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Everything posted by Takari

  1. Takari


    Nice to hear that taka... have a good day.. thank you! have a good one as well ^^
  2. Takari


    Just to update, cora v0.9.4.1 is now 100% done but is yet to be released together with v0.9.4.2. In other words, I'm merging the two revisions to avoid very frequent releases and so we can have a fair amount of time to try out the revision and find bugs before I start development for 0.9.5 rather than having released and separately then allocate individual test time for each which might waste a lot of time. With this, again, I ask and thank you for your patience. cora v0.9.4.2 should be done in a couple of days
  3. Takari


    you're very much welcome ^^
  4. Takari


    it's ok we'll just use IM there. Much better than having to refresh the thread every now and then
  5. Takari


    if you can add me on skype that would be great so I can help you much better. skype ID: takaworks.net
  6. Takari


    actually I noticed something in your setup. Is your DB username moonligth in purpose? I assume it should be moonlight?.. If this is the case, please change back everything: $db['default']['dbdriver'] = 'mysqli'; < -- change back to mysql $db['log']['dbdriver'] = 'mysqli'; < -- change back to mysql $db['default']['db_debug'] = FALSE; <-- change to true $db['log']['db_debug'] = FALSE; <-- change to true
  7. Takari


    have you tried changing these: $db['default']['dbdriver'] = 'mysql'; $db['log']['dbdriver'] = 'mysql'; to mysqli or pdo? If problems keep persisting, can you tell me your PHP and MySQL version?
  8. Takari


    This is an uncommon problem then. First time something like this was reported. However, try going to /cora/application/config/database.php fine the following line: $db['default']['db_debug'] = TRUE; There should be two of these, the other one: $db['log']['db_debug'] = TRUE; please change both to false and tell me it changes anything or if it hopefully solves your problem so I can provide a much better fix in the future ^^
  9. Takari


    Hello! Have you provided your database information in settings.php? if not open file: /cora/www/settings.php find and change the following lines: 'db_host' => '', // Change to your DB's IP. 'db_user' => 'root', // Change to your DB username. 'db_pass' => '', // Change to your DB password. 'db_name' => 'ragnarok', // Change to your ragnarok's database name. 'db_log_name' => 'log', // Change to your ragnarok's log database name. if you already have done that, please tell me so I can help you further ^^
  10. Takari


    Not that I know of. Can you tell me the problem you're experiencing? Please note that you need to load a custom script in your server to make it work. Script path: /cora/sql-files/user_counter.txt if you haven't done this yet, then this should do the trick for you
  11. Takari


    Yeah, that's a good idea. Can you tell me the result afterwards? Thank you for your patience, I'll work hard to get this working for you!
  12. Takari


    Thanks for the reply! what version are you running now? Included in the fix for 0.9.4 was some random page reload in the widget area that was caused by those very buttons. It might be related to your problem
  13. Takari


    hey nana! I tried using 2 same widgets for myself, but the switches does work on my end. Maybe I misunderstood your report? I'll wait for your reply, thank you! Original: Account(1) = "Account" | Account(2) = "Account 2" After moving the first Account down (clicked down arrow) I purposely designed it to accept duplicate widgets for the customization aspect. Say for example if you want player rankings and guild rankings to be separate, then you can do that. Or if you have 2 separate categories of navigation, you can do that as well.
  14. Takari


    UPDATE CORA™ v0.9.4 BETA [Download] All configuration details are moved to one single file. Fixed incompatibility for PHP 5.6+ users. Fixed corrupted guild emblem display. Fixed layouting problems for three-columned themes. Fixed random page reloads in widget management. Fixed force-login requirement when creating/update posts/pages. Fixed missing pages when adding inline widgets. Changed icon for `account tab` in the account page and account widget. Changed behavior of vote button to disable on click and open target in new tab. Added ragnarok smileys for posts and pages. Added timezone settings in the configuration file. Added `search by last IP` option in user management. Added character management sub-module located in user management. Added IP Ban management sub-module located in user management. Added `Logs` module that includes the following: In-game logs: login, atcommand, chat, pick, zeny, mvp. Web logs: login, account update, ban, vote, donate, shop. Added `Use md5` option in account settings. Added password reset for md5 users. Added TOS page selection option in general settings. Added admin display name option in admin settings. Added custom index.php option for home page selection in general settings. NOTE CORA is now in github: https://github.com/takari1994/CORA Also, a new and free theme named Jungle has been added in this revision:
  15. Takari

    Hosting FluxCP

    well if you're hosting from your computer, you would need to do some port forwarding so that when someone tries to access your IP it would redirect them to your web server. I'm pretty bad at explaining things myself so try this, maybe it'll help you.
  16. Takari

    Hosting FluxCP

    What do you mean? Like log into their account? I'm pretty sure if you've installed FluxCP correctly it should have "Login" "Register" link by default.
  17. What do you mean? Get points when you receive SMS? or send an SMS? Either way, Emistry is correct. You need an SMS gateway provider.
  18. Takari


    No worries. These suggestions are what helps improve the software, and I actually encourage them .. I believe you are correct with error messages. I'll look to improve all of the error messages to help lessen confusion. Same goes for the username == password check. Then regarding the database, I actually just read earlier today about renewal servers having separate item_db, so yeah I thought of adding that already I think adding favicon is a great idea. I don't know why I hadn't thought of that. Regarding the admin login though, I wonder if it is necessary. I did that on purpose because I thought it would be obvious for people and hence easy to access. I don't mind changing it though if you can provide a good point on why The server inline problem, that might have been caused by the changes I made with generating the widgets lol. I'll get that fix soon enough. Finally, the new page/post problem actually requires you to login with your regular account aside from your admin because the account ID of your regular account would be used as the "poster ID". I know it's impractical, but it's also temporary. I wanted to protect the admin information to make sure the username would not be shown in the custom posts/pages. So right now, I'm planning to make a better admin page which will allow you to: add more admin accounts, customize privileges, and customize profile (admin nickname). By then I will remove the requirement to login with your regular account to make custom post/page. Sorry if this is a bit annoying on your part, but a little patience and I promise you this'll be worth it Considering these are some good suggestions, I probably will add them on the future but I cannot promise that it'll be included in the next revision as it's already set to be released by this weekend. So perhaps the one after that? (Which will be started next week). Either way, I do appreciate these suggestions. Keep them coming!
  19. Takari


    I'll make sure to include that as an option then By the next revision it should be available as .zip, .tar.gz, and in github
  20. Takari


    Thank you for the suggestions! It does use ROChargen, which I haven't got the chance to experiment much on yet. I don't know for sure if you can use a raw data folder instead of a GRF, but if not, I will try to make a modification to make it happen. Also, great idea for the setup. I haven't realized it's gotten more and more complicated as time goes by. I will try to squeeze these two suggestions for the next revision if I can. Again, thank you for your suggestions! Yes Rochagen can support data.ini @Zell Ah yes, I'm fully aware of that xD .. sorry if I haven't been clear >.< .. what I meant was if it could read from a data folder rather than GRFs specified in the data.ini EDIT it seems that it can though as quoted by KeyWorld himself. I'm gonna have to try this for myself then.
  21. Takari


    Yes I am I just haven't found the time create the repository yet. I'll do my best to do it before the next revision
  22. Takari


    Thank you for the suggestions! It does use ROChargen, which I haven't got the chance to experiment much on yet. I don't know for sure if you can use a raw data folder instead of a GRF, but if not, I will try to make a modification to make it happen. Also, great idea for the setup. I haven't realized it's gotten more and more complicated as time goes by. I will try to squeeze these two suggestions for the next revision if I can. Again, thank you for your suggestions!
  23. Takari


    UPDATE CORA™ v0.9.2 BETA Added `Community` module [ baseurl/community/ e.g. http://domain.com/community ] Added Player Rankings. Sortable by PVP [ using AnnieRuRu's SQL PVP Ladder ], Player Level, Zeny. Added Guild Rankigs. Sortable by Guild Level, Castles owned. Added Castle status. Displays the status of castles whether they are owned [ and who owns ] or available. Added WoE Schedule display [ Using Euphy's WoE Controller ]. Collect, analyze, and display Euphy WoE settings & Sched. Added `Rankings` widget. Added `Search` widget. [update] Server status now includes the option to display online players and peak players [ Using a custom script ]. [update] Creating and editing posts and pages now requires normal account login to avoid a key-relationship error. [update] Improved flexibility of widget parser to ensure easy additions of widgets in the future. Potential fix for .htaccess conflict(NOT TESTED). @Talaysen I haven't tested this .htaccess with XenForo but would love to hear from you man. UPDATE 2 CORA™ v0.9.3 BETA Fixed directory issues where installing in public folder was causing errors. Fixed layout problems with the default themes. The dashboard has been improved to ensure easy installation of addons in the future. Added costumes category to cash shop. UPDATE 3 CORA™ v0.9.3.1 [FIX] Additional fix for version 0.9.3 it seems I have missed some problems that should have been included.For those who installed/are installing cora in a public folder, please visit the download page again @ http://cora.takaworks.net/downloads.php'>http://cora.takaworks.net/downloads.php -- an additional fix file has been added there. It's very light so upload should be easy. UPDATE 4 CORA™ v0.9.3.2 [FIX] Fix for donation view where one single (and crucial) information is missing.
  24. Takari


    Revision 0.9.2 should be finished by tomorrow I'm just furnishing things up getting them ready for upload. @Talaysen The revision includes a `potential` fix regarding the .htaccess problem. The thing is I cannot test it due to XF not being a freeware
  25. Takari


    I'm sorry it's taking too long to release the 0.9.2 revision. It's PACKED of fixes and updates. There are 3 more things that I need to work on for this revision, including the .htaccess fix. Hopefully I'll be able to release the revision by wednesday or earlier.
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