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Posts posted by Pseudo

  1. Majority of the people that know me both from rA and in real life, know that I also do charity work. I mainly focus on two things, feeding programs and military assistance. 


    I guess it's worth a shot to share this story here as even a dollar can go a long way. I am here today to ask not only the Filipino community, but also the RO community as a whole to help us achieve this goal of ours. We all know that Pinoys have some kind of bad rep in the gaming world, but trust me on this, they still need the same basic necessities as we do. 


    If you can't afford to donate, share it on FB or Twitter. Moral support is as important as our financial goal. Thank you.


    Click here to view the campaign


    Thank you!

  2. I've been digging through the scripting release forums and I found the Family Gang thing made by Myzter. From my understanding, he hasn't been around for a while so I'll ask the general public for assistance.


    Can someone tell me if this is wrong? Since everytime I input a "Family name" it always says, "This name is in use, blah blah"

    		if (prompt("Write a name", "Give it to " + .@FNOther$) == 1) {
    			input .@FN$;
    			set .@SL, getstrlen(.@FN$);
    			if (.@SL < 3 || .@SL > 50) {
    				mes "[^0000ffFamily Gangs^000000]";
    				mes "The family name must be between 4 and 50 characters long.";
    				mes " ";
    				mes " > ^0000ff" + .@FN$ + "^000000";
    				goto l_Reinput;
    			// Verifica que el nombre no esté siendo utilizado por otra familia
    			if (query_sql("select family_id from family where replace(family_name,' ','') = replace(trim('" + escape_sql(.@FN$) + "'),' ', '')", .@uno)) {
    				mes "[^0000ffFamily Gangs^000000]";
    				mes "This name is in use, please choose another.";
    				mes " ";
    				mes " > ^0000ff" + .@FN$ + "^000000";
    				goto l_Reinput;
    			set .@FamilyName$, .@FN$;
    			mes "[^0000ffFamily Gangs^000000]";
    			mes "Very good, close this window to continue.";
    		} else {
    			mes "[^0000ffFamily Gangs^000000]";
    			mes "Okay, close this window to continue.";
    			message .@FNOther$, "¡" + .@FNTurn$ + " wants me to name the family!";

    The whole script is 1500 lines so I just posted the relevant section of it. 


    Basically I am stuck at this part:

    // Verifica que el nombre no esté siendo utilizado por otra familia
    			if (query_sql("select family_id from family where replace(family_name,' ','') = replace(trim('" + escape_sql(.@FN$) + "'),' ', '')", .@uno)) {
    				mes "[^0000ffFamily Gangs^000000]";
    				mes "This name is in use, please choose another.";
    				mes " ";
    				mes " > ^0000ff" + .@FN$ + "^000000";
    				goto l_Reinput;

    SQL tables have already been created as well. And there is no error in the map-server.


    Thanks in advance!




    On a side note, anyone know why all my attacks "miss" when I'm attacking a mob while I'm disguised as a mob? (I don't think it's worth to make a new topic for a simple question.)

  3. I agree with Nova and Tokei on this. I get your point though. You felt "cheated" but it's always better to resolve issues in private, rather than attempting to discredit Conflictz and RagnaHosting. Although I will admit, Conflictz, you, me, anyone is not perfect and it's typical for us to clash heads with someone. It's how you handle the situation is what matters. 


    I have known Conflictz since eA days (although he might not remember me due to the name change) but he is a nice person compared to other people I've met in this community.



    On a side not:

    Why give full email access? Couldn't you have just forwarded the emails? Or did he purchase your Harmony account as a whole?

    dumb question I know

  4. I don't quite understand what you wish to accomplish. Can you elaborate more? 


    As far as I know, /taekwon shows the top 10 rankers. Are you wanting a way to check the Ranker Points manually? Even if you aren't in the Top 10 Rankers?

  5. kRO updated their prontera some few months ago so it's either you need to manually download the new prontera files and add them to your grf, or you need to patch your kRO all the way.


    And Morroc maps are spelled "morocc" not "morroc".

  6. Ermm. I've encountered people who "assume" they use eAmod when it's actually rAmod (like @Skorm said).


    Currently I help out (as a developer) on 3 servers. Ironically, 3 different emulators. eAmod, rAthena, and Hercules. On a personal opinion, an old timer like me, I'm more comfortable with eAthena based servers IF you are a developer. But as a players perspective, the most fun to play on is rAthena. That's just my opinion though, others may differ.


    Nothings wrong with using an old, or as you put it, "Dead" emulator (dead forums? Yes. But dead emulator? No. For as long as people continue to use eAthena, it will continue to live on). For new aspiring developers, I would still recommend to learn the eA system, even the basics. Almost all eA coded scripts can work in either rA or Herc. So you can branch out from there. Some scripts may need tweaking, but it's fairly easy as eAthena is basically the Grandfather of pserver emulators.

  7. Almost all my scripts are self-made but I've been having trouble making this. I would greatly appreciate it if someone can be able to make an NPC that has the following functions:


    - NPC will accept 1 ticket for 1 entry (with multiple ticket/entry function)

    - Record the character name for the entry (via variable or SQL)

    - Randomly pick a winner at the end of every week (with global broadcast)

    - Reset all entries 1 day after the NPC picks a winner


    That's pretty much it. I'm still in the learning process of scripting so can someone please make one for me and sorta explain the functions of how the codes work. 

    Thank you!

  8. And just to avoid confusion. Aftercast-delay(decreased by Kiel) is different from Cooldown(Fixed time).


    1000:1200:1400:1600:1800:2000:2200:2400:2600:2800 -> is Aftercast-Delay per ascending skill level.

    3000 (last) -> is fixed cooldown.

  9. Add ko lang po....


    #2 -> 2012-04-10 is also very stable


    #3 -> You can update the files also to get the latest version (although di ko alam kung may pull update. I think manual lang)


    #4 -> Para sakin mas madali ngayon compared to a few years ago. Kakabalik ko lang rin kasi sa RO Community eh.  /meh

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