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Files posted by missingxalone

  1. Free

    Admin's Custom Broadcast

    That Mod adds a Custom Admin's Broadcast with a Custom Label:
    The format to this command is: @adm <message>
    For Example: If you write @adm Hello World, that's my Custom Command for rAthena.
    The result is: [Admin] Name: Hello World, that's my Custom Command for rAthena.
    If you want modify the broadcast's color you need change the hexadecimal color in that line for the color that you like it, in this case from Admin's Custom Label:
    If you want modify the Label, you need to change the label intro [ ], in this case is Admin:
    "[Admin] %s : %s", sd->status.name, message);
    What's the New?
    Added GM's Custom Broadcast
    Added Super User's Custom Broadcast
    Used revision 17132
    Bug fixed



  2. Free

    @sann (Custom Broadcast Command)

    The commands is @sann (contraction of staff announced), but you can use 3 types of sintaxis (because was add in the atcommand_eathena.conf 2 alias).
    The sintaxis is:
    What's new in versión 3.1?
    And auto detect what group belongs the GM and will add their label; all this using whatever you want in the sintaxis. So, if you'll use @sann, astaff or @staff the result will be the same.
    Note: Don't remove the credits, please



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