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Poring King

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Posts posted by Poring King

  1. 5 minutes ago, PARANOiA said:

    before the BETWEEN the 'lv' should be changed to 'level' to work

    query_sql("SELECT ID FROM `" + .mob_db$ + "` WHERE left(name_aegis, 4) != 'meta' AND left(name_aegis, 2) != 'E_' AND base_exp > 0 AND job_exp > 0 AND (class != 'boss' OR class is null) AND (drop3_item like '%_card' OR drop4_item like '%_card' OR drop5_item like '%_card' OR drop6_item like '%_card' OR drop7_item like '%_card' OR drop8_item like '%_card' OR drop9_item like '%_card' OR drop10_item like '%_card') AND ID < 2000 AND instr('"+.Blacklist$+"',ID) = 0 AND level BETWEEN " + (BaseLevel - 20) + " AND " + (BaseLevel + 10) + " ORDER BY rand() LIMIT " + .Quests, .@mob);

    And I had to modify the values from 

     (BaseLevel - 5) + " AND " + (BaseLevel + 10)


     (BaseLevel - 20) + " AND " + (BaseLevel + 10)

    because in lvl 99 is giving me the same monsters always.


    Thank you so much for your help @Poring King! SOLVED

    My bad typo . Just up the post so other will know that this trend will mark as solve 

    • Upvote 1
  2. 23 minutes ago, PARANOiA said:

    Hello @Poring King is that the only line that you changed? Im not seeing any monster, Ive tried with a lvl 99 and with lvl 1


    Try this. The SQL query may not be returning any results because there are no monsters in your database that match the specified criteria.

    query_sql("SELECT ID FROM `" + .mob_db$ + "` WHERE left(name_aegis, 4) != 'meta' AND left(name_aegis, 2) != 'E_' AND base_exp > 0 AND job_exp > 0 AND (class != 'boss' OR class is null) AND (drop3_item like '%_card' OR drop4_item like '%_card' OR drop5_item like '%_card' OR drop6_item like '%_card' OR drop7_item like '%_card' OR drop8_item like '%_card' OR drop9_item like '%_card' OR drop10_item like '%_card') AND ID < 2000 AND instr('"+.Blacklist$+"',ID) = 0 AND lv BETWEEN " + (BaseLevel - 5) + " AND " + (BaseLevel + 10) + " ORDER BY rand() LIMIT " + .Quests, .@mob);

    Seems like i didn't understand well this part 

    "between 5 levels down  and 10 levels up"

  3. Try this i adjust the SQL query that selects the monsters. Specifically, you need to add a condition that restricts the monster selection based on the player's level.


    //===== rAthena Script =======================================
    //= Hunting Missions
    //===== By: ==================================================
    //= Euphy
    //===== Current Version: =====================================
    //= 1.4
    //===== Compatible With: ===================================== 
    //= rAthena Project
    //===== Description: =========================================
    //= Random hunting missions.
    //= Rewards are based on quest difficulty.
    //= NOTE: Requires SQL mob database.
    //===== Additional Comments: =================================
    //= 1.0 Initial script.
    //= 1.1 Small improvements and fixes.
    //= 1.2 Added party support and replaced blacklists with an
    //=     SQL query, both thanks to AnnieRuru.
    //= 1.3 Re-added a blacklist adapted for the SQL query.
    //= 1.3a Added mission reset options.
    //= 1.3b Function updates.
    //= 1.4 Check for deleted characters, thanks to AnnieRuru.
    //=     Syntax updates and style cleaning.
    prontera,152,187,6	script	Hunting Missions	4_F_EDEN_MASTER,{
    function Chk;
    	mes "[Hunting Missions]";
    	mes "Hello, " + strcharinfo(0) + "!";
    	if (!#Mission_Delay) {
    		mes "[Hunting Missions]";
    		mes "I can't find any records...";
    		mes "You must be new here!";
    		emotion ET_HUK;
    		callsub Mission_Info;
    		emotion ET_GO;
    		#Mission_Delay = 1;
    	mes F_Rand("Working hard, as always...", "Not slacking, I hope...");
    	mes "Is there anything I can help";
    	mes "you with?";
    	mes " ";
    	mes "^777777~ You've completed " + F_InsertPlural(Mission_Total,"mission",0,"^0055FF%d^777777 %s") + ". ~^000000";
    		((!Mission0) ? " ~ New Mission::" : ": ~ Mission Status: ~ Abandon Mission") +
    		": ~ Information: ~ Mission Shop: ~ View Top Hunters: ~ ^777777Cancel^000000"
    	)) {
    	case 1:
    		mes "[Hunting Missions]";
    		if (#Mission_Count) {
    			mes "You've started a mission";
    			mes "on another character.";
    			if (!@hm_char_del_check) {  // check for deleted character
    				query_sql("SELECT 1 FROM `char_reg_num` WHERE `key` = 'Mission0' AND `char_id` IN(SELECT `char_id` FROM `char` WHERE `account_id` = " + getcharid(3) + ")", .@i);
    				if (!.@i) {
    					mes "[Hunting Missions]";
    					mes "I can't seem to find any records";
    					mes "for that character, though...";
    					mes "One moment, please.";
    					emotion ET_SCRATCH;
    					#Mission_Count = 0;
    				@hm_char_del_check = true;
    		if (#Mission_Delay > gettimetick(2) && .Delay) {
    			mes "I'm afraid you'll have to wait " + Time2Str(#Mission_Delay) + " before taking another mission.";
    		mes "You must hunt:";
    		query_sql("SELECT ID FROM `" + .mob_db$ + "` WHERE left(name_aegis, 4) != 'meta' AND left(name_aegis, 2) != 'E_' AND base_exp > 0 AND job_exp > 0 AND (class != 'boss' OR class is null) AND (drop3_item like '%_card' OR drop4_item like '%_card' OR drop5_item like '%_card' OR drop6_item like '%_card' OR drop7_item like '%_card' OR drop8_item like '%_card' OR drop9_item like '%_card' OR drop10_item like '%_card') AND ID < 2000 AND instr('"+.Blacklist$+"',ID) = 0 AND lv BETWEEN " + (BaseLevel - 5) + " AND " + (BaseLevel + 10) + " ORDER BY rand() LIMIT " + .Quests, .@mob);
    		for (.@i = 0; .@i < .Quests; .@i++) {
    			setd "Mission" + .@i, .@mob[.@i];
    			setd "Mission" + .@i +"_", 0;
    		#Mission_Count = rand(.Count[0], .Count[1]);
    		callsub Mission_Status;
    		mes "[Hunting Missions]";
    		mes "Report back when";
    		mes "you've finished.";
    		mes "Good luck!";
    	case 2:
    		mes "[Hunting Missions]";
    		mes "Mission status:";
    		callsub Mission_Status;
    	case 3:
    		mes "[Hunting Missions]";
    		mes "Do you really want to";
    	mes "abandon your mission?";
    	if (.Reset < 0 && .Delay)
    		mes "Your delay time will not be reset.";
    	else if (.Reset > 0)
    		mes "It will cost " + F_InsertComma(.Reset) + " Zeny.";
    	switch(select(" ~ Abandon...: ~ ^777777Cancel^000000")) {
    	case 1:
    		if (.Reset > 0) {
    			if (Zeny < .Reset) {
    				mes "[Hunting Missions]";
    				mes "You don't have enough";
    				mes "Zeny to drop this mission.";
    				emotion ET_SORRY;
    			Zeny -= .Reset;
    			emotion ET_MONEY;
    		mes "[Hunting Missions]";
    		mes "Alright, I've dropped";
    		mes "your current mission.";
    		specialeffect2 EF_STORMKICK4;
    		for (.@i = 0; .@i < .Quests; .@i++) {
    			setd "Mission"+.@i, 0;
    			setd "Mission"+.@i+"_", 0;
    		#Mission_Count = 0;
    		if (.Reset < 0 && .Delay)
    			#Mission_Delay = gettimetick(2) + (.Delay * 3600);
    	case 2:
    		mes "[Hunting Missions]";
    		mes "I knew you were kidding!";
    		mes "Keep up the good work.";
    		emotion ET_SMILE;
    case 4:
    	callsub Mission_Info;
    case 5:
    	mes "[Hunting Missions]";
    	mes "You have ^0055FF" + #Mission_Points + "^000000 Mission Points.";
    	mes "Use them well!";
    	callshop "mission_shop",1;
    	npcshopattach "mission_shop";
    case 6:
    	mes "[Hunting Missions]";
    	mes "The top hunters are:";
    	query_sql("SELECT char_id AS id, (SELECT `name` FROM `char` WHERE char_id = id),`value` FROM `char_reg_num` WHERE `key` = 'Mission_Total' ORDER BY CAST(`value` AS SIGNED) DESC LIMIT 5", .@id, .@name$, .@val);
    	for (.@i = 0; .@i < 5; .@i++)
    		mes "  [Rank " + (.@i+1) + "]  " + ((.@name$[.@i] == "") ? "^777777none" : "^0055FF" + .@name$[.@i]+"^000000 : ^FF0000" + .@val[.@i] + " pt.") + "^000000";
    case 7:
    	mes "[Hunting Missions]";
    	mes "Nothing? Okay...";
    	emotion ET_SCRATCH;
    @f = false;
    deletearray .@j[0], getarraysize(.@j);
    for (.@i = 0; .@i < .Quests; .@i++) {
    	.@j[.@i] = getd("Mission" + .@i);
    	.@j[.Quests] = .@j[.Quests] + strmobinfo(3,.@j[.@i]);
    	.@j[.Quests+1] = .@j[.Quests+1] + (strmobinfo(6,.@j[.@i]) / (getbattleflag("base_exp_rate") / 100) * .Modifier[0]);
    	.@j[.Quests+2] = .@j[.Quests+2] + (strmobinfo(7,.@j[.@i]) / (getbattleflag("job_exp_rate") / 100) * .Modifier[1]);
    	mes " > "+Chk(getd("Mission"+.@i+"_"),#Mission_Count) + strmobinfo(1,.@j[.@i]) + " (" + getd("Mission"+.@i+"_") + "/" + #Mission_Count + ")^000000";
    // Reward formulas:
    .@Mission_Points = 3 + (.@j[.Quests] / .Quests / 6);
    .@Base_Exp = #Mission_Count * .@j[.Quests+1] / 5;
    .@Job_Exp = #Mission_Count * .@j[.Quests+2] / 5;
    .@Zeny = #Mission_Count * .Quests * .@j[.@i] * .Modifier[2];
    mes "[Hunting Missions]";
    mes "Mission rewards:";
    mes " > Mission Points: ^0055FF" + .@Mission_Points + "^000000";
    mes " > Base Experience: ^0055FF" + F_InsertComma(.@Base_Exp) + "^000000";
    mes " > Job Experience: ^0055FF" + F_InsertComma(.@Job_Exp) + "^000000";
    mes " > Zeny: ^0055FF" + F_InsertComma(.@Zeny) + "^000000";
    if (@f) {
    	@f = false;
    mes "[Hunting Missions]";
    mes "Oh, you're done!";
    mes "Good work.";
    mes "Here's your reward.";
    emotion ET_BEST;
    specialeffect2 EF_ANGEL;
    specialeffect2 EF_TRUESIGHT;
    #Mission_Points += .@Mission_Points;
    BaseExp += .@Base_Exp;
    JobExp += .@Job_Exp;
    Zeny += .@Zeny;
    for (.@i = 0; .@i < .Quests; .@i++) {
    	setd "Mission" + .@i, 0;
    	setd "Mission" + .@i+"_", 0;
    #Mission_Count = 0;
    if (.Delay)
    	#Mission_Delay = gettimetick(2) + (.Delay * 3600);
    if (Mission_Total == 1)
    	query_sql("INSERT INTO `char_reg_num` (`char_id`,`key`,`index`,`value`) VALUES (" + getcharid(0) + ",'Mission_Total','0',1)");
    	query_sql("UPDATE `char_reg_num` SET `value` = " + Mission_Total + " WHERE `char_id` = " + getcharid(0) + " AND `key` = 'Mission_Total'");
    mes "[Hunting Missions]";
    mes "If you so choose, I can assign";
    mes "you a random hunting quest.";
    mes "Some are easier than others, but";
    mes "the rewards increase with difficulty.";
    mes "[Hunting Missions]";
    mes "Missions points are shared";
    mes "amongst all your characters.";
    if (.Delay)
    	mes "Delay time is, too.";
    mes "You can't take missions on";
    mes "multiple characters at once.";
    mes "[Hunting Missions]";
    mes "You can start a quest";
    mes (.Delay ? "every " + ((.Delay == 1) ? "hour." : .Delay + " hours.") : "whenever you want.");
    mes "That's everything~";
    function Chk {
    if (getarg(0) < getarg(1)) {
    	@f = true;
    	return "^FF0000";
    } else
    	return "^00FF00";
    .@size = getarraysize(@bought_nameid);
    for (.@i = 0; .@i < .@size; .@i++) {
    	.@j = inarray(.Shop, @bought_nameid[.@i]);
    	.@cost += (.Shop[.@j+1] * @bought_quantity[.@i]);
    mes "[Hunting Missions]";
    if (.@cost > #Mission_Points)
    mes "You don't have enough Mission Points.";
    else {
    for (.@i = 0; .@i < .@size; .@i++) {
    	getitem @bought_nameid[.@i], @bought_quantity[.@i];
    	dispbottom "Purchased " + @bought_quantity[.@i] + "x " + getitemname(@bought_nameid[.@i]) + ".";
    #Mission_Points -= .@cost;
    mes "Deal completed.";
    emotion ET_MONEY;
    deletearray @bought_nameid[0], .@size;
    deletearray @bought_quantity[0], .@size;
    if (!getcharid(1) || !.Party) {
    if (!#Mission_Count || !Mission0) end;
    for (.@i = 0; .@i < .Quests; .@i++) {
    	if (strmobinfo(1,killedrid) == strmobinfo(1,getd("Mission" + .@i))) {
    		if (getd("Mission" + .@i + "_") < #Mission_Count) {
    			dispbottom "[Hunting Mission] Killed " + (set(getd("Mission" + .@i + "_"),getd("Mission" + .@i + "_") + 1)) +
    			           " of " + #Mission_Count + " " + strmobinfo(1,killedrid) + ".";
    } else if (.Party) {
    .@mob = killedrid;
    getpartymember getcharid(1),1;
    getpartymember getcharid(1),2;
    for (.@i = 0; .@i < $@partymembercount; .@i++) {
    	if (isloggedin($@partymemberaid[.@i], $@partymembercid[.@i])) {
    		set .@Mission_Count, getvar(#Mission_Count, $@partymembercid[.@i]);
    		set .@Mission0, getvar(Mission0, $@partymembercid[.@i]);
    		set .@HP, readparam(HP, $@partymembercid[.@i]);
    		if (.@Mission_Count && .@Mission0 && .@HP > 0) {
    			if ((.@map1$ == .@map2$ || .Party == 1) && (distance(.@x1,.@y1,.@x2,.@y2) <= 30 || .Party < 3)) {
    				for (.@j = 0; .@j < .Quests; .@j++) {
    					.@my_mob_id = getvar( getd("Mission"+.@j),$@partymembercid[.@i] );
    					.@my_count = getvar( getd("Mission"+.@j+"_"), $@partymembercid[.@i] );
    					if (strmobinfo(1,.@mob) == strmobinfo(1,.@my_mob_id)) {
    						if (.@my_count < .@Mission_Count) {
    							setd "Mission"+.@j+"_", (.@my_count+1), $@partymembercid[.@i];
    							dispbottom "[Hunting Mission] Killed " + (.@my_count+1) + " of " + .@Mission_Count + " " + strmobinfo(1,.@mob) + ".", 0x777777, $@partymembercid[.@i];
    .Delay = 12;            // Quest delay, in hours (0 to disable).
    .Quests = 4;            // Number of subquests per mission (increases rewards).
    .Party = 3;             // Party options: 0 (exclude party kills), 1 (include party kills), 2 (same map only), 3 (screen area only)
    .Reset = -1;            // Reset options: -1 (abandoning mission sets delay time), 0 (no delay time), [Zeny] (cost to abandon mission, no delay time)
    setarray .Count[0],     // Min and max monsters per subquest (increases rewards).
    setarray .Modifier[0],  // Multipliers for Base Exp, Job Exp, and Zeny rewards.
    .mob_db$ =              // Table name of SQL mob database
    setarray .Shop[0],      // Reward items: <ID>,<point cost> (about 10~20 points per hunt).
    .Blacklist$ =           // Blacklisted mob IDs.
    npcshopdelitem "mission_shop",512;
    for (.@i = 0; .@i < getarraysize(.Shop); .@i += 2)
    	npcshopadditem "mission_shop", .Shop[.@i], .Shop[.@i+1];

    I use this query

    query_sql("SELECT ID FROM `" + .mob_db$ + "` WHERE left(name_aegis, 4) != 'meta' AND left(name_aegis, 2) != 'E_' AND base_exp > 0 AND job_exp > 0 AND (class != 'boss' OR class is null) AND (drop3_item like '%_card' OR drop4_item like '%_card' OR drop5_item like '%_card' OR drop6_item like '%_card' OR drop7_item like '%_card' OR drop8_item like '%_card' OR drop9_item like '%_card' OR drop10_item like '%_card') AND ID < 2000 AND instr('"+.Blacklist$+"',ID) = 0 AND (ID BETWEEN " + (strcharinfo(3) - 10) + " AND " + (strcharinfo(3) + 5) + ") ORDER BY rand() LIMIT " + .Quests, .@mob);

    in this modified SQL query, (strcharinfo(3) - 10) represents the user's level minus 10, and (strcharinfo(3) + 5) represents the user's level plus 5. Adjust these numbers as needed to define the level range for the monsters.

    Please test it out and let me know . Up the post if this things work so other player might encounter the same problem and they will see the mark [solve]

  4. Try this


    //===== rAthena Script =======================================
    //= Reset NPC
    //===== Description: =========================================
    //= Resets skills, stats, or both.
    //===== Additional Comments: =================================
    //= 1.0 First Version
    //= 1.1 Optimized for the greater good. [Kisuka]
    //= 1.2 Cleaning [Euphy]
    //= 1.3 All statuses removed upon skill reset. [Euphy]
    //= 1.4 Compressed Script, Added limit use option [Stolao]
    //=	Changed set -> setarray, Improved text with F_InsertPlural
    //= 1.5 Added sc_end_class to reset related status changes [sader1992]
    //= 1.6 First three resets are free [YourName]
    prontera,150,193,4	script	Reset Girl	124,{
    	//	 		Skills,	Stats,	Both,	Limit
    	setarray .@Reset,	5000,	5000,	9000,	0;
    	mes "[Reset Girl]";
    	if(.@Reset[3] && reset_limit > .@Reset[3]) {
    		mes "Sorry, you can only reset "+callfunc("F_InsertPlural",.@Reset[3],"time")+" in your life.";
    	mes "I am the Reset Girl.";
    	mes "Reset Stats: "+ callfunc("F_InsertComma",.@Reset[1]) +"z";
    	mes "Reset Skills: "+ callfunc("F_InsertComma",.@Reset[0]) +"z";
    	mes "Reset Both: "+ callfunc("F_InsertComma",.@Reset[2]) +"z";
    	if(.@Reset[3]) mes "You may only reset "+callfunc("F_InsertPlural",.@Reset[3],"time")+", so use "+((.@Reset[3]>1)?"them":"it")+" wisely.";
    	mes "Please select the service you want:";
    	set .@i,(select("^FF3355Reset Skills:Reset Stats:Reset Both^000000:Cancel"));
    	if(.@i > 3) close;
    	mes "[Reset Girl]";
    	if (free_resets < 3) {
    		mes "You are eligible for a free reset! This will be reset number "+(free_resets+1)+".";
    	} else {
    		if (Zeny < .@Reset[.@i-1]) {
    			mes "Sorry, you don't have enough Zeny.";
    			mes "You can only reset "+callfunc("F_InsertPlural",.@Reset[3],"time")+" in your life, are you sure?";
    			if(select("Let me think:That's fine") == 1) close;
    		set Zeny, Zeny-.@Reset[.@i-1];
    	if(.@i&2) ResetStatus;
    	if (free_resets < 3) {
    		set free_resets, free_resets + 1;
    	mes "There you go!";
    	if(.@Reset[3]) set reset_limit, reset_limit + 1;
    1. New Variable free_resets:

      • This variable keeps track of the number of free resets a player has used.
    2. Logic for Free Resets:

      • If the player has used fewer than 3 free resets, they are informed that the reset will be free.
      • Otherwise, the script checks if the player has enough Zeny and deducts it accordingly.
    3. Incrementing free_resets:

      • Each time a free reset is used, free_resets is incremented by 1.

    This script ensures that players get their first three resets for free, after which they will be charged the standard fees as defined in the .@Reset array.

    • Love 1
  5. Get some idea with this . I just write it simple 

    prontera,150,150,5	script	QueryMobDrops	1_M_MERCHANT,{
        // NPC Dialogue
        mes "Enter the Mob ID:";
        input .@mob_id;
        // SQL Query
        query_sql("SELECT m.id, m.name_japanese, i.id, i.name_english, md.rate " +
                  "FROM mob_db m " +
                  "JOIN mob_drop md ON m.id = md.mob_id " +
                  "JOIN item_db i ON md.item_id = i.id " +
                  "WHERE m.id = " + .@mob_id + ";", 
                  .@mob_id, .@mob_name$, .@item_id, .@item_name$, .@drop_rate);
        if (getarraysize(.@mob_id) > 0) {
            mes "Mob: " + .@mob_name$;
            for (.@i = 0; .@i < getarraysize(.@mob_id); .@i++) {
                mes "Item: " + .@item_name$[.@i] + " (ID: " + .@item_id[.@i] + "), Drop Rate: " + .@drop_rate[.@i] + "%";
        } else {
            mes "No drops found for this mob ID.";


  6. This is the reason

    	soundeffect "menu.wav",0;
    	mes "^ce7e00 === FARIDAH === ^000000";
    	mes "Your respawn point has been saved to Veil. Thank you.";
    	savepoint "veil",120,104; <---------------------------------------

    You specifically put the map name with coordinates . Instead of doing that just put return to save point script . Im not gonna spoon feed you anymore so you will learn

  7. I go that to my github.  but here is your request i added a boss chance too . The code is user friendly so you can customize it with your desire . If it helps make sure to up my response so other player will know that the post is solve


    prontera,155,185,5	script	Random Card NPC	100,{
    	.@zeny_cost = 1000000; // Zeny cost per roll
    	.@normal_chance = 89; // Normal monster card chance (89%)
    	.@mini_chance = 10; // Mini monster card chance (10%)
    	.@boss_chance = 1; // Boss card chance (1%)
    	menu "Welcome to the Random Card NPC! What would you like to do?",
    		"Roll for a random card (" + .@zeny_cost + " Zeny)", Roll,
    		"Nevermind", Quit;
    	setarray .@normal_cards, 4001, 4002, 4003; // Example normal monster card IDs (You can add or remove as needed)
    	setarray .@mini_cards, 4004, 4005, 4006; // Example mini monster card IDs (You can add or remove as needed)
    	setarray .@boss_cards, 4007, 4008, 4009; // Example boss monster card IDs (You can add or remove as needed)
    	if (countitem(zeny) < .@zeny_cost) {
    		mes "[Random Card NPC]";
    		mes "You don't have enough Zeny.";
    	delitem zeny, .@zeny_cost;
    	.@roll = rand(100); // Roll a random number between 0 and 99
    	if (.@roll < .@normal_chance) {
    		// Player gets a normal monster card
    		.@card_id = .@normal_cards[rand(getarraysize(.@normal_cards))];
    		getitem .@card_id, 1;
    		mes "[Random Card NPC]";
    		mes "Congratulations! You got a normal monster card.";
    	} else if (.@roll < .@normal_chance + .@mini_chance) {
    		// Player gets a mini monster card
    		.@card_id = .@mini_cards[rand(getarraysize(.@mini_cards))];
    		getitem .@card_id, 1;
    		mes "[Random Card NPC]";
    		mes "Congratulations! You got a mini monster card.";
    	} else if (.@roll < .@normal_chance + .@mini_chance + .@boss_chance) {
    		// Player gets a boss monster card
    		.@card_id = .@boss_cards[rand(getarraysize(.@boss_cards))];
    		getitem .@card_id, 1;
    		mes "[Random Card NPC]";
    		mes "Congratulations! You got a boss monster card.";
    	} else {
    		// Player gets nothing
    		mes "[Random Card NPC]";
    		mes "Sorry, you didn't get any card this time.";
    	mes "[Random Card NPC]";
    	mes "Come back anytime if you want to try your luck again!";


  8. Try this i made

    // Gold Room Entrance NPC
    firstcity,100,100,4	script	Gold Room Entrance	857,{
        mes "[Gold Room NPC]";
        mes "Welcome to the Gold Room!";
        mes "Do you want to enter the Gold Room?";
        if(select("Yes:No") == 2) {
            mes "[Gold Room NPC]";
            mes "Alright, come back if you change your mind.";
        if (checkweight(969, 1)) { // Ensure the player has at least 1 weight free to collect Gold Bars
            warp "gold_room", 50, 50; // Replace "gold_room" with your actual Gold Room map name
        } else {
            mes "[Gold Room NPC]";
            mes "You are carrying too much weight!";
    // Exchange Gold Bars for Coins NPC
    gold_room,50,50,4	script	Exchange NPC	858,{
        mes "[Exchange NPC]";
        mes "I can exchange your Gold Bars for coins.";
        mes "What would you like to do?";
        switch(select("Exchange Gold Bars for Coins:Exchange Coins for Zeny:Cancel")) {
            case 1:
            case 2:
            case 3:
                mes "[Exchange NPC]";
                mes "Come back if you change your mind.";
    function script exchange_goldbars {
        mes "[Exchange NPC]";
        mes "How many Gold Bars do you want to exchange?";
        input .@goldbars;
        if (countitem(969) < .@goldbars) {
            mes "You don't have that many Gold Bars.";
        mes "Which coin do you want to receive?";
        switch(select("Platinum Coin:Gold Coin:Bronze Coin:Cancel")) {
            case 1:
                delitem 969, .@goldbars;
                getitem 671, .@goldbars / 10; // Example exchange rate: 10 Gold Bars = 1 Platinum Coin
            case 2:
                delitem 969, .@goldbars;
                getitem 673, .@goldbars / 5; // Example exchange rate: 5 Gold Bars = 1 Gold Coin
            case 3:
                delitem 969, .@goldbars;
                getitem 672, .@goldbars / 1; // Example exchange rate: 1 Gold Bar = 1 Bronze Coin
            case 4:
                mes "Alright, come back if you change your mind.";
        mes "Thank you! Here are your coins.";
    function script exchange_coins {
        mes "[Exchange NPC]";
        mes "Which coin do you want to exchange for Zeny?";
        switch(select("Platinum Coin:Gold Coin:Bronze Coin:Cancel")) {
            case 1:
                mes "How many Platinum Coins do you want to exchange?";
                input .@platinum;
                if (countitem(671) < .@platinum) {
                    mes "You don't have that many Platinum Coins.";
                delitem 671, .@platinum;
                set zeny, zeny + (.@platinum * 1000000); // Example exchange rate: 1 Platinum Coin = 1,000,000 Zeny
            case 2:
                mes "How many Gold Coins do you want to exchange?";
                input .@gold;
                if (countitem(673) < .@gold) {
                    mes "You don't have that many Gold Coins.";
                delitem 673, .@gold;
                set zeny, zeny + (.@gold * 100000); // Example exchange rate: 1 Gold Coin = 100,000 Zeny
            case 3:
                mes "How many Bronze Coins do you want to exchange?";
                input .@bronze;
                if (countitem(672) < .@bronze) {
                    mes "You don't have that many Bronze Coins.";
                delitem 672, .@bronze;
                set zeny, zeny + (.@bronze * 10000); // Example exchange rate: 1 Bronze Coin = 10,000 Zeny
            case 4:
                mes "Alright, come back if you change your mind.";
        mes "Thank you! Here is your Zeny.";


  9. The script you provided is close to being functional, but there are some issues that need to be addressed to ensure it works correctly. Below is the corrected script with explanations for the changes:

    Here is the corrected script

    firstcity,229,87,4	script	Salvage NPC	856,{
        mes "[Salvage NPC]";
        mes "Hello! I can salvage your old weapons and armor.";
        mes "In return, I'll give you a special item based on the weapon's level.";
        mes "[Salvage NPC]";
        mes "Would you like to proceed?";
        switch(select("Yes:No")) {
            case 1:
            case 2:
                mes "[Salvage NPC]";
                mes "Alright, come back if you change your mind.";
    function	script	salvage_item	{
        mes "[Salvage NPC]";
        mes "Please show me the items you want to salvage.";
        // Fetch player's inventory
        // Collect all weapons and armor in the player's inventory
        set .@item_count, 0;
        for (.@i = 0; .@i < @inventorylist_count; .@i++) {
            set .@type, getiteminfo(@inventorylist_id[.@i], ITEMINFO_TYPE);
            if ((.@type == IT_WEAPON || .@type == IT_ARMOR) && @inventorylist_equip[.@i] == 0) { // Type 4 = Weapon, Type 5 = Armor, and not equipped
                set .@salvageable_items[.@item_count], @inventorylist_id[.@i];
                set .@salvageable_items_qty[.@item_count], @inventorylist_amount[.@i];
                set .@item_count, .@item_count + 1;
        if (.@item_count == 0) {
            mes "[Salvage NPC]";
            mes "You don't have any salvageable items.";
        mes "[Salvage NPC]";
        mes "Here is a summary of the items you can salvage:";
        for (.@i = 0; .@i < .@item_count; .@i++) {
            mes "^0000FF" + getitemname(.@salvageable_items[.@i]) + "^000000 x" + .@salvageable_items_qty[.@i];
        if (select("Proceed with Salvage:Cancel") == 2) {
            mes "[Salvage NPC]";
            mes "Alright, come back if you change your mind.";
        // Call the shop
        callshop "salvage_shop", 1;
        npcshopattach "salvage_shop";
    // Shop definition with placeholder items (you need to fill this with the actual items you want to allow for salvage)
    -	shop	salvage_shop	-1,501:10000,502:10000,503:10000,504:10000,505:10000,506:10000,507:10000,508:10000,509:10000,510:10000
        // Rewards based on weapon level
        setarray .@reward_common, 501, 502; // Example common loot item IDs
        setarray .@reward_rare, 503, 504;   // Example rare loot item IDs
        setarray .@reward_unique, 505, 506; // Example unique loot item IDs
        setarray .@reward_legendary, 507, 508; // Example legendary loot item IDs
        setarray .@reward_ancient, 509, 510; // Example ancient loot item IDs
        set .@item_id, @sold_nameid;
        set .@weapon_level, getiteminfo(.@item_id, ITEMINFO_WEAPONLV);
        switch (.@weapon_level) {
            case 1:
                // Reward common item/points
                getitem .@reward_common[rand(getarraysize(.@reward_common))], 1;
            case 2:
                // Reward rare item/points
                getitem .@reward_rare[rand(getarraysize(.@reward_rare))], 1;
            case 3:
                // Reward unique item/points
                getitem .@reward_unique[rand(getarraysize(.@reward_unique))], 1;
            case 4:
                // Reward legendary item/points
                getitem .@reward_legendary[rand(getarraysize(.@reward_legendary))], 1;
            case 5:
                // Reward ancient item/points
                getitem .@reward_ancient[rand(getarraysize(.@reward_ancient))], 1;
                dispbottom "This item cannot be salvaged.";
        dispbottom "Thank you! Here is your reward.";
    • The OnSellItem label should be properly defined and hooked into the shop functionality.
    • The shop definition needs to include the items that are eligible for sale.
    • The getiteminfo function needs to fetch the correct item information.
    • Some logic and flow improvements.


      Key Changes and Fixes:

    • Item Info Fetching:

      • Changed getiteminfo(.@item_id, ITEMINFO_WEAPONLEVEL) to getiteminfo(.@item_id, ITEMINFO_WEAPONLV) to correctly fetch the weapon level.
    • Shop Definition:

      • The salvage_shop now includes example items with prices. Adjust these item IDs and prices according to your server's item database.
    • Shop Invocation:

      • Adjusted callshop "salvage_shop", 1; to make sure the shop is called correctly.
    • Reward Logic:

      • getiteminfo uses ITEMINFO_WEAPONLV to fetch the weapon level correctly.
    • Item Type Constants:

      • Added constants IT_WEAPON and IT_ARMOR for better readability.
    • Make sure the items you want to allow for salvage are included in the salvage_shop definition. Adjust the item IDs and the rewards as per your server's requirements. This should make the script functional and enable the salvage NPC to work correctly.

  10. Your script has the core logic to spawn a monster and handle its death, but there are some adjustments needed to ensure that the monster respawns correctly. Specifically, the issue seems to stem from not correctly transitioning from the monster's death event back to the initial spawning logic.

    Here is an improved version of your script with these adjustments:

    function script BossniaHP {
    	.@monsterID = getarg(0,0);
    	.@monsterName$ = getarg(1,"");
    	.@amount = getarg(2,0);
    	.@map$ = getarg(3,"");
    	.@hp = getarg(4,0);
    		// Spawn the monster and store its ID
    		$@Cheffenia_ID = bg_monster("BossniaHP::OnMyMobDead", .@map$, 192, 99, .@monsterName$, .@monsterID, .@amount);
    		setunitdata $@Cheffenia_ID, UMOB_HP, .@hp; // Set the monster's HP
    		// Initiate the timer to respawn the monster after a delay
    		// Stop the timer
    		// Respawn the monster by calling the OnInit label
    		donpcevent "BossniaHP::OnInit";
    • Ensure the OnMyMobDead event properly respawns the monster.
    • Correctly initialize the timer to control the respawning of the monster.


    • OnInit:

      • This section is called to initially spawn the monster. It uses the bg_monster function to spawn the monster and stores its ID in the variable $@Cheffenia_ID.
      • The setunitdata function sets the HP of the monster.
    • OnMyMobDead:

      • This section is called when the monster dies. The initnpctimer function starts the timer which will eventually trigger the OnTimer500 event.
    • OnTimer500:

      • This section is called when the timer started by OnMyMobDead reaches 500 milliseconds.
      • The stopnpctimer function stops the timer.
      • The donpcevent "BossniaHP::OnInit" function calls the OnInit label, which respawns the monster.
    • Common Issues to Check:

    • Ensure that the timer duration (500 milliseconds in this case) is appropriate for your needs. You can adjust this value if you need a different respawn delay.
    • Verify that the monster ID and other parameters passed to the bg_monster function are correct and that the monster can be spawned without issues.
    • Ensure there are no other script conflicts that might prevent the OnMyMobDead event from triggering.
    • This should ensure that the monster respawns correctly after it is killed.

    • Upvote 1
  11. Try this if you encounter error let me know send the cmd part too i dont have time to test it write now.


    -	script	Durengo Kafra Service	FAKE_NPC,{
    	soundeffect "menu.wav",0;
    	mes "^ce7e00 === FARIDAH === ^000000";
    	mes "Hello, how can I be of service?";
    	switch(select("Save:Use Storage:Teleport Service:Cancel")) {
    	case 1:
    		goto save_point;
    	case 2:
    		goto storage;
    	case 3:
    		goto teleport_service;
    	case 4:
    	soundeffect "menu.wav",0;
    	mes "^ce7e00 === FARIDAH === ^000000";
    	mes "Your respawn point has been saved to Veil. Thank you.";
    	savepoint "veil",120,104;
    	soundeffect "menu.wav",0;
    	mes "^ce7e00 === FARIDAH === ^000000";
    	mes "Here is your storage vault.";
    	soundeffect "menu.wav",0;
    	mes "^ce7e00 === FARIDAH === ^000000";
    	mes "Please select your destination:";
    	switch(select("Town:Resource Ground:Cancel")) {
    	case 1:
    		goto town_teleport;
    	case 2:
    		goto resource_teleport;
    	case 3:
    	soundeffect "menu.wav",0;
    	mes "^ce7e00 === FARIDAH === ^000000";
    	mes "Please select your level range:";
    	switch(select("Level 1 to 60:Level 60 to 99:Cancel")) {
    	case 1:
    		if (BaseLevel > 60) {
    			mes "Sorry, your level is above the requirement.";
    		warp "spl_fild01",78,249;
    	case 2:
    		if (BaseLevel < 60) {
    			mes "Sorry, your level is below the requirement.";
    		warp "spl_fild02",30,198;
    	case 3:
    	soundeffect "menu.wav",0;
    	mes "^ce7e00 === FARIDAH === ^000000";
    	mes "Select your destination:";
    		"Main Town:Alberta:Aldebaran:Amatsu:Ayothaya:Comodo:Einbech:Einbroch:Geffen:Hugel:Izlude:Jawaii:Juno:Gonryun:Lighthalzen:Louyang:Lutie:Morocc:Moscovia:Nameless Island (Day):Nameless Island (Night):Niflheim:Payon:Prontera:Rachel:Splendide:Thor Camp:Umbala:Veins:Cancel")) {
    	case 1: warp "veil",120,104; close;
    	case 2: warp "alberta",28,234; close;
    	case 3: warp "aldebaran",140,131; close;
    	case 4: warp "amatsu",198,84; close;
    	case 5: warp "ayothaya",208,166; close;
    	case 6: warp "comodo",209,143; close;
    	case 7: warp "einbech",63,35; close;
    	case 8: warp "einbroch",64,200; close;
    	case 9: warp "geffen",119,59; close;
    	case 10: warp "hugel",96,145; close;
    	case 11: warp "izlude",128,108; close;
    	case 12: warp "jawaii",251,132; close;
    	case 13: warp "yuno",157,51; close;
    	case 14: warp "gonryun",160,120; close;
    	case 15: warp "lighthalzen",158,92; close;
    	case 16: warp "louyang",217,100; close;
    	case 17: warp "xmas",147,134; close;
    	case 18: warp "morocc",156,93; close;
    	case 19: warp "moscovia",223,184; close;
    	case 20: warp "nameless_i",256,215; close;
    	case 21: warp "nameless_n",256,215; close;
    	case 22: warp "niflheim",202,174; close;
    	case 23: warp "payon",179,100; close;
    	case 24: warp "prontera",155,183; close;
    	case 25: warp "rachel",130,110; close;
    	case 26: warp "splendide",201,147; close;
    	case 27: warp "thor_camp",246,68; close;
    	case 28: warp "umbala",97,153; close;
    	case 29: warp "veins",216,123; close;
    	case 30: close;
    veil,120,114,4	duplicate(Durengo Kafra Service)	Durengo Kafra Service#veil	10041
    alb2trea,57,70,6	duplicate(Durengo Kafra Service)	Durengo Kafra Service#alb2trea	10041
    alberta,28,240,4	duplicate(Durengo Kafra Service)	Durengo Kafra Service#alberta	10041
    aldebaran,145,118,4	duplicate(Durengo Kafra Service)	Durengo Kafra Service#aldebaran	10041
    amatsu,203,87,4	duplicate(Durengo Kafra Service)	Durengo Kafra Service#amatsu	10041
    ayothaya,209,169,6	duplicate(Durengo Kafra Service)	Durengo Kafra Service#ayothaya	10041
    comodo,194,158,4	duplicate(Durengo Kafra Service)	Durengo Kafra Service#comodo	10041
    einbech,59,38,6	duplicate(Durengo Kafra Service)	Durengo Kafra Service#einbech	10041
    einbroch,69,202,4	duplicate(Durengo Kafra Service)	Durengo Kafra Service#einbroch	10041
    gef_fild10,71,339,4	duplicate(Durengo Kafra Service)	Durengo Kafra Service#gef_fild10	10041
    geffen,124,72,4	duplicate(Durengo Kafra Service)	Durengo Kafra Service#geffen	10041
    glast_01,372,308,4	duplicate(Durengo Kafra Service)	Durengo Kafra Service#glast_01	10041
    gonryun,162,122,4	duplicate(Durengo Kafra Service)	Durengo Kafra Service#gonryun	10041
    hugel,101,151,4	duplicate(Durengo Kafra Service)	Durengo Kafra Service#hugel	10041
    izlu2dun,110,92,4	duplicate(Durengo Kafra Service)	Durengo Kafra Service#izlu2dun	10041
    izlude,134,150,4	duplicate(Durengo Kafra Service)	Durengo Kafra Service#izlude	10041
    jawaii,253,138,4	duplicate(Durengo Kafra Service)	Durengo Kafra Service#jawaii	10041
    lighthalzen,162,102,4	duplicate(Durengo Kafra Service)	Durengo Kafra Service#lighthalzen	10041
    louyang,208,103,6	duplicate(Durengo Kafra Service)	Durengo Kafra Service#louyang	10041
    manuk,274,146,6	duplicate(Durengo Kafra Service)	Durengo Kafra Service#manuk	10041
    mid_camp,216,288,4	duplicate(Durengo Kafra Service)	Durengo Kafra Service#mid_camp	10041
    mjolnir_02,85,364,4	duplicate(Durengo Kafra Service)	Durengo Kafra Service#mjolnir_02	10041
    moc_ruins,64,164,4	duplicate(Durengo Kafra Service)	Durengo Kafra Service#moc_ruins	10041
    morocc,159,97,4	duplicate(Durengo Kafra Service)	Durengo Kafra Service#morocc	10041
    moscovia,229,191,4	duplicate(Durengo Kafra Service)	Durengo Kafra Service#moscovia	10041
    nameless_n,259,213,4	duplicate(Durengo Kafra Service)	Durengo Kafra Service#nameless_n	10041
    niflheim,205,179,4	duplicate(Durengo Kafra Service)	Durengo Kafra Service#niflheim	10041
    pay_arche,42,134,4	duplicate(Durengo Kafra Service)	Durengo Kafra Service#pay_arche	10041
    payon,182,108,4	duplicate(Durengo Kafra Service)	Durengo Kafra Service#payon	10041
    prontera,159,192,4	duplicate(Durengo Kafra Service)	Durengo Kafra Service#prontera	10041
    prt_fild05,279,223,6	duplicate(Durengo Kafra Service)	Durengo Kafra Service#prt_fild05	10041
    rachel,135,116,4	duplicate(Durengo Kafra Service)	Durengo Kafra Service#rachel	10041
    splendide,205,153,4	duplicate(Durengo Kafra Service)	Durengo Kafra Service#splendide	10041
    thor_camp,249,76,4	duplicate(Durengo Kafra Service)	Durengo Kafra Service#thor_camp	10041
    umbala,106,150,3	duplicate(Durengo Kafra Service)	Durengo Kafra Service#umbala	10041
    veins,214,123,4	duplicate(Durengo Kafra Service)	Durengo Kafra Service#veins	10041
    xmas,150,136,6	duplicate(Durengo Kafra Service)	Durengo Kafra Service#xmas	10041
    yuno,162,47,4	duplicate(Durengo Kafra Service)	Durengo Kafra Service#yuno	10041


    Changes Made:

    1. Simplified Dialogue: Reduced unnecessary dialogue and made the conversation more concise.
    2. Structured Switches: Improved readability by aligning cases directly under their respective switches.
    3. Merged Common Operations: Combined repeated soundeffect and message commands into logical sections.
    4. Removed Redundant Labels: Removed unused labels to streamline the code.
    5. Optimized Condition Checks: Simplified level checks with direct if conditions.
    6. Consistent Formatting: Ensured consistent indentation and formatting for better readability.
  12. 3 hours ago, iamkevin said:

    Hi, i was planning to create a server with me and my friends who loves the old RO. 

    I am looking for a latest rAthena server files that I can just use specific episodes like episode 5:Juno, but will be able to upgrade to episode 6,7,etc.

    I wish to do this on my own but I do not have the time for it, so I am willing to pay for it if there is one selling this kind of server files. 

    Then you will need to hire someone that have time to setup a server for you

  13. On 5/14/2024 at 8:28 AM, EXPPOC said:

    Can you teach me how to get the value from the server and dynamically display it in the item's description?

    How to write iteminfo.lua to get the server value?

    like this



    Open you client files goto System folder find Iteminfo.lua you can change the information there so your server will display the data that you have been change . You just simply re-open your client and login your account once you change something and see if it goes thru

  14. 4 hours ago, IsabelaFernandez said:

    I would like to change the payment method for the item with ID 7420 for example. currently the script is working ok, but it is only for zeny

    thanks guys, much love ❤️ 


      Hide contents

    ayothaya.gat,150,158,4    script    Equipamentos Campais    691,{
        mes "Equipamentos Campais";
        mes "Olá!";
        mes "Gostaria de olhar nossa loja Campal?";
        switch(select("Armas:Acessórios:Variados:Hoje não")) {
            case 1: // Pet Food
                mes "Vou mostrar as armas Campais para você.";
                close2; // Closes the NPC dialog without ending the script
                callshop "PetFoodShop",1; // Only Sell window
                end; // We end the script just after opening the shop so no need to break
            case 2: // Pet Armor
                mes "Vou mostrar os acessórios Campais para você.";
                callshop "PetArmorShop",1;
            case 3: // Taming Items
                mes "empty.";
                callshop "TamingItemsShop",1;
            default: // Any other case not covered above. "Not today" in this example.
                mes "Te vejo em breve.!";
                close; // This statement closes and ends the script so no need to end again
        // No need to close or end anything at this point

    // Please add yourself the items you want to sell, last one doesn't need a comma
    -    shop    PetFoodShop    -1,13036:-1,13411:-1,
    -    shop    PetArmorShop    -1,2720:-1,2721:-1,
    -    shop    TamingItemsShop    -1,


    Use Dynamic shop you can also see how the script works

  15. 32 minutes ago, Finale said:

    I already patched my kRO to the fullest but still getting the item error. Does patching the client have something to do with it?

    Yes so you could get the latest Kro Files . Then when you are done doing it get the latest translation of item ... I recommend zack english translation or my transalation in my gethub . My translation is good for High rate server with TCG main currancy

    • Upvote 1
  16. 1 hour ago, Finale said:

    Hi Guys! is there any fix to this?
    When summoning an item or buying items from NPC, all items are in X or unknown items (apple). Is there something wrong with my client files?

    I'm using 2015-11-04aRagexe client.

    Meaning you are not supported the item .. Just patch your kRO renewal and Pre-re to get the latest files

  17. On 7/15/2023 at 1:57 AM, QueenPH said:

    i only have this files...this is the only files they gave me


    First Patch your KRO first so you will get all latest file that RO can offer . Then after that get the latest translation in rAthena . I recommend Chris English Pre-re . So you will get all Pre-re description and item

  18. 1 hour ago, Finale said:

    Hi Guys!


    Could someone please help on how to fix this attack animation for Lord Knight? As you can see the LK's head is not sync with its body. Kinda weird though.

    Thanks in advance!


    This is sprite animation problem . If you know how to fix this thru your act editor . You can find it on your GRF file this happen mostly on a GRF that has a lot of customization . To avoid this try to use a clean GRF or to fix this try to patch your client files like your KRO that you are using . 

    Just copy the original GRF that contain with fix LK attack act and paste it to your custom grf that has this problem .. There is a lot of way to fix this ..

  19. 3 hours ago, mizanyan said:

    Hello. It's there a way to make the GoldPC button open the shop directly instead of spawning a npc besides the player?



    It would be nice if you post your script . If you are asking if you want a NPC that will show in certain place


    	mes "[ Simple NPC]";
    	mes "This is the paragraph";


  20. 2 hours ago, QueenPH said:

    can i ask for a complete basic lua files info for the renewal client

    some npc has an unknown item in it
    can someone help me fix this

    i am new to renewal setupscreenSeaRO000.thumb.jpg.4c769c624e4f5b697d0f069bb12ec8e1.jpg

    Patch your KRO files both renewal and pre-re. So you will get the latest one to avoid error

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