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  1. randell1993's post in Oficial VIP remaining time display was marked as the answer   
    callfunc ("Time2Str",vip_status(2))
    use this on the time left part
  2. randell1993's post in A tables missing from main sql server was marked as the answer   
    This line of code checks the following tables
    schema_config.char_db, schema_config.hotkey_db, schema_config.scdata_db, schema_config.cart_db, schema_config.inventory_db, schema_config.charlog_db, schema_config.char_reg_str_table, schema_config.char_reg_num_table, schema_config.acc_reg_str_table, schema_config.acc_reg_num_table, schema_config.skill_db, schema_config.interlog_db, schema_config.memo_db, schema_config.guild_db, schema_config.guild_alliance_db, schema_config.guild_castle_db, schema_config.guild_expulsion_db, schema_config.guild_member_db, schema_config.guild_skill_db, schema_config.guild_position_db, schema_config.guild_storage_db, schema_config.party_db, schema_config.pet_db, schema_config.friend_db, schema_config.mail_db, schema_config.auction_db, schema_config.quest_db, schema_config.homunculus_db, schema_config.skill_homunculus_db, schema_config.mercenary_db, schema_config.mercenary_owner_db, schema_config.elemental_db, schema_config.ragsrvinfo_db, schema_config.skillcooldown_db, schema_config.bonus_script_db, schema_config.clan_table, schema_config.clan_alliance_table, schema_config.mail_attachment_db, schema_config.achievement_table so its either you have corrupted main.sql in which case you should try to redownload the whole server since there might be some files which are corrupted too.
    or you haven't properly added the main.sql in your sql database
  3. randell1993's post in R> Inflation Item Price with NPC was marked as the answer   
    prontera,156,181,4 script Inflation NPC 528,{ set .@npcn$,"INFLATION NPC"; set .@price,1000; set .@items,6498; ///////////////// if (howmanytimesbought<1){set howmanytimesbought,1;} set .@pricenow,howmanytimesbought*.@price; mes .@npcn$; mes "Buy my "+getitemname(.@items)+"I increase price everytime you buy"; mes "Price now is "+.@pricenow+""; next; switch(select("I wanna buy","I hate you")){ case 1: set Zeny, Zeny -.@pricenow; getitem 909,1; set howmanytimesbought,howmanytimesbought+1; next; close; break; case 2: close; break; } end; }  
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