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Everything posted by emelie415

  1. Hello! I want my WOE > EMP not take any attack skills... Matter fact i want it to block ALL skills but > heal, sanctuary and gloria I upaste it so you can see This is not whole battle.c Is it possible? http://upaste.me/e35419629a9260ba7 I think this is what needs to be edited?? Ps. i did read a few guides here in rA; I found the solutions guide but i failed to manage it. I just need some guidense
  2. Yea due to its not under src, correct?? well ive tested 100 to 150 lvl share but it doesnt effect. currently its around 10-20 exp share... What more could i do:S
  3. Thank you Emistry, once again... You help a helpless soul=) Are you available to skype tomorrow after 18.00 > +1 GMT Best regards Emmie
  4. Hello, i want to add my Item_db.txt to my sql so its searchable in my website.... How do i convert the item_db.txt to sql so i can upload it to my phpmyadmin? And also; HOW do i upload it ?=D Thank you in advance! Best regards Emelie
  5. Do you mean putty? Yea but nothing with lvl as far as i can see...
  6. I've set the player share gap to lv 160, i tried 150 before but still didnt work.. Here is my config for it. the file is root/trunk/conf > inter_athena.conf http://upaste.me/35a0193704516a7be I pasted the script here. Thank you in advance! Best regards
  7. This is WORKBENCH mode, i do not use workbench to access these. I have VPS server, not local PC host....
  8. I didnt really get what you ment by "Sql tables" And "Create them in order to get this working" If we could teamview 240 480 009 // 5051 i could show u how many v4p points i have and so on. I think its easier when u see it live =) U can watch while eat, IF you eat infront of ur pc.
  9. Yes ive added it to scripts_custom.conf..... When i click on v4p npc ; it will tell me the following: Hello Admin, i'm V4P i'm offering 1 poring coing for each 1 Vote point you pay. Vote for us and win Vote points! But i dont recieve any points =/ Yes ive added it to scripts_custom.conf..... When i click on v4p npc ; it will tell me the following: Hello Admin, i'm V4P i'm offering 1 poring coing for each 1 Vote point you pay. Vote for us and win Vote points! But i dont recieve any points =/ Eat well ! Can we teamview after u've eaten? If we solve it, i will explain it here by words. How we solved it. Regards,
  10. Ive done it. Now my v4p.txt looks like this ; http://upaste.me/18d41934767b842ef Thank you for explaining so much details =) Forgott to say, its not working =/ i did @reloadscript Is there more to do? Can we teamview?
  11. I was waiting for you to reply! I saw you was reading my topic, i was wishing that you'd know the answer! My wish came true =) Thank you alot. I will now test that Waiting again but. Where should this be? callfunc "VoteExchange",strnpcinfo(1),1,7539,1,getcharid(3,strcharinfo(0)); And where should the 2nd be? function script VoteExchange { attachrid(getarg(4)); set .@CurrVotePoints, callfunc("getVotePoints"); ...
  12. First i'd like to say im a new member of Rathena. I start with explaining what type of server i have, and what my problem and what i want to achieve. My sever is "Cash Point" server. Meaning; when you kill another player you'll recieve "Cash Points" So i cant have a v4p system with Cash Points. Also i cannot use TCG or CREDITS because these are used in quests. So in Addon.php i choose "USE CREDITS> TRUE" I want my v4p to give poring coin or something like that. I found this : http://upaste.me/937a6913934e782 As you see at the end: I want this to work; That you'll recieve 7539 (poring coin) // This NPC change 1 Poring Coint for 1 Vote Point prontera,147,166,5 script Akaru#002 437,{ callfunc "VoteExchange",strnpcinfo(1),1,7539,1; I uploaded both [Addon.php] & [v4p.txt] so you can have a look, and see if there are any buggs. Problem; When i click V4p npc i do not recieve any Poring Coins. I appreciate any kind of help! Thanks alot, Regards Emmie addon.php v4p.txt
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