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Posts posted by Xanthin

  1. Hello to all,


    can anyone tell me if its possible to change from Hercules to rAthena without loose any sql files and if yes how? My server is running on Hercules SVN and i want to change to rAthena.


    Thank you and Greetings :)

  2. Hello to everyone,


    its possible to add to this NPC a blacklist with itemIDs that can't be bounded? The problem is we have in the iShop rental eq and if user use the bound NPC the items don't dissappear after the time.

    //===== rAthena Script =======================================
    //= Item Bound Script
    //===== By: ==================================================
    //= Akinari
    //===== Compatible With: =====================================
    //= Revision 17351+ (rAthena Only)
    //===== Description: =========================================
    //= Item Bound Script
    //= Allows users to pay a price to make an item bound to
    //= Account, Character, or Guild
    viplounge,30,252,4	script	Bound Items	429,{
    	mes "I can bind your items to your account, guild, or character"+((.bindprice)?" for a ^0000FF"+.bindprice+"^000000 zeny fee":"")+".";
    	mes "With this, you can rest assured your items are safe.";
    	mes "What would you like to do?";
    	if(select("Bind:Unbind") == 1) {
    		if(Zeny <= .bindprice) {
    			mes "You don't have enough zeny to bind an item.";
    		mes "What kind of bind? Don't forget i can unbind only Guild binded items!";
    		.@boundtype = 1 << (select("Account:Guild:Character")-1);
    		if(.@boundtype == 2 && (!getcharid(2) || getguildmaster(getcharid(2)) != strcharinfo(0))) {
    			mes "In order for me to bind an item to a guild you must be the master of one.";
    		for(.@i = 0; .@i < @inventorylist_count; .@i++) {
    			//We only show the items that you allow to be bound
    			//Allows equipment (default)
    			if(((.allowbind & 1) && (getiteminfo(@inventorylist_id[.@i],2) == (4|5))) || 
    				((.allowbind & 2) && (getiteminfo(@inventorylist_id[.@i],2) == (0|2|11|18))) ||
    				((.allowbind & 4) && (getiteminfo(@inventorylist_id[.@i],2) == (3|6|7|8|10)))
    			) {
    				set .@bindlist$, .@bindlist$ + ":" + getitemname(@inventorylist_id[.@i]) + " - " + @inventorylist_id[.@i];
    				set .@bindlist[.@j],.@i;
    		.@item = .@bindlist[select(.@bindlist$)-2];
    		mes "Before I continue, I want you to know I can't tell the difference between multiple items.  If you have a specific item you want bounded, please remove any duplicates from inventory.";
    		if(select("I understand, continue:Wait a minute") == 2) {
    			mes "I'll be here when you're ready.";
    		mes "Are you sure you'd like to bind your "+ getitemname(@inventorylist_id[.@item]) +" to your "+.boundtypes$[.@boundtype]+"?";
    		if(select("Yes:No") == 1) {
    			zeny -= .bindprice;
    			delitem2 @inventorylist_id[.@item],@inventorylist_amount[.@item],@inventorylist_identify[.@item],@inventorylist_refine[.@item],@inventorylist_attribute[.@item],@inventorylist_card1[.@item],@inventorylist_card2[.@item],@inventorylist_card3[.@item],@inventorylist_card4[.@item];
    			getitembound2 @inventorylist_id[.@item],@inventorylist_amount[.@item],@inventorylist_identify[.@item],@inventorylist_refine[.@item],@inventorylist_attribute[.@item],@inventorylist_card1[.@item],@inventorylist_card2[.@item],@inventorylist_card3[.@item],@inventorylist_card4[.@item],.@boundtype;
    			mes "All done!";
    				logmes "Bound "+ @inventorylist_amount[.@item]+" "+@inventorylist_id[.@item]+" as "+.boundtypes$[.@boundtype]+" type.";
    	} else {
    		if(!countbound()) {
    			mes "You don't have any bound items in your inventory.  Not much I can do here.";
    		if(.unbindprice) {
    			mes "Unbinding an item has a fee of ^0000FF"+.unbindprice+"^000000 zeny.";
    			if(Zeny < .unbindprice) {
    				mes "You don't have enough to unbind an item.";
    		for(.@i = 0; .@i < @inventorylist_count; .@i++) {
    			if(@inventorylist_bound[.@i]) {
    				set .@bindlist$, .@bindlist$ + ":" + getitemname(@inventorylist_id[.@i]) + " - " + @inventorylist_id[.@i];
    				set .@bindlist[.@j],.@i;
    		.@item = .@bindlist[select(.@bindlist$)-2];
    		for(.@i = 0; .@i < getarraysize(@bound_items); .@i++) {
    			if(@inventorylist_id[.@item] == @bound_items[.@i] &&
    				(!getcharid(2) || getguildmaster(getcharid(2)) != strcharinfo(0))
    			) {
    				mes "I will only unbind guild bound items that the guild master requests.";
    		mes "Before I continue, I want you to know I can't tell the difference between multiple items.  If you have a specific item you want unbounded, please remove any duplicates from inventory.";
    		if(select("I understand, continue:Wait a minute") == 2) {
    			mes "I'll be here when you're ready.";
    		mes "Are you sure you'd like to unbind your "+ getitemname(@inventorylist_id[.@item]) +"?";
    		if(select("Yes:No") == 1) {
    			Zeny -= .unbindprice;
    			delitem2 @inventorylist_id[.@item],@inventorylist_amount[.@item],@inventorylist_identify[.@item],@inventorylist_refine[.@item],@inventorylist_attribute[.@item],@inventorylist_card1[.@item],@inventorylist_card2[.@item],@inventorylist_card3[.@item],@inventorylist_card4[.@item];
    			getitem2 @inventorylist_id[.@item],@inventorylist_amount[.@item],@inventorylist_identify[.@item],@inventorylist_refine[.@item],@inventorylist_attribute[.@item],@inventorylist_card1[.@item],@inventorylist_card2[.@item],@inventorylist_card3[.@item],@inventorylist_card4[.@item];
    			mes "All done!";
    				logmes "Unbound "+ @inventorylist_amount[.@item]+" "+@inventorylist_id[.@item]+".";
    	//* Configuration *\\
    	.bindprice = 0;
    	.unbindprice = 100000;
    	//What to allow to be bound - Add as necessary
    	//1 = Equipment - 2 = Consumables - 4 = Etc
    	.allowbind = 1;
    	//Log binds via NPC?
    	.logbinds = 1;
    	//Other stuff
    	.boundtypes$[1] = "account";
    	.boundtypes$[2] = "guild";
    	.boundtypes$[4] = "character";

    Thanks and sry for my english :D

  3. Hello everyone,

    i have try to configure a kPatcher for my client but i have the problem that the patcher don't patch any files....

    Here my files:


    ;KPatcher remote config file

    ;These three sections also duplicated in embedded configuration file on the case if the patcher will not be able to download the remote file from server.

    ;Also, it will allow run the patcher game client in the event of unavailability of the remote configuration file.


    ;Server Name

    ServerName = ROmance

    ;Unique identifier of the server is needed to save the data in the PatcherData file. Typically, the server name in capital letters.

    ServerUID = ROMANCE

    ;File where patcher store own data

    PatcherData = romance.inf


    ;Notice URL

    NoticeURL =

    ;StatusURL =


    ;Client exe name & exe param to launch

    NewLogin = 0

    AutoStart = 1

    ExeName = romance.run

    ExeParam = 1rag1


    ;PatchList URL and name

    PatchListURL = http://romance-patch.de/patch/

    ;PatchList name

    PatchListName = plist.plt

    ;FileServer URL (For Login with passsword use ftp://login:[email protected]/)

    FileServerURL = ftp://xxxxx:[email protected]/www/patch/files/

    ;Server GRF name & patchinfo store

    Grf = server.grf


    ;Support for patching the official client.

    ;Possible values:

    ;0=Off - Downloads will not occur, the button kroPatches will not be displayed on the form.

    ;1=Auto - Downloads will take place immediately after the main patch, the button kroPatches will not be displayed on the form.

    ;2=Manual - Download will take place only after clicking on the button kroPatches, but only after major patches will be downloaded.

    StartType = 2

    ;Full Url to patch list

    PatchListURL = http://frotek.eu5.org/Kpatch/

    ;Patch list name

    PatchListName = patch_test.txt

    ;Full Url to patches (For Login with passsword use ftp://login:[email protected]/)

    FileServerURL =

    ;Main GRF

    Grf = data.grf

    ;Patch number store

    PatchInfo = patch.inf


    ;Support for patching the official Renewal client.

    ;Possible values:

    ;0=Off - Downloads will not occur, the button kroREPatches will not be displayed on the form.

    ;1=Auto - Downloads will take place immediately after the official patch, the button kroREPatches will not be displayed on the form.

    ;2=Manual - Download will take place only after clicking on the button kroREPatches, but only after major and patches will be downloaded.

    StartType = 2

    ;Full Url to patch list

    PatchListURL = http://webpatch.ragnarok.co.kr/patch/

    ;Patch list name

    PatchListName = patchRE.txt

    ;Full Url to patches (For Login with passsword use ftp://login:[email protected]/)

    FileServerURL = ftp://ragnarok.nowcdn.co.kr:20021/Patch/

    ;Main GRF

    Grf = rdata.grf

    ;Patch number store

    PatchInfo = patchRE.inf


    ;KPatcher remote config file

    ;These three sections also duplicated in embedded configuration file on the case if the patcher will not be able to download the remote file from server.

    ;Also, it will allow run the patcher game client in the event of unavailability of the remote configuration file.


    ;Server Name

    ServerName = ROmance

    ;Unique identifier of the server is needed to save the data in the PatcherData file. Typically, the server name in capital letters.

    ServerUID = ROMANCE

    ;File where patcher store own data

    PatcherData = romance.inf


    ;Notice URL

    NoticeURL =

    ;StatusURL =


    ;Client exe name & exe param to launch

    NewLogin = 0

    AutoStart = 1

    ExeName = romance.run

    ExeParam = 1rag1


    ;PatchList URL and name

    PatchListURL = http://romance-patch.de/patch/

    ;PatchList name

    PatchListName = plist.plt

    ;FileServer URL (For Login with passsword use ftp://login:[email protected]/)

    FileServerURL = ftp://xxxxxx:[email protected]/www/patch/files/

    ;Server GRF name & patchinfo store

    Grf = server.grf


    ;Support for patching the official client.

    ;Possible values:

    ;0=Off - Downloads will not occur, the button kroPatches will not be displayed on the form.

    ;1=Auto - Downloads will take place immediately after the main patch, the button kroPatches will not be displayed on the form.

    ;2=Manual - Download will take place only after clicking on the button kroPatches, but only after major patches will be downloaded.

    StartType = 2

    ;Full Url to patch list

    PatchListURL = http://frotek.eu5.org/Kpatch/

    ;Patch list name

    PatchListName = patch_test.txt

    ;Full Url to patches (For Login with passsword use ftp://login:[email protected]/)

    FileServerURL =

    ;Main GRF

    Grf = data.grf

    ;Patch number store

    PatchInfo = patch.inf


    ;Support for patching the official Renewal client.

    ;Possible values:

    ;0=Off - Downloads will not occur, the button kroREPatches will not be displayed on the form.

    ;1=Auto - Downloads will take place immediately after the official patch, the button kroREPatches will not be displayed on the form.

    ;2=Manual - Download will take place only after clicking on the button kroREPatches, but only after major and patches will be downloaded.

    StartType = 2

    ;Full Url to patch list

    PatchListURL = http://webpatch.ragnarok.co.kr/patch/

    ;Patch list name

    PatchListName = patchRE.txt

    ;Full Url to patches (For Login with passsword use ftp://login:[email protected]/)

    FileServerURL = ftp://ragnarok.nowcdn.co.kr:20021/Patch/

    ;Main GRF

    Grf = rdata.grf

    ;Patch number store

    PatchInfo = patchRE.inf

    and my plist.plt:


    Thanks for read and i hope anyone can help me to find the problem.

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