 99
        inherit: ( /*empty list*/ )
        commands: {
            /* no commands by default */
            commands: true
            charcommands: true
            help: true
            rates: true
            uptime: true
            showdelay: true
            exp: true
            mobinfo: true
        permissions: {
            /* without this basic permissions regular players could not
            trade or party */
            can_trade: true
            can_party: true
            command_enable: true
        id: 1
        name: "Super Player"
        inherit: ( "Player" ) /* can do everything Players can and more */
        level: 0
        commands: {
            /* informational commands */
            commands: true
            charcommands: true
            help: true
            rates: true
            uptime: true
            showdelay: true
            exp: true
            mobinfo: true
            iteminfo: true
            whodrops: true
            time: true
            jailtime: true
            hominfo: true
            homstats: true
            showexp: true
            showzeny: true
            whereis: true
            /* feature commands */
            refresh: true
            noask: true
            noks: true
            autoloot: true
            alootid: true
            autoloottype: true
            autotrade: true
            request: true
            go: true
            breakguild: true
            channel: true
            langtype: true
        permissions: {
  7. 100 = x1.00, 1050 = x10.50... etc.

    I don't know if it can go above x100.00 though.


    oh. and the exp is actually in exp.conf.   /omg  but I guess you already know that.

  8. HE battle manuals gives 200% exp boost instead of 100% exp boost. same thing with field manual 300%.

    normal battle manuals works correctly.


    and the bubble gums also works correctly. don't go and "fix" that.


    (sorry if this is the wrong section. I don't know where to post this.)

  9. https://github.com/rathena/rathena/pull/717#issuecomment-150838917



    I think i found the solution but please confirm it.

    By changing this
    void do_init_cashshop( void ){
    "cash_shop_defined = false;"
    void do_init_cashshop( void ){
    "cash_shop_defined = true;"


    got the same issue and that fixed it for me. don't have a git account and too lazy to make one so I'll just confirm your (that's you, right?) question here.

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