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Posts posted by KingRamses

  1. 2 hours ago, srhmike said:

    Might want to talk to owner of ragnashield.

    That's the game guard.And....are you sure those are your files?

    Current Server Nightmare-Ro


    Yeah I change the name, I just haven't update my info here

  2. I'm trying to change the chat flood limit on my server, but if I do change the exe I'll get an error of gameguard which I dont even know where is at, I tried switching different cps.dll but nothing.


  3. Would it be possible to make a script that drops an item in an specific area and when you pick it up it gives you a 3min buff, and you wont be able to get out of the map in that period of time but after the buff is gone if you take the item to the npc you win.

  4.    I've been working on a pvp arena that rewards you a powerful weapon but only for 1 day, I want to make it that it gives you a weapon depending on your class how would I do it?


    dispbottom "You are a winner of the Dragon Arena event. Congratulations!";
            donpcevent "Dragon Arena::OnStopEvent";
            announce "We have a winner, the user "+ strcharinfo(0) +" has defeated the enemies around, taking the dragon sword", bc_all, "0xFFCE00";
            getitem 12715,1;
            warp "prontera", 156,149;


  5. You want it to drop all 3 of them? if that's the case

    go to /trunk/db/pre-re or re/mob.db


    1751,RANDGRIS,Valkyrie Randgris,Valkyrie Randgris,99,3567200,0,2854900,3114520,3,5560,9980,25,42,100,120,30,120,220,210,10,12,2,8,86,0x6283695,100,576,576,480,1427450,617,5500,603,5000,616,2000,7510,5000,2357,1600,2524,3000,2421,3000,2229,5000,7024,2500,0,0,0,0,0,0,4407,1

    those set of 0, those are empty spot for items you already have the armor, then to add the shield and shoes it would go

    1751,RANDGRIS,Valkyrie Randgris,Valkyrie Randgris,99,3567200,0,2854900,3114520,3,5560,9980,25,42,100,120,30,120,220,210,10,12,2,8,86,0x6283695,100,576,576,480,1427450,617,5500,603,5000,616,2000,7510,5000,2357,1600,2524,3000,2421,3000,2229,5000,7024,2500,"2115","0","2421","0",0,0,4407,1


    "2115" being the shield id, the "0" is the percentage and "2421" are the shoes id, the "0" being percentage


  6. 11 hours ago, Athan17 said:

    depends on how Donation cash points works on your server.

    There are servers who uses items like Donation stub or Cash stubs that is used to buy cash items,
    while others use account-bound points like #CASHPOINTS,
    some use character-bound points.
    (i am not aware of how official cash points works, i only knew the old times like paytoplay, $1 = 8hours gameplay)


    prontera,160,160,4	script	Donator Ranking	909,{
    	mes "Top 10 Donators";
    	set .@count, query_sql("SELECT `crn`.`value`,`c`.`name` FROM `char_reg_num` `crn` INNER JOIN `char` `c` ON `crn`.`char_id` = `c`.`char_id` WHERE `crn`.`key` = \"CashUsed\" ORDER BY `crn`.`value` DESC LIMIT 10",.@ptval,.@ptchar$);
    	set .@check,0;
    	for ( set .@ctr,0; .@ctr < .@count; .@ctr++ ) {
    		mes (.@ctr+1)+". ^ff0000"+.@ptchar$[.@ctr]+"^000000 ~> ^ff0000"+.@ptval[.@ctr]+"pts^000000";
    		if( .@ptchar$[.@ctr] == strcharinfo(0) )
    			.@check = .@ctr+1;
    	if( !DonatorRewarded && .@check && gettime( .DayofRewarding )  )
    		mes "Wow! our ^ff0000" + .RankText[.@check] + "^000000 place in rank"; // .@check is the rank number of the player.
    		mes "Thank you for donating, here's your reward.";
    		getitem .DonateReward,.DRamount;
    		set DonatorRewarded,1;
    	set .DonateReward, 969; //Reward itemid
    	set .DRamount, 10; //Reward amount;
        //TODO: Different rewards with each ranker.
    	set .DayofRewarding, 6; // Only give reward every saturday
    	set .DayofReset, 0; // reset every Sunday 12am
    	setarray .RankText$[1],"1st","2nd","3rd","4th","5th","6th","7th","8th","9th","10th";
    	if( gettime( .DayofReset ) )
    		// reset list of players rewarded already.
    		query_sql("DELETE FROM `char_reg_num` WHERE `key` = 'DonatorRewarded'");
    		// reset donation ranking
    		query_sql("DELETE FROM `char_reg_num` WHERE `key` = 'CashUsed'");
    		addrid(0); // Attach all (online)players in the server
            // Delete  for Online players
    		set DonatorRewarded, 0;
            set CashUsed, 0;
    Then in your Cash shop, if you have OnBuyItem, add these line on success in buying an item.
    set CashUsed, 1; //set how many he/she spent.

    haven't tested this script yet.
    you might wanna add these feature in this script:
    * different reward items and amount per rank

    yeah i forgot, this script is for Top 10 Cash spender, and give rewards to 10 most spending players every week.

    Applied patches according to senpai Emistry's suggestion, thank you! learned something today (y)

    Where you said "add this line on success" you mean on casshop.h?

        "CASHSHOP_RESULT_SUCCESS =  0x0,     set CashUsed, 1;"


        set CashUsed, 1;"

    Which one would be the correct way?

  7. Would it be possible to make a npc/system that ranks the top 10 doners of the server and give them a reward depending on their rank, also make it that it resets every week, also an npc/system that rewards you for consumption, and connect it all together

  8. I'm trying to add the pokemon sprites to my server, but I don't get them to spawn.... this is what i have.




    10001,001_Mini_Bulbizarre,Bulbasaur,17000,20001,0,537,80,20,20,100,250,20,150,5000,1,0,800,400,200,{ petskillbonus bLuk,20,10,90; }


    [jobtbl.JT_BULBASAUR] = "001_Mini_Bulbizarre"


    ["JT_BULBASAUR"] = 18001
  9. Hey guys, s I have this sets which are the same but in different colors, I'm trying to make a script that lets you change the color (which is a different item) for ex: if I have the black set equipped and i use the command it would let me get this menu and change to other color... 


    - script Perfect Set -1,{
    bindatcmd("pset", strnpcinfo(3) +"::OnPSET");
    if (@pset) {
    set @pset, 0;
    mes "[NightmareRO]";
    mes "Welcome I have Special items for those who have donated to the server.";
    mes "[NightmareRO]";
    mes "What do you want to see??";
    menu "Perfect Set",qs,"Exit",exit;
    mes "[NightmareRO]";
    mes "Have a great day, Bye";
    mes "[Hombre]";
    mes "You dont have enough ^0000FFProof of donation^000000.";
    ///////////////////COMIENZO JOBS////////////////////////////////////
    menu "Periwinkle Iris Set +10(Int)",q1,"Azure Iris Set +10(Luk)",q2,"Ebony Iris Set +10(Dex)",q3,"Maize Iris Set +10(Agi)",q4,"Folly Iris Set +10(Str)",q5,"Exit",exit;    

    I made this but is not completed and I dont know how to make the if equipped part....


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