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Posts posted by Klementine69

  1. It doesn't even surprise me that he tried to blackmail you.
    I had also a kinda funny experience with both of the admins before you. The server was attacked by someone so there were always laggs and you couldn't play at all. I tried to log in, the day after that (I was just a player) and had to figure out my accounts were banned for no reason. Nobody told me anything abou why I was banned untill I contacted one of the Admins. Then he told me I had over 10 different IP's and thats why they banned me. They thought I would attack the server with some other friends. I told him that I dont even know how it was possible for me to get so many IP Adresses. I tried to talk to him and then he made a conference with the other admin. That was the point where they got aggressive and offensive.

    They started to verbaly abuse me and couldn't understand that it wasn't me who ddosed them.
    I blocked both of them after that and I don't even want to talk to them ever again.

    I think these people didn't make enough experience in live, to probably over think some of their actions. But I still hope that they will learn soon enough, that they can't play around with people like this and that there always will be consequenzes.



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