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Posts posted by Scanty

  1. 1 hour ago, Origami said:

    Hi ! I've already did some of this but I noticed that there are some steps I didnt done ... Can you point out what step is for not removing the buff on relogin in ... Thankyou so much btw sir



    Open map.cpp and search:

    status_change_end(&sd->bl, SC_PRESERVE, INVALID_TIMER);
  2. 2 hours ago, darkpatow said:

    Thank you, @Scanty.

    Now the script runs when i use the item.

    Would you know why it's returning "null" for the item?

    I couldn't understand why it doesn't work, because I use this same script in a NPC and it works.



    Sorry i didn't see this:

    set aboxqual, rand(1,2);
    			if (a_boxqual == 1)

    this 'if (a_boxqual...)' -> aboxqual

    • Love 1
  3. function	script	a_box_visu	{
    		set aboxqual, rand(1,2);
    			if (a_boxqual == 1)
    				setarray $@a_boxarray[0]
    			if(a_boxqual == 2)
    				setarray $@a_boxarray[0]
    			set $a_boxid, rand(getarraysize($@a_boxarray[0]));
    			getitem $@a_boxarray[$a_boxid],1;
    			announce strcharinfo(0) + " acabou de obter um(a) " + getitemname($@a_boxarray[$a_boxid]) + " na Caixa Especial de Visuais.", bc_all;

    You got this error.


    I just put the '{' 

    function	script	a_box_visu	{


    • Love 1
  4. I change this:


    --- map/pc.c (revision 14843)
    +++ map/pc.c (working copy)
    @@ -3444,6 +3444,7 @@
    	if(data->flag.autoequip) pc_equipitem(sd, i, data->equip);
    +	if(data->type == IT_CHARM) status_calc_pc(sd,0);//dh
    	return 0;


    if (id->type == IT_CHARM) status_calc_pc(sd, SCO_NONE); //dh

    Now the next part:

    @@ -3470,6 +3473,8 @@
    +	if(mem == IT_CHARM) status_calc_pc(sd,0);//dh
    return 0;


    if(mem == IT_CHARM) status_calc_pc(sd, SCO_NONE);//dh



    	id->type = atoi(str[3]);
    -	if( id->type < 0 || id->type == IT_UNKNOWN || id->type == IT_UNKNOWN2 || ( id->type > IT_DELAYCONSUME && id->type < IT_CASH ) || id->type >= IT_MAX )
    +	if( id->type < 0 || id->type == IT_UNKNOWN || id->type == IT_UNKNOWN2 || ( id->type > IT_CHARM && id->type < IT_CASH ) || id->type >= IT_MAX )
    	{// catch invalid item types
    		ShowWarning("itemdb_parse_dbrow: Invalid item type %d for item %d. IT_ETC will be used.\n", id->type, nameid);
    		id->type = IT_ETC;


    if( id->type < 0 || id->type == IT_UNKNOWN || id->type == IT_UNKNOWN2 || ( id->type > IT_SHADOWGEAR && id->type < IT_CASH && id->type > IT_CHARM ) ||  id->type >= IT_MAX  )

    I don't know about this part but... still working. 



    #####,Charm,Charm,12,50,,0,,,,,0xFFFFFFFF,15,2,,,60,,,{ bonus bAllStats,100; },{},{}


    30050,Charm,Charm,13,6,,0,,,,,0xFFFFFFFF,15,2,,,1,,,{bonus bStr,2; },{},{}

    Change to your ID.



    • Like 1
  5. 16 minutes ago, max65 said:

    not working =s have a same problem


    'E_HO': 'ET_DELIGHT',
    'E_LV': 'ET_THROB',
    'E_SWT': 'ET_SWEAT',
    'E_IC': 'ET_AHA',
    'E_AN': 'ET_FRET',
    'E_AG': 'ET_ANGER',
    'E_CASH': 'ET_MONEY',
    'E_DOTS': 'ET_THINK',
    'E_ROCK': 'ET_ROCK',
    'E_PAPER': 'ET_WRAP',
    'E_KOREA': 'ET_FLAG',
    'E_LV2': 'ET_BIGTHROB',
    'E_THX': 'ET_THANKS',
    'E_WAH': 'ET_KEK',
    'E_SRY': 'ET_SORRY',
    'E_HEH': 'ET_SMILE',
    'E_HMM': 'ET_SCRATCH',
    'E_NO1': 'ET_BEST',
    'E_OMG': 'ET_HUK',
    'E_OH': 'ET_O',
    'E_X': 'ET_X',
    'E_HLP': 'ET_HELP',
    'E_GO': 'ET_GO',
    'E_SOB': 'ET_CRY',
    'E_GG': 'ET_KIK',
    'E_KIS': 'ET_CHUP',
    'E_KIS2': 'ET_CHUPCHUP',
    'E_PIF': 'ET_HNG',
    'E_OK': 'ET_OK',
    'E_BZZ': 'ET_STARE',
    'E_RICE': 'ET_HUNGRY',
    'E_AWSM': 'ET_COOL',
    'E_MEH': 'ET_MERONG',
    'E_SHY': 'ET_SHY',
    'E_PAT': 'ET_GOODBOY',
    'E_MP': 'ET_SPTIME',
    'E_SLUR': 'ET_SEXY',
    'E_COM': 'ET_COMEON',
    'E_YAWN': 'ET_SLEEPY',
    'E_HP': 'ET_HPTIME',
    'E_FLASH': 'ET_SPARK',
    'E_SIGH': 'ET_OHNO',
    'E_DUM': 'ET_HUM',
    'E_LOUD': 'ET_BLABLA',
    'E_OTL': 'ET_OTL',
    'E_DICE1': 'ET_DICE1',
    'E_DICE2': 'ET_DICE2',
    'E_DICE3': 'ET_DICE3',
    'E_DICE4': 'ET_DICE4',
    'E_DICE5': 'ET_DICE5',
    'E_DICE6': 'ET_DICE6',
    'E_LUV': 'ET_LUV',
    'E_RUSSIA': 'ET_FLAG8',
    'E_VIRGIN': 'ET_FLAG9',
    'E_MAIL': 'ET_MAIL',
    'E_HUM': 'ET_HUM2',
    'E_ABS': 'ET_ABS',
    'E_OOPS': 'ET_OOPS',
    'E_SPIT': 'ET_SPIT',
    'E_ENE': 'ET_ENE',
    'E_PANIC': 'ET_PANIC',
    'E_WHISP': 'ET_WHISP',
    'E_YUT1': 'ET_YUT1',
    'E_YUT2': 'ET_YUT2',
    'E_YUT3': 'ET_YUT3',
    'E_YUT4': 'ET_YUT4',
    'E_YUT5': 'ET_YUT5',
    'E_YUT6': 'ET_YUT6',
    'E_YUT7': 'ET_YUT7',
    'E_MAX': 'ET_MAX'


    just change for example: "E_GG" to "ET_KIK". 

    • Upvote 1
  6. Perdón si es necropost.

     if (isequipped(4441) > 1) {  } else { bonus bMatkRate,10; bonus bMaxSPrate,-50; bonus2 bMagicAddRace,RC_Angel,50; bonus2 bMagicAddRace,RC_DemiHuman,50; bonus2 bMagicAddRace,RC_Player,50; } },{},{}


  7. Src/map/skill.cpp

    Line: 1101

    	if( sd )
    	{ // These statuses would be applied anyway even if the damage was blocked by some skills. [Inkfish]
    		if( skill_id != WS_CARTTERMINATION && skill_id != AM_DEMONSTRATION && skill_id != CR_REFLECTSHIELD && skill_id != MS_REFLECTSHIELD && skill_id != ASC_BREAKER ) {
    			// Trigger status effects
    			enum sc_type type;
    			uint8 i;
    			unsigned int time = 0;


    change this line to

    if( skill_id != WS_CARTTERMINATION && skill_id != AM_DEMONSTRATION && skill_id != CR_REFLECTSHIELD && skill_id != MS_REFLECTSHIELD) {

    Save and compile your server.

    Now Soul breaker can stone,freeze,stun,etc  players/monsters

    • MVP 1
  8. Src/Map/skill.h

    #define MAX_SKILL_LEVEL 13 /// Max Skill Level (for skill_db storage)

    Change for your desired level.

    db/pre-re or re folder/skill_db.txt

    19,9,8,1,3,0,0,20,1:2:3:4:5:6:7:8:9:10:11:12:13:14:15:16:17:18:19:20,yes,0,0x2000,0,magic,0,0x0,	MG_FIREBOLT,Fire Bolt
    Skill Level: 20
    Hits: 20 (1:2:3:4:5:6...:20)

    If you wanna use in item or something: 

    { skill "MG_FIREBOLT",lvl,flag(ifyouwant); } or { skill id,lvl,flag(ifyouwant);}
    *skill <skill id>,<level>{,<flag>};
    *skill "<skill name>",<level>{,<flag>};
    *addtoskill <skill id>,<level>{,<flag>};
    *addtoskill "<skill name>",<level>{,<flag>};
    These commands will give the invoking character a specified skill. This is also 
    used for item scripts.
    Level is obvious. Skill id is the ID number of the skill in question as per 
    'db/(pre-)re/skill_db.txt'. It is not known for certain whether this can be used to give 
    a character a monster's skill, but you're welcome to try with the numbers given 
    in 'db/(pre-)re/mob_skill_db.txt'.
    Flag is 0 if the skill is given permanently (will get written with the character 
    data) or 1 if it is temporary (will be lost eventually, this is meant for card 
    item scripts usage.).  The flag parameter is optional, and defaults to 1 in 
    'skill' and to 2 in 'addtoskill'.
    Flag 2 means that the level parameter is to be interpreted as a stackable 
    additional bonus to the skill level. If the character did not have that skill 
    previously, they will now at 0+the level given.
    Flag 3 is the same as flag 1 in that it saves to the database.  However, these skills
    are ignored when any action is taken that adjusts the skill tree (reset/job change).
    Flag constants:
    	0 - SKILL_PERM
    	1 - SKILL_TEMP
    // This will permanently give the character Stone Throw (TF_THROWSTONE,152), at 
    // level 1.
        skill 152,1,0;

    Display into skill tree

    db/pre-re or re folder/skill_tree

    2,19,10,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 //MG_FIREBOLT#Fire Bolt#

    10 = Level, change to your desired level.


    Open grf editor and your grf > data/luafiles514/lua files/skillinfoz/skillinfolist.lub

    		SkillName = "Fire Bolt",
    		MaxLv = 10,
    		SpAmount = { 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30 },
    		bSeperateLv = true,
    		AttackRange = { 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9 }

    Change the max level


    Save all and compile.

  9. 2524,Valkyrie_Manteau,Valkyrian Manteau,4,0,,500,,4,,1,0xFFFFFFFE,63,2,4,,0,1,0,{ if(BaseClass==Job_Mage||BaseClass==Job_Archer||BaseClass==Gunslinger||BaseClass==Taekwon) { bonus bFlee2,2+(getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_GARMENT)*3); } else if(BaseClass==Job_Swordman||BaseClass==Job_Merchant||BaseClass==Job_Thief||BaseClass==Job_Ninja||Baseclass==Acolyte) bonus bShortWeaponDamageReturn,1+(getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_GARMENT)*3); },{},{}

    db/pre-re or re folder/item_db.txt

    Also you can see the script if u want in ratemyserver.net or just in your item_db




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