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Posts posted by Nuckelavee

  1. Update: i got back to good ol' Win7, the problem persist, even when All firewalls are turned off, so i believe it safe to assume this error that has something to do with the new "Generation" of routers, since im told nothing on the ISP side has changed in many years.

    Also, i did notice that Rathena reads an IP from No-IP: XXX,XXX,XXX,108, and the NO-DUC program shows me something else: XXX,XXX,XXX,44, I did try the No-IP conf suggestions made by Tyrfing to no avail, im still gathering information but im inclined to believe its a problem with this specific brand of Routers: Arcadyan.

  2. As someone that has dabbled into Game Developing, crappy code is a constant even in AAA games you can witness it yourself if you take on some kind of modding, so, some kids out there do it out of love producing very efficient and clean code and scripts that i would take it any day over some of the AAA code i've seen in my lifetime, so, the right question here would be "How good are the coders of Rathena?".

    Back in the day i tried a ton of emulators, 3Ceam?(was it?), eAthena, And some other crap, rAthena seems the most stable so far to my humble opinion.

    As for "Official", strive for greatness not for labels.

    -Just a random spic on the internet. Lol /gawi

  3. Hey there Tyrfing,


    Have you set up as a static local IP address for your computer on your router? This is necessary for the Port Fowarding to work, since you are redirecting incoming requests on your router to a local IP address.

    True,, IS a DHCP assigned Adress, but i did try assigning a Static one,, then remapping the ports, but, to no avail, the problem persisted.


    If your ISP uses NAT, it might be that your router in fact has an external IP address that is not your real (WAN) IP address. In this case, you might want to try this suggestion regarding your NO-IP configuration.

    Sadly, im very ignorant regarding my ISP parameters, as i never had to mess with it in an of my previous Rathena setups, but i will give the suggested NO-IP conf a try, thanks.


    You said that Port Check Tool wouldn't yield a definitive result regarding the state of your router's 5121, 6121, 6900, 3306 and 80. This is indicative that either your ISP or your Router's Firewall is not redirecting incoming connections to your machine. Your router's configuration is correct, though. Your ISP might have changed its contractual clauses between 2015 and 2018 to block any connections on non-trivial (i.e. other than 80, 443, 21, 22, etc) ports.


    (In this screenshot it shows Apache/MySQL ports open, but Rathena's closed, just to clarify, it HAS shown open on ALL of em depending on what i mess with, but STILL 10060.)



    Your issue seems to come down to allowing connections on your Windows Firewall, on your Router Firewall and, perhaps, on your ISP's Firewall. It might be that other running applications are competing for the same ports used by VertrigoServ.

    Please provide the contents of login_athena.conf, char_athena.conf, map_athena.conf as well as subnet_athena.conf for further support.


    Yes, my thoughts were that some bloatware in Windows 10, MIGHT be using some of the ports, as i had no issues whatsover on Windows 7. as for the Firewall, i believe i turned all of em OFF just to narrow down the culprits.



    (TBH the subnet file i've never touch previous to this problem as it wasn't required, everything in this build ran smoothly 3 years ago, Also, just to clarify, on the Login_ip, Char_Port, Char_IP fields, ive tried all the common ones,, No-IP, and LAN).

    After a couple more of tests, i tried to access my server in LAN mode, by using no external ip's whatsoever, and it worked, but only until character selection, and it fails to connect, no errros or warnings given, again, this is a fully working build that worked smoothly in 2015, Client Side and Server Side.

    Thanks for the fast reply, if you know anything else that might have changed, please let me know.

  4. Hello again, after beign out of for a few years i have been asked to setup a few new RO servers, having done this over 50 times i know the steps very well, sadly something changed, and im unable to set up even a simple Dev Server as i keep getting Socket #2, 10060 error no matter what i do, ive tried:

    - Set up port mapping for 5121,6121,6900,3306,80.(as usual)


    Then i ran into problems with VertrigoServ, since Windows 10 you require to Run As Admin or you get port problems (im fairly sure it was not necessary on Win7). So i went down the whole rabbit hole of Permissions, Alas, nothing worked down that road. 

    - Also i double checked with Port Check Tool site if my ports where open, and weirdly sometimes they were, sometimes they weren't. Nothing worked even enabling/disabling DMZ, NAT, 30s Resets, Firewall, Windows Firewall, the 10060 error is still there.

    - I also set up my No-Ip account and stuff it into all the necessary Conf Files. (Map and Char).

    - I even loaded a previous fully functional server + its SQL databases, that was running perfectly in 2015, 10060 is still there./pif

    The headache i got after 3 days of debugging this is horrible, so, im here to ask if anything as changed OS or Port wise since 2015 versions or someone ran into this same issue with Windows 10. im on the verge of going back to Win7 for my ServerPC. lol


    Thanks in advance, its good to see this forum is still around./gawi


  5. Hi again, im trying to modify the "equip" script command so it can also equip arrows since it only shows "Item cannot be equipped!" when an arrow id is given. i tried to modify this part of the script code but so far ive not been able to:

    BUILDIN_FUNC(equip) {
    	unsigned short nameid = 0;
    	TBL_PC *sd;
    	struct item_data *item_data;
    	if (!(sd = script_rid2sd(st)))
    		return SCRIPT_CMD_SUCCESS;
    	nameid = script_getnum(st,2);
    	if ((item_data = itemdb_exists(nameid))) {
    		int i;
    		ARR_FIND( 0, MAX_INVENTORY, i, sd->status.inventory[i].nameid == nameid );
    		if (i < MAX_INVENTORY) {
    			return SCRIPT_CMD_SUCCESS;
    	ShowError("buildin_equip: Item %hu cannot be equipped\n",nameid);

    i hope someone is able to lend me a hand with this!, thanks in advance!. /no1

  6. Hi again, i bring this tool to my fellow mappers out there!.


    Browedit Manager [v0151]


    ~Download~ (Mediafire)

    ~Download~ (Dropbox)

    ~Download~ (Mega)




    Just uncompress to any folder and read the following manual:


    xSuvBiP.png sUmcFVl.png ymiE4Ra.png GGTESlV.png 4HRYiRj.png


    Changes on 0.151:


    - Added save last settings used function for "Add Custom Texture" and "Add Custom Model".

    - Implemented "View Files" buttons for fast access to custom files.

    - Implemented "Add Custom Model".

    - Fixed a couple of minor bugs, added workfiles to avoid the basic missing textures/models messages, running through settings again will fix this!.


    Changes on 0.141:


    - Fixed a couple of bugs with add custom texture functions.


    Changes on 0.14:


    I changed a couple of icons of the editor:


    4coKeEL.png Q6ykgfz.pngJzbsM6S.png

            Lightning                     Sounds                     Effects


    - Added Some new colors to Background/No Tile selection!.


    - Implemented Categories/Subcategories in Add Custom Texture!.



    Main Menu


    Build Version: Select the Version of Browedit to Launch.(I only bundled the 2 versions i use, 586 and 620, i don't think you'll need anything else.)


    Start Browedit: Launch the selected Version of Browedit!.(Requires to run through settings first!)


    Open (RO Directory): Open the RO Directory that was setup on the Settings window!.(Requires to run trough settings first!)


    Settings: Sends you to Settings Window!.(Required to run this program!)


    Add Custom Texture: Sends you to Add Custom Texture Window!.(Requires to run through settings first!)


    Exit Manager: Closes Program!.(Doesn't close Browedit Windows!)





    RO Directory: Setup your RO Directory!.(Directory where you have your data.grf and/or rdata.grf as well as choosing the files to be used. )


    Background Color: Select the color you want to use as a background inside Browedit!.(Purple (Default)!)


    Empty Tile Color: Select the color you want to use for the tiles that have no texture yet inside Browedit!.(Purple (Default)!, Originally was a bright yellow, i recommend to change the default!)


    Resolution: Select Browedit's Resolution!.(800x600 (Default)!, I only included resolutions of Power by 2 that i've tested, widescreen resolutions tend to glitch!)


    Camera Smoothing: Select Browedit's Camera Smoothing value!.(0.6 (Default)!, I tried a lot of variants but i cannot tell much difference about this, i recommend to leave at default.!)


    Save Files And Return: Saves the changes you made to Settings and returns to Main Menu window!.(After this, buttons on the Main Menu will be available!.)



    Add Custom Texture


    RO Directory: Shows you the current RO directory in use by browedit!.


    Texture Sub-Folder: Type the sub-folder you want to use in the RO directory (if you select Copy to Texture to RO Folder the sub-folder will be created if it doesn't exist!)


    Copy Texture to RO Folder: Copies your new texture file to your RO Directory!.(By default it's unchecked assuming your new texture is already on data\texture\!)


    Texture Directory: Browse for your new texture!.(By default it'll show you your RO directory, if you have your new texture somewhere else, be sure to check Copy Texture to RO Folder!)


    Texture ID Name: Specify an ID Name for your new texture!.(By default it copies your filename, Uncheck Same Name if you want to change the ID Name!)


    Category Name: Specify a Main Category inside browedit's texture browser! (Case Sensitive!!, custom by default).


    Sub-Category Name: Specify a Sub-Category for your Main Category inside browedit's texture browser! (Case Sensitive!!)


    Engage!: Processes your new texture!.(Adds it to Browedit and copies to RO Directory if choosen!)


    Return to Main Menu!: Returns you to Main Menu!.



    Add New Map


    RO Directory: Shows you the current RO directory in use by browedit!.


    Map Dimensions: Select the dimensions of your new map! (the map aspect is shown in the image above!).


    Map Name: Type your new map name! (There are server-side/client limitations!).


    Engage!: Processes your new map!.


    Return to Main Menu!: Returns you to Main Menu!.



    Add Custom Model


    RO Directory: Shows you the current RO directory in use by browedit!.


    Model Sub-Folder: Type the sub-folder you want to use in the RO directory (if you select Copy Model to RO Folder the sub-folder will be created if it doesn't exist!)


    Model Directory: Browse for your new model!.(By default it'll show you your RO directory, if you have your new model somewhere else, be sure to check Copy Model to RO Folder!)


    Category Name: Specify a Main Category inside browedit's model browser! (Case Sensitive!!, custom by default).


    Sub-Category Name: Specify a Sub-Category for your Main Category inside browedit's model browser! (Case Sensitive!!)


    Engage!: Processes your new custom model!.


    Return to Main Menu!: Returns you to Main Menu!.





    Removed the ugly Hamtaro almost from everywhere! and replaced it with a cutter Poring chewing a pencil!

    Contains 2 working revisions of Browedit (And plugins) within the package, 586 (which i personally use to Map) and 620 (which i only use to automatic gat calculation).

    It's probable i'll post Video tutorials on how to use these 2 revisions in order to achieve similar Gravity's quality maps sometime in the future!.

    As you well know, you cannot create new maps from scratch from Browedit, it's neccesary to look for an already existing map with the desired dimensions, clean it and then start mapping, the function Add New Map saves you that trouble as i added a pack of several different clean maps from where to pick from!.


    Copyright Notes:

    This tool only helps mappers to manage their Borf's Browedit settings, i'm in NO way claiming intellectual or physical or whatever crap over this program!!, for all intends and purposes this program is just an Add On to Browedit!.



    As always, Leave your suggestions and opinions!.





    • Upvote 3
    • Love 1
  7. Hi, when i download and extract rAthena-Launcher[v012].exe to rathena main folder, than when i run it , it show :


    Some very basic files seem to be missing!.
    anything wrong?



    I have same problem, any solution?


    Fixed, apparently the BAT and EXE files have changed name with the newest Builds, now you can choose your BAT and EXE files.



    but, so u never put ur custom configs on conf/import?



    Hiya!, actually i don't even know the dynamics behind the import folder, lolz, but if you want to contribute to the next version, explain the usage of said folder, so i can add the functionality later on!. /ok




    I'm sure this is a wonderful tool, but i don't understand it's purpose. What you're saying is, it just runs the .bat files to start the servers, and it opens the directories via a program instead of opening the folders normally, and it creates backups? Like right click+Add to Archive for .rar context menu?




    Indeed, that's what "Launcher" usually means, simple day-to-day shortcuts for day-to-day actions, i myself find it useful, since i've got other revisions of rAthena, eAthena, for comparing and updating purposes, but only the one that works has the launcher in it, saves me the hassle of lookin' for the working rAthena revision, select the folders>add to archive>type a name & date for archiving purpose, replaced it with one simple click.


    That's just my opinion of course, since im always updating my DB's and SRC's and stuff and i want to backup my changes. /ok




    Hope that can do 2 implements:

    1. Can set the char, login, map server path.

    2. Save the char, login, map server logs.



    Hiya, i can't understand the purpose of your first suggestion, the Launcher looks for those .bat and .exe files on the directory you paste it, im guessing what you mean is in case you use separate physical servers for each server side, correct me if im wrong.


    As for the server logs, if you mean .log files inside the /log directory, consider it done, i'll add the feature on next revision, if you mean SQL logs its gonna be harder to implement. /ok

  10. @nanakiwurtz




    1. Add support for /import/ folder instead of the default folders, because people might prefer to use import folder.

    2. Auto restart server if it's disconnected.



    hi nanaki!, thanks for your suggestions, although ive no clue what your talking about, lolz.


    This program only runs the basic BAT files and makes simple backups, as far as i know the import folders are contained within conf and db folders (never really used them, no clue about their dynamics!), which the backup options already compress when used. are you sure this suggestion is not for my previous tool? Rate-X?, if i didn't catch your meaning please elaborate  /ok


    regarding the auto restart server if it's disconnected, i suppose you mean that the tool restarts the server if by any complications the server interconnections ceases or freezes or anything, thats a bit complicated for what ive been researching, it requires communication between your rathena and the tool, which would mean SRC modifications as far as i can tell also there is a number of other factors to take into account such as: bad weather, no internet service, Armageddon, and so on (in case of homemade servers), restarting the server under those conditions won't do much good,again, if i didn't catch your meaning please elaborate! /no1  

  11. Hi again!


    This time i'll share: rA-Launcher [v013]

    (updated: 12-02-2015)


    ~Download~ (Mediafire)

    ~Download~ (Dropbox)

    ~Download~ (Mega)




    Just uncompress to your root rAthena folder. (the one with the Visual Studio Solutions!)


    It's very self explanatory, but i'll explain at detail for those who are a bit slow in the tao gunka!  /??


    wbv9zkF.png  DeQWYZX.png  KrI8pan.png


    Settings[Paths] Window


    1.-Select your Run Server BAT file (usually:runserver.bat, depending on the build)(do not confuse with EXE files!).


    2.-Select your Login Server BAT file (usually:logserv.bat, depending on the build)(do not confuse with EXE files!).


    3.-Select your Char Server BAT file (usually:charserv.bat, depending on the build)(do not confuse with EXE files!).


    4.-Select your Map Server BAT file (usually:mapserv.bat, depending on the build)(do not confuse with EXE files!).


    5.-Select your Login Server EXE file (usually:login-server.exe, depending on the build)(do not confuse with BAT files!).


    6.-Select your Char Server EXE file (usually:char-server.exe, depending on the build)(do not confuse with BAT files!).


    7.-Select your Map Server EXE file (usually:map-server.exe, depending on the build)(do not confuse with BAT files!).


    8.-Saves and starts your Main Switches Window!


    Note: Everything will work fine if the Tool is placed in the root directory of rAthena, Nowhere else!. /ok



    Main Switches Window


    1.-Runs your server! (If your server is already running it'll change to "Full Restart", which will terminate your current server and restart it after a few seconds.).


    2.-Runs your Char Server Only! (If your char server is already running it'll change to "Restart Char", which will terminate your current Char Server and restart it after a few seconds.).


    3.-Runs your Login Server Only! (If your login server is already running it'll change to "Restart Login", which will terminate your current Login Server and restart it after a few seconds.).


    4.-Runs your Map Server Only! (If your map server is already running it'll change to "Restart Map", which will terminate your current Map Server and restart it after a few seconds.).


    5.-Opens up your rAthena's Conf Folder!


    6.-Opens up your rAthena's NPC Folder!


    7.-Opens up your rAthena's SRC Folder!


    8.-Opens up your rAthena's DB Folder!


    9.-Sends you to Settings Window!


    10.-Shut downs your Server and the Launcher a couple of seconds later!.


    Notes: When a Server side is already running a little Red Cross is gonna show, meaning there's some kind of complication for that current action!.(Nothing to worry about, it'll suggest restart by itself)



    Settings Window


    1.-Activates Auto Start for your rAthena Server as soon as you open your launcher!.


    2.-Starts the full backup process!.(This will compress into a zip your whole rAthena Server, takes about 2 minutes depending on your CPU power, the backup will appear on your Desktop when done!).


    3.-Starts the simple backup process!.(This will compress your basic folders: DB, SRC, NPC and Conf, takes about 10 seconds depending on your CPU power, the backup appears on your Desktop when done!)


    4.-Creates a Shortcut for your Launcher on your desktop!.


    5.-Resets the current paths used, the program will close and you can configure paths again next time you start it!.


    6.-Saves your settings and returns to your Launcher's main menu!.



    Not a very special program but saves some time, specially for newbies starting on rAthena.


    Notes: some functions may not be available yet, and some im still looking around on how to implement!.


    Leave your suggestions and opinions!, the reason is a very simple tool is mostly coz nothing else came to my mind at the time of coding, lolz.





  12. Greetings, I decided to share some tools i made for myself to facilitate some tasks of a developer/admin, instead of leaving 'em to rot.


    This time i'll share: Rate-X v0.12RateX-Icon001-96px.png

    (A small tool i made to avoid the annoying rates configuration every time i update my rAthena.)




    How to use:


    Uncompress to your conf\battle directory, it should look something like this:




    Select your current rAthena Revision:


    Then hit the "Hit It" Button.


    (Optional: hit the "Make Desktop Shortcut" button if you which to access it from your desktop.)




    Set the desired rates (Ex.80 for 80x, 1000 for 1000x, etc..) on the "Set Global Rates" field and hit apply rates.




    Tweak for the rates and options you which to change.(like MVP Card rates, Multi Level Up, Etc..)


    Then Hit the Save files button.




    Congratz!, you've successfuly configured your server rates!.


    (the view Drops.conf and View Exp.Conf buttons only show the files which will be used, not the final version, not really useful.)




    If your revision is not listed or you use a different server emulator post a unmodified clean copy of your exp.conf and drops.conf, i'll add it as soon as i have some free time!.


    This tool is mostly for beginners and easy access to simple configurations, more options may be available laterz.






    • Upvote 1
  13. I apologize, i did not understand what the problem actually is, i understand that the npc is boring, but what is it that you want?


    You need an npc that Allows a player to buy items for vote points which are stored in a database? but you don't want it to be the classic Shop Window-like NPC like in most of the lame servers out there?.


    if so, let me know, i think i might be able to help you. /ok

  14. I tried that, Still get the messed palettes after number 4, on advanced and transcendetal only, im starting to think the error is server side, /hmm any other ideas or fixes?

    Fixed it!, apparently it had something to do with the clientinfo.xml, i pasted a very old one i used and it works perfectly now, but i couldnt pinpoint what was the problem..anyways, thanks for the support! /no1

  15. Ive tried setting the GRF as 1st and 2nd with no change whatsoever, i also tried upgrading and downgrading the revision of the emulator, tried to re-hex the exe and reapply patches with different combinations and still the same, would you be so kind to send me a link to the palettes u are using? thanks! /gawi

  16. Hi, i recently found this palette error after some updates on the Server side and client side, couldnt trace which has the problem, i havent messed at all with the palettes, ive use the same ones for years and never had any problems, the bug seems to affect only Transcendental classes and Advanced Classes, First/2nd/3rd seem to have no problems whatsoever..


    if any one has come across this and found a fix, please share! /gawi


    Rathena Rev.16705

    2010-07-21aRagexeRE [no fixes related applied but the 127 hair style expansion]

    my palettes are in a separate GRF, always been..

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