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Posts posted by lionheartallstar

  1. Hi guys so i actually have downloaded this 3rd job class sprite file which was extracted from data.grf.


    Problem is i don't know how to add it into my server.


    I have the class suits NPC that allows you to turn on between Trans class suit and 3rd job suit (my server 3rd job is not available).

    However the 3rd job suit isn't showing up.


    I really need help on this and I'm new to editing the GRF files. Can anyone really help me?

  2. Hi guys, Im using this woe setter, and i notice that Castles that have been conquered before does not spawn emperiums.

    May I know how to fix this?


    //===== eAthena Script ======================================= 
    //= War of Emperium - Time Setter
    //===== By: ================================================== 
    //= Fredzilla
    //===== Current Version: ===================================== 
    //= 1.5a
    //===== Compatible With: ===================================== 
    //= eAthena 1.0 Final TXT
    //===== Description: ========================================= 
    //= Lets a GM set WoE times from inside the game
    //===== Additional Comments: ================================= 
    //= Loops used = 4 (I like loops ^_^)
    //= Only GM's of lvl 99 can use it
    //= If anyone else tries to use it they will just get a list of WoE times
    //= It give you the option, as a GM, to Add a new time, Reset all times, 
    //= or just view the current set times
    //= If a WoE is in Progress no time reset is possible
    //= A maximum of 200 WoE times can be set, if that is even possible ;)
    //= Added in v1.5
    //= Change day setting to a menu call, more GUI this way
    //= You can choose for the WoE to last between days
    //= IE, Sat 23 till Sun 01, is now possible
    //= Not even the normal WoE script can do this (by dafault)
    //= Removed the need for disabling the normal agit_event
    //= 1.5a Applied Playtester's fix. [Vicious]
    prontera,171,177,5 script WoE Setter 806,{
    mes "[Woe Setter]";
    if(getgmlevel()<99) goto L_NotGM;
    mes "Welcome, I can set WoE times for you";
    mes "Simply follow the intruction given in each section after this, and it should be set and ready to use";
    mes "[Woe Setter]";
    mes "Now the fun starts";
    mes "Please select what you want to do";
    menu "Add a WoE time",L_Add,"Reset All WoE times",L_Reset,"View Current WoE times",-;
    mes "[Woe Setter]";
    mes "Ok currently you have WoE times set for:-";
    set @num,0;
    if($sday[@num] == 0 && $eday[@num] == 0 && $woetime[@num] == 0 && $woetime2[@num] == 0) goto L_LoopListEnd;
    if($sday[@num]==0) set $@tempday$,"Sunday";
    if($sday[@num]==1) set $@tempday$,"Monday";
    if($sday[@num]==2) set $@tempday$,"Tuesday";
    if($sday[@num]==3) set $@tempday$,"Wednesday";
    if($sday[@num]==4) set $@tempday$,"Thursday";
    if($sday[@num]==5) set $@tempday$,"Friday";
    if($sday[@num]==6) set $@tempday$,"Saturday";
    if($eday[@num]==0) set $@tempday2$,"Sunday";
    if($eday[@num]==1) set $@tempday2$,"Monday";
    if($eday[@num]==2) set $@tempday2$,"Tuesday";
    if($eday[@num]==3) set $@tempday2$,"Wednesday";
    if($eday[@num]==4) set $@tempday2$,"Thursday";
    if($eday[@num]==5) set $@tempday2$,"Friday";
    if($eday[@num]==6) set $@tempday2$,"Saturday";
    if($eday[@num]==$sday[@num]) mes $@tempday$+" from "+$woetime[@num]+":00 till "+$woetime2[@num]+":00";
    if($eday[@num]!=$sday[@num]) mes "From "+$@tempday$+" "+$woetime[@num]+":00 till "+$@tempday2$+" "+$woetime2[@num]+":00";
    set @num,@num+1;
    goto L_LoopList;
    set @num,0;
    if($sday[@num] == 0 && $eday[@num] == 0 && $woetime[@num] == 0 && $woetime2[@num] == 0) goto L_AddLoopEnd;
    set @num,@num+1;
    goto L_AddLoop;
    mes "[Woe Setter]";
    mes "What day do you want the WoE to start ^FF0000start^000000 in?";
    menu "Sunday",-,"Monday",-,"Tuesday",-,"Wednesday",-,"Thursday",-,"Friday",-,"Saturday",-;
    if(@menu==1) set $sday[@num],0;
    if(@menu==2) set $sday[@num],1;
    if(@menu==3) set $sday[@num],2;
    if(@menu==4) set $sday[@num],3;
    if(@menu==5) set $sday[@num],4;
    if(@menu==6) set $sday[@num],5;
    if(@menu==7) set $sday[@num],6;
    mes "[Woe Setter]";
    mes "Ok, now please enter the hour you wish the WoE to ^FF0000start^000000 at";
    mes "This is using a 24 hour clock";
    mes "00 = Midnight";
    mes "12 = Mid-day";
    mes "23 = 11pm";
    input @input;
    if (@input < 0 || @input > 24) goto L_BadNumber;
    set $woetime[@num],@input;
    mes "[Woe Setter]";
    mes "What day do you want the WoE to start ^FF0000finish^000000 in?";
    menu "Same as start",-,"Sunday",-,"Monday",-,"Tuesday",-,"Wednesday",-,"Thursday",-,"Friday",-,"Saturday",-;
    if(@menu==1) set $eday[@num],$sday[@num];
    if(@menu==2) set $eday[@num],0;
    if(@menu==3) set $eday[@num],1;
    if(@menu==4) set $eday[@num],2;
    if(@menu==5) set $eday[@num],3;
    if(@menu==6) set $eday[@num],4;
    if(@menu==7) set $eday[@num],5;
    if(@menu==8) set $eday[@num],6;
    mes "[Woe Setter]";
    mes "Ok, now please enter the hour you wish the WoE to ^FF0000finish^000000 at";
    mes "This also uses the 24 hour clock";
    mes "00 = Midnight";
    mes "12 = Mid-day";
    mes "23 = 11pm";
    input @input;
    if (@input < 0 || @input > 24) goto L_BadNumber;
    set $woetime2[@num],@input;
    mes "[Woe Setter]";
    mes "You WoE time has now been set";
    mes "To confirm this, ask me to show you the ^FF0000'View Current WoE times'^000000";
    mes "[Woe Setter]";
    mes "You are about to reset all the set WoE times you have created";
    mes "Are you sure?";
    menu "No, what was I thinking",L_No,"Yes I really want to do it",-;
    if(agitcheck()) goto L_WoEOn;
    deletearray $sday[0],200;
    deletearray $eday[0],200;
    deletearray $woetime[0],200;
    deletearray $woetime2[0],200;
    mes "[Woe Setter]";
    mes "They are all gone now, please remember to set new ones";
    mes "[Woe Setter]";
    mes "Sorry since there is a WoE in progress you cannot reset the WoE times";
    mes "[Woe Setter]";
    mes "Oh, good, come back whenever";
    mes "The current WoE times are :-";
    set @num,0;
    goto L_LoopList;
    mes "[Woe Setter]";
    mes "Sorry that was an invalid number, please try again";
    - script Agit_Event2 -1,{
    disablenpc "Agit_Event";
    // starting time check
    set $@num,0;
    if($sday[$@num] == 0 && $eday[$@num] == 0 && $woetime[$@num] == 0 && $woetime2[$@num] == 0) goto L_StartLoopEnd;
    if(gettime(4)==$sday[$@num] && gettime(3)>=$woetime[$@num] && (gettime(3)<$woetime2[$@num] || $sday[$@num]!=$eday[$@num])) goto L_Start;
    set $@num,$@num+1;
    goto L_StartLoop;
    // end time checks
    set $@num,0;
    if($eday[$@num] == 0 && $woetime[$@num] == 0 && $woetime2[$@num] == 0) end;
    if((gettime(4)==$eday[$@num]) && (gettime(3)==$woetime2[$@num])) goto L_End;
    set $@num,$@num+1;
    goto L_EndLoop;
    // Stop WoE
    if(!agitcheck()) end;
    Announce "The War Of Emperium is over!",bc_npc;
    // Start WoE
    if(agitcheck()) end;
    Announce "The War Of Emperium has begun!",bc_npc;




  3. /Gachapon NPC//
    prontera,156,196,5 script Gachapon Valkyrie#1 403,{
    //Items Available through Gachapon NPC//
    setarray .Items[0],7081,7075,7074,5075,501,520,521,522,523,525,526,528,529,530,2433,2424,2423,2291,2295,2289,2288,2299,19816,19820,19828,19824,19819,19816,19839,19825,19827,19830,19831,19832,19833,19836,19837,19839,19840,19843,19847,19848,19851,19852,7835,2261,2262,2263,2264,2265,2266;
    setarray .Items[1],7073,7090,20002,502,2423,2424,2423,2301,2302,2304,2305,2307,19801,19802,19806,19807,19812,19814,19891,19893,19896,19900,19897,19885,19871,19837,19861,19859,19891,19896,19810,19815,19834,19838,19850,19868,19879,19883,19887,19888,2287,2288,2289,2365,2366,2367,2368,2369,2370,2371,2381;
    setarray .Items[2],4008,503,2395,2396,2398,2399,4067,4075,4094,4098,4097,4100,4134,4147,4148,4144,4143,4142,4141,4139,4165,4145,4146,4138,4137,4135,4168,4169,4198,4200,4199,4174,4276,4302,4318,4346,4353,4342,4357,4360,4359,4356,4363,4361,4365,4366,4365,4367,4374,4375,4372,4386,4388,4389;
    setarray .Items[3],4008,504,4403,4404,4405,4406,4407,4408,4419,4420,4424,4425,4425,4425,4426,7837,7838,7830,12102,12103,12104,12105,12106,12107,12108,12110,12111,12112,12113,12114,12115,12116,12117,12118,12119,12120,12122,12123,12124,19803,19804,19808,19809,19811,19813,19817,19818,19821,19822;
    setarray .Items[4],4008,505,19845,19846,19849,19854,19860,19862,19866,19870,19872,19874,19876,19877,19878,19880,19881,19892,19884,19895,19898,19899,20000,20005,20006,20009,20008,20011,20017,20018,20019,20021,20023,20024,20028,7080,20030,20029,20039,20045,20046,20047,20048,20049,20051,20057,20058,20056;
    setarray .Items[5],4008,7082,7083,20090,20091,20092,20093,20094,20095,20097,20098,20099,20102,20104,20105,20108,20109,20110,20111,20112,20115,20116,20117,20119,20123,20125,20128,20130,20133,20134,20137,20140,20141,20142,20143,20147,20150,20151,20153,20154,20155,20156,20157,20158,20159,20174,20161;
    setarray .Items[6],4008,20169,20170,20171,20172,20177,20178,20179,20180,20184,20186,20187,20189,20190,20191,20199,20200,7086,7089,20202,20203,20205,20216,20217,20219,20221,20222,20224,20225,20226,20227,20233,20235,20236,20239,20240,20243,20245,7076,20249,20250,20251,20252,20254,20255,20257,20260;
    setarray .Items[7],4008,20284,20288,20290,20294,20296,20299,7079,7078,7092,7088,7091,20322,20323,20324,20325,20326,20327,20329,20330,20331,20332,20335,20336,20337,20343,20344,20346,20347,20349,20350,20352,20353,20354,20355,20359,20354,20369,20386,20387,20389,20388,20392,20391,20368,20395,20393;
    setarray .Items[8],7835,7836,7837,7838,7830,7831,7832,7833,7834,7080,7081,7082,7083,7084,7085,7086,7089,7075,7074,7073,7077,7076,7079,7078,7090,7092,7088,7091,20413,20414,20415,20416,20418,20419,20420,20423,20486,20487,20488,20489,20499,20501,20504,20505,20507,20510,20511,20514;
    setarray .Items[9],7835,7836,7837,7838,7830,7831,7832,7833,7834,20010,20012,20026,20041,20052,20053,20070,20080,20083,20085,20097,20100,20101,20103,20214,20149,20167,20106,20513,20535,20550,20558,20879,20884,20001,20002,20003,20004,20007,20013,20014,20015,20020,20022,20025,20027,20031,20032,20034,20035,20036;
    mes "[Gachapon Valkyrie]";
    mes "Hello, you can earn 1 random item of the following:";
    mes "God Item Ingredients, Rare Equipments, Cards, Wings or Junks if you give me the following items.";
    mes "1 Special Exchange Ticket";
    mes "Do you have the items?";
    switch(select("-Yes, i have them:-No, let me go fot them")) {
    case 1:
    mes "Alright, let's see...";
    if(countitem(6153) <1){
    mes "You don't have them, go for them and then comeback...";
    mes "Alright, seems like you have them, here you go, good luck!";
    set .Random, rand(getarraysize(.items));
    getitem .items[.Random], 1;
    delitem 6153,1;
    case 2:
    mes "Alright, good luck on the hunting.";


    Hi I really need help with this npc. so my players are using my gacha tickets and i notice they are only getting items at setarray. items[9]. How do i enable all the arrays to work perfectly fine and have over 300 items that can be obtained from a single npc? (random prize)


  4. Hi guys, basically I'm new and was thinking of implementing Wings in my server.


    I need a simple NPC that requires +10 equipment (Hat,Armor,Garment,Shoe) and 500m for a Wing.


    Help anybody?

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